Botox contraindications and general information

Botox is a cosmetic product, which is a natural purified protein. He is able in small doses to relax overactive muscles, due to which wrinkles, shifted eyebrows are formed.

Botox appeared thanks to lengthy experiments and studies that were conducted in the early 20th century and were aimed at finding powerful biological weapons.

Botox suppresses the nerve impulse that is transmitted from the brain to the muscle. And so muscle contraction is blocked, and blood circulation is not disturbed. The muscle becomes relaxed, and muscle tissue atrophy does not occur. The effect of the treatment provided by the drug is that the nutrition of epidermal cells is restored when the nerve impulse is suppressed. But it is important to know Botox contraindications.

This procedure lasts about fifteen minutes, it holds muscles that cause wrinkles for about six months. Botox is a simple, less aggressive, quick way to do a facelift. For patients from 25 years old, this procedure is best suited. People from 65 years old are better to do other procedures due to the fact that their wrinkles do not change, relaxing their face. All people are different. For those who want to get rid of wrinkles, it is best to go to a consultation with a highly qualified cosmetologist who will develop an individual treatment plan.

Botox contraindications. Full contraindications: the presence of hypersensitivity to type A botulinum toxin, intolerance to the drug, the presence of blood diseases (associated with poor coagulability: leukemia, hemolytic anemia, hemophilia, thalassemia, von Willebrand disease, lymphogranulomatosis; the presence of neuromuscular diseases (manifested in rapid muscle fatigue and weakness ), chronic lung diseases, endocrine system disorders, severe somatic diseases, prolapse of soft tissues. It is necessary to know botox contraindications.

Relative contraindications: for exacerbation of common diseases, they must first be cured; pregnancy, lactation; infectious, colds, inflammatory diseases; there should be no inflammatory infections; after surgical plastic surgery; after peeling, grinding the skin, as the skin becomes very sensitive, and the drug will only have a negative effect; the use of antibiotics (strong painkillers, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, relanium, erythrimycin, lincomycin, relanium, tetracycline).

There are people who are not sensitive to Botox, due to the presence of specific antibodies in the body. Before the procedure, the specialist makes a thorough examination. The cosmetologist conducts tests in order to identify any diseases in which Botox is contraindicated or they will affect the result of the injection. And then a decision is made whether Botox can be made.

How much is Botox. The cost of Botox injections is calculated by adding the prices for one unit of Botox. For example, if the price of one unit of Botox is 180 rubles, and the dose of the drug administered is from 15 to 30 units. That procedure will cost 6000 rubles. But only a doctor can determine how many units a patient needs. And three days after the procedure, the patient does not recognize his forehead, since it has become smooth.

Botox lips price. Botox does not enlarge the lips, it acts on facial wrinkles. The facial expression will be the same, and there will be no wrinkles. This procedure takes fifteen minutes. On average, the cost per unit is 300 rubles. Botox injections are necessary only in specialized well-known clinics, in which all the rules of hygiene and cleanliness are observed. Do not also trust the low prices, always check the availability of certificates and the shelf life of the drug.

Given all the Botox contraindications, you can make the right choice whether to inject this drug.

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