The meaning of the word "toil", or a game of imagination

Do you know those around you who cannot live a day without labor? They rest, doing some work. They are characterized by the so-called “Sunday syndrome”: headaches, nausea, even vomiting, which miraculously disappears on Monday. In addition to work, they are not interested in anything. Such people are constantly toiling around. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider the meaning of the word "toil".

meaning of the word toil

The meaning and origin of the word

The meaning of this word has a double meaning. Firstly, it is used if a person has to deal with some kind of material difficulties, that is, in poverty. Secondly, the word is appropriate when a person experiences a feeling of idleness. In this case, you can hear: "What are you toiling around." Also, the meaning of the word “toil” is defined as “to suffer”, “to experience the pangs of conscience for some reason” or “languish in anticipation of something”. Moreover, a parallel can be drawn between the meaning of this word and the word “suffer”. As an example, we give such expressions as toil around idle, toil from boredom, toil with foolishness, toil with soul.

The origin of this word is directly related to religion. The Indians have such a concept as "Maya", which means illusion or appearance. Maya is called the source of suffering, and according to interpretations, the extreme forms of manifestation of maya are hallucinations that lead to a change in the “pictures” in the head of a often negative character. From here the word "toil" was formed. What does it mean to suffer.

the word toil


So, summing up a short summary of what has been said, we list the words that are synonyms for the word "toil". It is to languish, to languish, to be tormented, to be bored, to be timid, to suffer, to live in poverty, to roam, be harassed, exhausted, and crumble.

It is worth noting that the above words carry a different degree of coloring in relation to the meaning of the word "toil". For example, tormenting and fading are two completely different words. But for a certain situation, each of them can come up as a synonym for the word "toil".

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