In order for garden and garden plants to develop well and give a large and stable crop, they need to be fed periodically. Organic fertilizers are often used for this purpose. There are several varieties of such dressings. One of the best, according to gardeners, is rabbit manure. It contains much more useful substances for plants than even horse and cow. But of course, it should be used correctly on the beds in the garden.
Rabbit manure as a fertilizer: gardeners reviews
The usefulness of this organic matter by the owners of gardens has been noticed for a very long time. For plant nutrition, such manure is used in all countries of the world. Crop farmers and gardeners growing garden plants even call it "rabbit gold."
The advantages of such manure include:
The presence of a huge amount of nutrients. For example, it was estimated by farmers that 100 kg of simple rabbit manure could well replace three three-kilogram packs of different types of mineral fertilizers at once: ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium salt.
Lack of viable seeds. Rabbits eat mostly only the stems and leaves of plants. Therefore, even the unspoiled manure of these animals cannot cause the spread of weeds in the garden.
The ability to soften soils. Even loamy and clayy soils after three years of rabbit manure are loose and fluffy.
Possibility of making high-quality compost. Along with rabbit manure, urine-soaked straw from cells is also commonly used. Thanks to this, the finished compost has simply unique characteristics.
Disadvantages of rabbit manure
Thus, rabbit manure as a fertilizer, the reviews of gardeners deserved just excellent. The disadvantages of using this type of organics are practically nonexistent. Experienced farmers are not advised to use it only in pure form. Using rabbit manure can cause burns on parts of plants.
From all of the above, it is not difficult to draw one simple conclusion. The answer to the question of novice gardeners, often found on the network, about whether rabbit manure can be used as fertilizer is simple: itβs not only possible, but also necessary. However, exclusively in a processed form.
Ways to use
Of course, due to the availability of summer residents to fertilize plants, cow manure is most often used in the garden. Rabbits are small animals and do not eat too much. Therefore, a very large amount of manure cannot be obtained from them. Therefore, its summer residents use it mainly only for some plants that have suffered a disease (for support), for those from whom they want to get the best harvest, etc.
Compost can actually be applied in several ways:
in dry form;
as a humus;
in the form of compost;
in the form of slurry.
Gardeners reviews on dry use
Rabbit manure is the only kind of organics that can be used in this way. In this case, the pellets are first dried in the sun and then thoroughly ground. The resulting powder is mixed with soil in a proportion of 1x3. Especially good reviews of such a tool are available for lovers of indoor flowers. This fertilizer is usually added to the soil when planting plants. In this case, the flowers later grow better and do not get sick.
Use as compost
Thus, rabbit manure, according to summer residents, should be processed if necessary, adding good organic matter (albeit in small quantities) throughout the entire garden area. To make compost, βspoolsβ with straw from cells are used. Horse or cow dung is also added to the mass. You can toss and heap food waste. Compost manure should be in the shade. A good solution, for example, would be to choose a place for him under the tree.
The site (about 2x2 meters) needs to be cleaned of weeds, bushes, thick roots of plants and remove a layer of earth from it on a bayonet shovel. Further, a peat layer is laid at the bottom of the resulting pit. It will be enough 20 cm. This is necessary so that the nutrients from the heap do not leak into the soil. Instead of peat, you can use straw or dry foliage. Actually, the components of the future fertilizer themselves should be folded in layers in any order. During composting, make sure that the heap does not dry out. On hot days, you need to water it and shovel it.
The use of rabbit manure in the form of compost is possible both in autumn - for digging, and in spring - just before planting. It is allowed to bring it under fruit trees, and in beds with vegetable crops.
Reviews on the use of humus
It is this tool in most cases, gardeners and called "rabbit gold." Preparing humus is somewhat more difficult than compost, but it is even possible in a small suburban area. They make this organic fertilizer using a large number of earthworms. The latter are sometimes even cultivated for this separately. However, propagating worms in the country is, of course, problematic.
Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised not to wait until the heap is processed completely, but simply to prepare a compost-humus mixture. To do this, dig up more worms and run them in a bunch. As soon as they process the bottom layer of compost, the mass must be mixed and applied as a fertilizer.
How to use rabbit slurry as a slurry
On the beneficial properties of this variety of top dressing, reviews from gardeners are also excellent. Praised him mainly for speed. To prepare the nutrient liquid, a bucket of manure is poured with 10-15 buckets of water (possible in a barrel). It is necessary to insist on such a fertilizer for a week. Cow or food leftovers can be added to rabbit dung. In this case, use more water. Experienced gardeners consider the fertilizer obtained in this way to be most useful for fruit trees and berry bushes. But of course, you can use it for garden plants on the beds.
What crops to feed
Rabbit manure, the use of which can significantly increase the yield of vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, can be used for any garden and garden plants. However, judging by the reviews of summer residents, the greatest effect of such top dressing can be obtained on stone fruit crops. If the owner of a suburban area will make 7-10 kg of such fertilizer for each fruit tree (plum, cherry, etc.), he will be able to significantly increase productivity.
In addition to stone fruit, raspberries respond very well to rabbit manure. By applying such fertilizer in the amount of 3 kg per meter of a row of this shrub, it is possible to increase the yield, as many gardeners believe, by almost half. Manure should be applied under raspberries carefully. The fact is that her roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, it is best for organics to sprinkle organic matter on top - along the rows, and then deepen it with a rake. You can also just shed raspberries, prepared according to the above technology, liquid means.