40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg: reviews about doctors, a list of things. How to get to 40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg?

The choice of a maternity hospital is one of the main tasks of future parents. It should be located near the home, equipped with medical equipment used in various pathological cases during pregnancy. And, of course, employees must be professionals. In every populated area there are several maternity hospitals, among which, after reading the reviews, visiting the institution, you can opt for a more suitable one. The city of Yekaterinburg is no exception. In the article we will talk about the maternity hospital number 40.

Location and contact information

40 maternity hospital Yekaterinburg
40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg) is located on the territory of the City Clinical Hospital No. 40. It, in turn, can be found at 189 Volgogradskaya Street. The help desk of the maternity hospital is open every day from 9 am to 7 pm, with a break for lunch from 14.00 to 15.00. You can call and find out any information by phone: 8-343-297-98-48. Reception is carried out around the clock, without a break. Entrance doors are equipped with an intercom system and open with a security control panel.

40 maternity hospital, Yekaterinburg. Branches

The institution contains several blocks. So, women can be sent to the Obstetric Department of Pregnancy Pathology No. 2. The hospital also provides assistance to the fair sex, who only recently learned that they will become a mother. These are sent for consultation at the Obstetric Department of Early Pregnancy Pathology. For other issues, doctors are taking in other blocks. For example, in the "Gynecological Department." The clan and postpartum departments operate around the clock. There are also blocks for newborns, their resuscitation.

How to get to the 40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg)?

40 maternity hospital yekaterinburg reviews
Ladies are admitted to the institution according to the directions of the doctors of the antenatal clinic, in cases when they are brought by ambulance workers, as well as under an agreement with an insurance company. Women are treated both with a normal pregnancy with a period of more than 36 weeks, and with pathologies ranging from 32 weeks. To get free medical care, you need to bring along a compulsory medical insurance policy, a passport of the Russian Federation, an exchange card, a referral from a women's consultation in the city, as well as a birth certificate.

Department of early pregnancy pathology (up to 24 weeks) and late pregnancy (from 32 weeks)

Many women choose 40 maternity hospitals for themselves. Yekaterinburg can boast of the presence of many such hospitals, but this is one of the best of its kind. It is a multi-story building. On the eighth tier is department No. 3, where women are observed in early pregnancy. The block is designed for thirty places. The head is a doctor of the highest category M.K. Kiseleva. Women are hospitalized in the department with the threat of termination of pregnancy for up to 24 weeks, with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, pyelonephritis, as well as with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after IVF. In this block, medical technology is applied, which involves the imposition of a circular seam. It is used only in two maternity hospitals of the city. Doctors of the department examine all pregnant women who are hospitalized with various types of extragenital disorders.

The late pregnancy department has 40 beds. The head is O. G. Selifanova. Pregnant women with different pathologies are taken in this block. For example, women who are diagnosed with diabetes, oncology, neurological diseases and so on. Such diagnostic methods as ultrasound, CT, Doppler, amnioscopy are used. Doctors working in the department conduct medical procedures before childbirth: the cervix is ​​prepared for opening using sticks of kelp or a catheter balloon and others. According to indications, a cesarean section and sterilization are performed.

Gynecological and postpartum department. Personal obstetrician service

The head of the first block is the obstetrician-gynecologist S.V. Shibanov. The department has a capacity of 60 seats and was founded in the 70s of the XX century. Pregnant women with various gynecological diseases are accepted. The postpartum department is already designed for 70 beds. The chambers are single and double. On one block - shower and toilet. There are eight separate rooms for one person with an individual toilet room. The department is headed by a doctor of the highest category T. P. Brykova. In the postpartum unit, laboratory tests, ultrasound are performed, antibiotic therapy, ultrasound treatment, suction washing, drainage are used, cosmetic sutures are applied . Physiotherapy is also prescribed to all women in labor who have given birth to large children, twins or to young mothers who have had a cesarean section.

40 maternity hospital, which Ekaterinburg can be proud of, oversees the Personal Obstetrician service. The service includes photography and filming in the discharge room, hospitalization in the wards of increased comfort for women waiting for a child from 37 weeks. The service offers beds in double rooms. To ask questions and make an appointment for any question, please call: 8-343-297-98-75.

