Who does not remember the torn knees in childhood and bruises on the legs? Few could boast of their absence. But if they began to arise even with the most insignificant touches or even without any physical effect on the skin, it is worth considering. Perhaps this begins its development of varicose veins.
This is a very serious disease. But do not worry, with the right integrated approach, you can get rid of it. So, if bruises on the legs for no reason appear more often, we begin to move more. This will prevent the formation of stagnation in the legs and significantly improve blood circulation. Refuse from public transport trips in favor of walking activities and try to forget about the elevator. The ideal option in this case would be regular sports, swimming, running, cycling, and in the winter - skiing.
Of course, a measure is needed in everything. Spending most of the day on your feet, cut out a few minutes to rest. You need to sit down and throw your legs as high as possible, thereby relaxing overstressed muscles and improving blood flow. Bruises on the legs require daily massage treatments. In order not to aggravate the situation, be sure to apply a moisturizing or healing cream before starting the massage. Using gentle strokes, massage the hips, moving to the knees, and then proceed to the lower leg. We start her massage from below, moving up. In conclusion, we perform an energetic massage of the foot and fingers.
When bruising occurs, you need to pay special attention to your wardrobe and shoes. Forever forget about stockings with tight elastic and golf. To replace them, we acquire special therapeutic tights with a compression effect. We remove high-heeled shoes and boats. A compromise is needed. A small heel of three to four centimeters will be an ideal option.
If bruises appear on your legs, do not do any warming procedures, do not visit the bathhouse and sauna. In such conditions, the veins begin to expand greatly, taking on additional strain. To wash your feet, use only cool water with a slight tonic effect. Try not to be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.
If bruises appear on the legs for no reason, it is worth using proven and effective folk recipes. Need Kalanchoe pinnate (houseplant). Its leaves should be washed, carefully chopped. We fill them with one half of a half-liter jar, and then fill it to the top with alcohol or ordinary vodka. If there is neither one nor the other, use cologne. We insist in a dark place for ten days, shaking the jar daily. Lubricate the legs before bed, starting from the bottom and moving up. Pain and all unpleasant sensations disappear after the first procedure. In difficult situations, treatment of bruises should be carried out until they disappear completely.
Get a collection of birch buds or leaves from the pharmacy and prepare an infusion from it. Pour one spoonful of the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. We drink with the addition of a spoonful of natural honey and apple cider vinegar. It is good to treat bruises with garlic. Thoroughly chopped and crushed garlic mass is mixed with butter in a one to two ratio, put it on all the problem areas, cover with parchment paper on top and fix the compress with a bandage. These manipulations are done before bedtime, and in the morning the mass is washed off with warm water. This is a very effective tool, after the application of which, you will forget about bruises that appear forever.
In difficult situations, the advice of an experienced specialist is recommended. Sometimes pregnant women or nursing mothers face a similar problem. As a rule, these are the consequences of stress and stress, which are childbirth. After some time, the body is fully restored and the bruises disappear.