Clay treatment - strengthening and healing the whole body

Since ancient times, clay is one of the most valuable minerals. It was used for the manufacture of dishes, various household items, as well as in the construction of housing. But most of all, clay treatment was popular. Currently, these raw materials are also used for therapeutic purposes. Moreover, it is widespread not only in folk, but also in scientific medicine.

For the treatment, various grades of clay are used, each of which has certain useful elements in its composition. So, red contains potassium and iron, blue contains cadmium and cobalt, yellow contains sulfur and sodium, and black contains carbon and iron.

Beneficial features

This natural component contains a large number of trace elements and mineral salts, perfectly absorbed by the human body. In addition, clay has the ability to absorb toxins, provide antitumor, antibacterial, cleansing and enveloping effects.

This natural product normalizes metabolism and enhances the effects of other types of therapy. That is why clay treatment is recommended in conjunction with other medical procedures. The range of ailments in which clay is used is very large. So, it successfully treats diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, joint pain, the effects of various injuries (dislocations, sprains). With some infectious (tonsillitis, bronchitis) and chronic diseases (paresis, bronchial asthma) this therapy is also very effective. There is even an opinion that clay treatment harmonizes the human biofield.


Clay is used not only for external use, but also for internal use. In connection with these, there are various ways of preparing medicines from this rock. Initially (regardless of the method of use), clay is thoroughly dried in the sun or near any source of heat. Large pieces are broken, and then carefully sieved through a sieve, cleaning the product from stones and various impurities. Then the clay is poured into an open glass dish and poured with clean fresh water, after a couple of hours the mixture is stirred with a wooden stick. In this form, the natural component can be stored for a long time if periodically exposed to the sun. As necessary, powder, solution or โ€œcakesโ€ are produced from the preform.

Clay Joint Treatment

In case of joint disease, applications are most often used. For this, a โ€œcakeโ€ is made from natural raw materials: dry clay powder is poured with warm water until a thick consistency is obtained. Then, the obtained raw materials are spread on a damp cotton fabric and applied with clay side to a sore joint. The bandage fixed with a bandage is left for about an hour. After this, the joint is wrapped in warm wool.

Clay treatment in the form of grinding is also used. To do this, the clay powder is mixed with massage oil until a creamy texture is obtained. The finished mixture is rubbed into the sore joint, after which a warm dressing is also applied for one hour. Often, with such procedures, a person may experience pain. This is a completely normal phenomenon, manifesting itself only temporarily.

Clay treatment: contraindications

Clay is an absolutely harmless substance, only in rare cases capable of causing allergic reactions. However, it should not be considered a panacea: clay can not cure serious ailments, such as oncology or tuberculosis. In addition, it is not recommended to use it during an exacerbation of diseases. Such therapy is unlikely to bring the desired effect, but the precious time will be irretrievably lost.

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