Maternity Reminder

40 maternity hospital yekaterinburg list
The long-awaited time of the birth of a little man is suitable. Let's say you have chosen 40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg). What to bring with you? A prerequisite is the availability of all necessary documents. It is better to ask your doctor about all the necessary items that will be needed in the hospital, visiting the 40th hospital the day before. Ekaterinburg list offers things the same as other Russian cities. This list is standard: a bathrobe, a nightie, slippers, hygiene products (soap, toothbrush and paste, pads, hairbrushes), things for the newborn, documents. For kids they take a hat, socks, "scratches", diapers.

Clan branch

The head of the obstetric gynecological service is a doctor of the highest category - O. V. Butunov. Doctors of the 40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg) generally have the highest category, constantly improving their professional level. With the selected doctor, you can conclude a contract for childbirth, which can be either horizontal or vertical, as well as pregnancy management. Allowed the presence of husbands at the time of the birth of the child and even cohabitation with relatives in a separate postpartum ward.

childbirth in 40 maternity hospital Yekaterinburg
The head of the birth department is E. M. Fialko. The block is located on the third floor. It consists of seven individual maternity wards, in which there can be only one pregnant woman and her partner, and two operating rooms. Delivery at 40 maternity hospital - Yekaterinburg it can be called one of the best - they are performed using a cardiotocogram, ultrasound studies and argon plasma coagulation during cesarean section.

Institutional reviews

The opinion of women about maternity hospital No. 40, where their babies appeared, speaks rather controversially. Some say that the doctors present at the birth are rude and periodically raise their voices. Women note incorrect remarks made by the midwife regarding their inability to behave during the process. Other women in labor, on the contrary, described the friendly attitude of the staff, note their professionalism and patience. Repeatedly pointed out the appearance of unauthorized persons in the maternity ward, who could release comments during the birth.

list of things in 40 maternity hospital Ekaterinburg
Many reviews highlighted such advantages: the cleanliness of the rooms, daily change of linen and sheets. In single and double superior rooms, a shower and a toilet are located indoors. In wards for three people, amenities are located on the floor. There are sinks in every room. Also in the chambers there is a loudspeaker that informs you when you need to go to the procedure or to the dining room. This innovation, most women noted as a big plus in organizing the work of the hospital. Near each bed is a signal button for calling personnel. Delicious and varied food was noted.

Some girls gave birth not in the direction of the antenatal clinic, but due to the unexpectedness of the moment, they themselves came to the 40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg). The reviews confirmed the reliability in the reception in such cases. Women talk about the presence of a generic fitball and a comfortable bed - a transformer. For partner births, a man must have a sterile suit, replaceable clothes, shoes. Previously, he needs to do fluorography, take tests. After giving birth to single rooms, visits to relatives are allowed.

how to get to 40 maternity hospital Ekaterinburg
Women note the readiness of most staff to answer questions about caring for newborns, about the features of breastfeeding. Nurses tell and show young mothers how to properly attach babies to their breasts, how to swaddle, wash them, and so on. Many describe the attentive attitude of pediatricians to children, but there are also negative reviews on this issue. So, women write about the frequent absence of a nurse, who was supposed to be in a ward with premature babies. Also, untimely feeding of children and their hygienic examination was noted.


40 maternity hospital Yekaterinburg what to bring
The contradictory reviews are most likely associated with the work of different shifts of specialists. In addition, this is a consequence of the subjective perception of women in labor. So, one part of the women is happy with the help provided to her, the other recalls the exciting moment with unpleasant feelings. A total of 40 maternity hospitals (Yekaterinburg) It is distinguished by the professionalism of medical personnel, the equipment of necessary items and special equipment, a variety of services, the comfort and cleanliness of the rooms.

You can find out more about the work of the institution on the site of the clinic. List of things at 40 maternity hospital (Yekaterinburg) published there. Along with free services, there is a diverse list of paid ones, which can be found by calling the institution's help desk. Maternity hospital number 40 is open around the clock. At the beginning of labor, a woman will always be accepted and will provide the necessary assistance.

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