Basic rules for feeding a mother who is breastfeeding
Loss of blood during childbirth, a decrease in hemoglobin, chronic lack of sleep, fear for the baby’s life and constant care for him directly deplete the woman, as a result, there are quite often cases when young mothers experience postpartum depression. The proper nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding will help restore the strength of the body and reduce stress. In principle, the meal should be the same as during pregnancy. However, recalling the basic rules will not be superfluous.
1. Eat only freshly cooked, not warmed food.
2. Prefer fresh vegetables and fruits.
3. Categorically refuse strong alcoholic drinks.
4. Eat at least 5-6 times a day.
5. Since what the mother ate appears in breast milk within 2-4 hours, special attention should be paid to the quality of the products.
6. Refuse food, the use of which has already caused an allergic reaction.
7. For the first six months, forget about foods that are on the list of "what you can’t eat while breastfeeding."
8. The daily diet of a nursing mother should be as wide as possible.
Eat on health!
Too strict a diet not only deprives the mother of strength, but can also harm the baby, because he should gradually get used to all kinds of food. Among what you can eat with breastfeeding, the most important are:
- dairy and sour-milk products, including yogurts, fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese;
- lean meat (it is better to give preference to veal, turkey, chicken);
- white varieties of fish;
- various cereals;
- bread in a small amount;
- biscuit cookies, marshmallows;
- apples, bananas, blackberries, zucchini, potatoes (the first 3 months a one-time intake of the mentioned foods is reduced to 100 grams per day, but the quantity can gradually be increased), carrots and some other berries, fruits, vegetables that do not cause allergies and digestive problems.
Good news for the sweet tooth: halva and white chocolate do not belong to the category of “what you can’t eat while breastfeeding”. This delicious mom can afford to feast on, but ... from the third month of her life.
What is better not to abuse?
Unfortunately, not all tasty foods are equally beneficial for the baby. Some of them can cause colic (cabbage), loose stools (blueberries) or, conversely, constipation (excess bread or potatoes). Given this, mothers should remember once and for all what they should not eat while breastfeeding. So, it is not recommended to use:
- smoked meats, canned goods;
- allergenic products: dark chocolate, honey, red fish and caviar, peanuts, etc .;
- mayonnaise, ketchup;
- cakes, pastries with creams;
- citrus fruits, strawberries;
- legumes, grapes, cabbage;
- The intake of eggs, sugar and nuts should also be limited.
Of course, it is difficult to say unequivocally what you can’t eat while breastfeeding, because each child is individual, and each organism perceives the same products in different ways. But in the case when the mother ate something that the baby will definitely react poorly, it is better to express milk and drink sorbents.
Nursing Mother Drinking
Although there is no direct relationship between the amount of water drunk (milk, stewed fruit, eaten soups, etc.) and the amount of milk arriving, a nursing woman is still advised to consume about 1.5 liters of fluid per day. In addition to plain water, you can drink tea from mint, fennel or chamomile. It will be appropriate to take black weak tea with milk, as well as compote from dried fruits, black currants, blackberries. Do not drink coffee, stewed plums, blueberries or cherries. Doctors allow nursing mother to take red wine, but not more than 150 ml per day. Naturally, after drinking the said drink, milk needs to be decanted, eat well and take sorbents.