We make a commercial offer: examples of successful design

Whether you are a budding entrepreneur, who is "his own director, accountant and manager" or an employee, whether you run a large company or perform services alone, you can not do without such a document as a commercial offer.

commercial offer examples

Examples of successful decisions in its compilation and common errors, we will try to briefly state you.

Without a piece of paper you ...

It is no secret that many of us do not like, even openly hate "clerical fuss" with documents. It seems to us that this is a waste of time, because you can find out everything by phone or in person. But how many times in response to a call to any company to which you would like to sell goods or services, have you heard: "Please send a commercial offer"?

commercial proposal examples
Examples of such answers are a fairly common occurrence. But only one who is completely unaware of the principles of business etiquette can take this with hostility. In fact, this is what a competent entrepreneur does, respecting his own and other people's time. He does not need to listen to your trained eloquence and engage in pointless discussion. Only when he has a document in his hands, called a commercial proposal (examples of design can be taken even from the usual Word Office), perhaps there will be common ground, and mutually beneficial cooperation will begin.

Graphics and style

These are the necessary conditions that must be met so that your offer is noticed and not thrown into the trash. What about the design? A well-prepared commercial offer (examples of documents from reputable companies - proof of this) should look restrained and elegant. What does it mean? Do not overdo it with the background, with excessive graphics. No matter how beautiful the pictures or photographs may seem to you, the logo and one or two product images (if necessary) are enough on the offer. The text should look neat. Allocations are acceptable, lists too, but variegation is undesirable. Focus on one font and a maximum of two to three colors. What about the style of presentation and content? Not every employee can be entrusted with the preparation of a commercial proposal. Examples of how a poorly written document (with errors, carelessly) damaged a company's reputation are not uncommon. Think for yourself: would you like to collaborate with a company that has semi-literate managers?

Check seven times

As for the content, there are special recommendations on how to write a commercial proposal.

how to write a quotation example
An example of a successful proposal for each business will be its own, but the general principles are the same. Without fail, the address and contact details should be indicated in the "header" and in the "footer" of the document. Without them, the commercial offer does not look serious. The length of the document is no more than 1-2 pages. In the first paragraph, you must introduce yourself and name the subject (service, product), which will be discussed. Prices do not always indicate, but if the offer concerns a specific product, then their presence (or at least a range) will allow a potential buyer to immediately assess whether he is interested in working with you. It is advisable to describe at least two or three phrases why it is worth working with you: arguments in order to select exactly your offer. Examples of successful slogan formulations that can be included: "We do not promise, we do" or "Quality above all." Other arguments may include flexible pricing, international service, a rich assortment, and highly qualified staff. Check the document several times both in terms of content and after the final graphic design. Do not promise the impossible; do not overdo it with self-praise. A commercial proposal drawn up with restraint and substance is best perceived. I wish you success!

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