Tracheal intubation: when time goes by seconds ...

Emergency conditions of the body, when resuscitation should be taken as soon as possible, require clear action by medical personnel. Resuscitation methods are chosen specifically on the spot, depending on the specifics of the lesion, the severity of the patient's condition and the ability to take the necessary measures immediately.

One of these resuscitation methods is tracheal intubation. Indications for tracheal intubation:

ü impossibility of ventilation of the lungs by alternative methods; resistance from other organs and tissues (for example, it is rather difficult to ventilate the lungs in pregnant women with toxicosis, in people with obesity in the sternum);

ü the presence of multiple damage to the ribs;

ü getting into the trachea and bronchi of the vomit, the presence of viscous sputum in large quantities, filling the oral cavity with blood;

ü the impossibility of resuscitation of the heart within clinical death (up to six minutes);

ü need for an open heart massage;

ü further transportation of the patient to a medical institution for resuscitation.

Also in resuscitation there are a number of contraindications when tracheal intubation cannot be used because of a threat to the patient's life and health. Do not intubate with injuries of the spine in the cervical region, in the presence of deep wounds of the neck, tumors, edema, restriction of mobility of the temporomandibular joint.

Tracheal intubation, the technique for performing the procedure must be strictly observed and carried out only by medical personnel, since improper installation of the endotracheal tube can lead to serious damage.

An intubation device is a tube that is designed to provide ventilation of the lungs by restoring airway patency. The same tube also serves to release the respiratory tract from sputum, vomit. An endotracheal tube is also used in anesthesiology - it carries out gas anesthesia.

Doctors intubate as follows: the victim is given a supine position, the head leans back as much as possible. Usually, a pillow is placed under the shoulders, if it is not there, they roll up clothes in the form of a roller in order to slightly raise the sternum. To control the introduction of the endotracheal tube, a laryngoscope is used. Usually, when the endotracheal tube is inserted, premedication is carried out - the introduction of drugs to ensure painless intubation and muscle relaxants that relax the muscles for the tube to enter the trachea. If the patient is in a thermal state or in a state of clinical death, then tracheal intubation is performed without observing such conditions. Often, tracheal intubation has to be done by epileptics - in this case, the oral cavity is unclenched and the necessary actions are performed.

The blade of the laryngoscope presses the epiglottis, thereby freeing access to further advancement. The root of the tongue is pushed aside and when showing the entrance to the larynx, an endotracheal tube is inserted there. The size of the tube varies, they are selected in advance, depending on the age of the patient.

If the procedure is done correctly, then when you blow air into the tube, you can hear noises in the lungs, movements of the chest are noticeable, the air comes back. To clear the airways with a thin tube, the contents are removed through the endotracheal tube.

Tracheal intubation is a very responsible resuscitation measure. If the patient is not intubated in time, then his situation worsens with every minute. At the same time, do not rush during intubation - the procedure should not cause injuries to the respiratory tract due to the haste of introducing the tube. Attempts to intubate should be used no longer than three minutes - otherwise it is worth trying artificial ventilation.

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