Some tips on how to quickly remove bruises on your face

Situations are different, and tips on how to quickly remove bruises on the face may be needed not only for men who like to get into fights, but even for women. What if an urgent need to fix the appearance?

how to quickly remove bruises on your face
About the nature of the bruise

Where do bruises come from? It is worth noting that often people with weak blood vessels suffer from such a problem. In them, they can even burst by themselves, and bruises will form without any intervention. But most often a bruise appears after a bruise. As a result, the vessels burst under the site of the impact, a hematoma is formed, which gives a characteristic color.


Before you learn how to remove bruises from a blow, it is worth considering some features. So, in women, the bruises heal longer than in men (the fault is due to the thinner walls of the blood vessels). By the way, the average time the body heals the resulting injury is about two weeks. During this time, the bruise can change color from dark blue to green-yellow. An interesting fact is that the lower the blow to the body, the longer this place will heal. So, hematomas on the legs will heal much longer than bruises, for example, on the hands.

how to remove a bruise on your face

Now it’s worth considering a few simple but effective ways to quickly remove bruises on your face. And the first thing to do after a bruise is to attach any cold object to the affected areas. Ideally, this is ice (before using it, it is necessary to wrap it in something - in a towel, rag, in order to avoid frostbite on the face tissues). The thing is that under the influence of cold, human blood vessels contract, and such an undesirable hemorrhage may simply not occur.


Interestingly, there is a way to quickly remove bruises on the face, not only with the help of the cold, but also with the help of heat. But you can use these recommendations only 24 hours after a bruise, it is highly undesirable to warm fresh swelling. To do this, you can use a towel moistened with warm water, heated salt or sand. This method is good because in a shorter time it will help hematomas resolve, and the tissues will soon return to normal.

how to remove bruises from a blow
Grandma's box

You can also ask grandmothers about how to quickly remove bruises on your face, because there are a huge number of folk remedies that can help after a bruise. Probably, everyone knows that in this situation the iodine grid helps a lot. It is better to apply it immediately after using the cold. Over night, such a pattern on the face will completely pass, because iodine is perfectly absorbed by the body. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation and promotes the rapid healing of the impact site. You can also make a bandage from a leaf of cabbage. Previously, it is better to beat off with a hammer and slightly cut, in order to get cabbage juice. You need to bind the sheet to the hit place for a certain time, preferably at night.

As easy as pie

But the easiest and most effective way to remove a bruise on your face is to go to the pharmacy and buy one of the remedies offered there. Most often these are gels or ointments, which in the shortest possible time help get rid of the hematoma, as well as possible edema. They also act perfectly on tissues affected by impact.

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