Actor Sergey Zharkov: biography, filmography, personal life

Actor Sergei Zharkov is a person who likes to constantly surprise the audience. He easily changes his role, appearing before the public either in the image of a romantic lover or in the role of a bandit. Lyceum rarely resorted to the help of stuntmen, preferring to perform complex tricks on their own. “Ugly Love”, “Claw from Mauritania”, “Plague” - the most popular films and series with his participation. What else is known about him?

Actor Sergei Zharkov: biography of a star

The artist’s hometown is St. Petersburg, where he was born in August 1979. Actor Sergei Zharkov claims to be a naughty child, constantly making parents worry. He paid little attention to lessons, preferring to spend time outdoors with friends. To complicate the situation, the area in which the boy grew up was notorious. It is possible that this was what made him seriously engage in boxing.

actor sergey zharkov

After school, the future actor Sergei Zharkov became a student at the Derzhavin International Slavic Institute, choosing a theater faculty. Studying helped him to change his priorities, to realize what was really important for him, to acquire a goal. The star is especially grateful to his teacher Ivan Moskvin-Tarhanov , who helped the novice artist to show his talent.

First successes

After graduation, actor Sergei Zharkov joined the creative team of the theater "On Pokrovka." However, he remained a member of the troupe for only a year, since he was not offered interesting roles. Leaving the theater, the young man began to collaborate with the theater agency Apeksimova. This allowed him to participate in the entreprise of many sensational productions: “Carmen”, “Lady with Camellias”.

sergey zharkov actor personal life

“Detective with a bad character” is a television project that has become a debut for a novice actor. In this series, Sergey embodied the image of a biker. It was then that he showed that he was able to independently perform complex tricks, abandoning stuntmen. Zharkov agreed to anything, for example, falling off a motorcycle for the sake of a spectacular scene. Then followed the role in the popular television project “Dasha Vasilyeva. A lover of private investigation. " Filming in this series allowed Sergey to watch the game of stars of domestic cinema, his colleagues became Sterzhakov, Sotnikova, Udovichenko.

Bandits and Romance

Sergey Zharkov is an actor whose filmography contains many paintings and television projects in which he plays law enforcement officers or criminals. For example, you can recall the "Secret Weapon", "The Death of the Empire", "Marines", "Outpost", "Under the shower of bullets."

sergey zharkov actor wife

Nevertheless, Sergey refuses to consider himself an artist who has a clearly defined role. From time to time, the lyceum shockes the audience, trying on the most unexpected images. For example, in 2013, the melodrama “Ugly Love” was presented to the audience. In this project, Sergei brilliantly played a romantic lover.

What else to see

Sergei loves to experiment, but most often he still plays strong, adamant and courageous people, confidently moving towards their goal. It was these images that the actor created in the series Fern Flower, Between Two Lights, Claw from Mauritania.

sergey zharkov actor filmography

Perhaps “Plague” is the most popular television project to date, in which Sergey Zharkov starred. The actor, whose personal life and biography are considered in this article, embodied in this series the image of the operative officer Chumov. Critics and spectators were delighted with his emotional play.

It should also be noted that by the age of 37 the artist managed to play in more than 60 films and television projects. Of course, Zharkov does not plan to stop there, promises to constantly surprise fans with new roles.

Life behind the scenes

Sergey Zharkov is an actor whose wife is not a public person. Everything that one way or another concerns his personal life, the artist painstakingly hides from journalists and fans. It is not surprising that many legends go about him, most of which have nothing to do with reality.

We can only say for sure that Zharkov has been legally married for many years and does not plan to get divorced, has two children. The birth of the youngest son, who was born in 2015, coincided in time with the demonstration of the premiere series of "Plague".

Protecting his family from the excessive attention of journalists, Sergei, however, does not refuse to talk about his hobbies, which he has a lot of. The actor likes to relax actively, in his free time he enjoys playing basketball with his friends, and is engaged in horse riding. His hobbies include dancing, Zharkov likes to study various styles - from step to waltz. It is impossible not to mention that the actor has a great voice, so he sings with pleasure. Sergey is engaged in singing not only in his free time, sometimes he does it in theatrical productions.

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