What is the emblem and flag of France

Every self-respecting state has officially approved national symbols: flag, coat of arms and national anthem. France is no exception to this proud list. But few people know that the current emblem of the country still does not have an official status. That is, there are different options, but at the same time at the gates of the embassies you often will not see the coat of arms. After all, the final layout has not been approved by the State Parliament. But the flag and anthem have the official status of national symbols. Why did it happen? Probably because the anthem, coat of arms and flag of France have their own long and complicated history.

Flag of france

Coat of arms metamorphoses

The first emblem of the French king Clovis was a blue field dotted with heraldic gold lilies. This flower has traditionally been a symbol of the Virgin Mary, who, as the French monarchs believed, patronized the Merovingian dynasty. Subsequent rulers from the Kapeting clan and Valois in every possible way altered the coat of arms, adding to it their heraldic colors, symbols, and lilies. In the middle of the fourteenth century, the Roman Catholic Church imposed a belief in the trinity of God on the lands of the kingdom. Therefore, in the blue field there are only three “fleur de lis” (fleur de lis) - lily flowers. With the ascension to the throne of Henry the Fourth, the coat of arms changed again. Now he was supplemented by two angels. One of them held the old emblem of France, and the other - the coat of arms of the Duchy of Navarre. This symbol of the French monarchy lasted the longest - two hundred years. In 1789, it was replaced by the Napoleonic emblem - a golden eagle clutching in the claws of lightning against a blue background. About the same metamorphoses experienced and the flag of France.

France flag colors

The emblem of the country today

The current emblem of France is already the ninth in a row in its history. It was adopted in 1953, but so far its official status has not been confirmed. Maybe the French are already tired of endlessly developing and changing their coat of arms? One way or another, but one of the most common options is a pelt, in which on one side the head of a lion is depicted, and on the other - an eagle. In the center of this curlicue flaunts a monogram "RF", which means "Republic of France". The branches of oak and olive tree, which symbolize wisdom, stamina and peace, twine Pelt. In the middle of the intricate structure, canes (fascia) and an ax are seen, which personify justice. But can an ax symbolize justice in a country that has abolished the death penalty? The flag of France is more in line with the ideological values ​​of the Republic.

France flag photo

Golden toads and oriflamme Saint-Denis

The first king Clovis I everywhere carried a white cloth on which three golden toads flaunted. When he converted to Christianity, it was decided to change the oriflamme. The king chose another "livery" color - deep blue. Lily flowers that replaced amphibians also appeared on it. For centuries, the flag of France has repeatedly changed. There were centuries when the banner was red, generously decorated with red-yellow-blue roses. Sometimes the banner was a copy of the coat of arms deposited on matter - golden royal lilies on a blue background. And sometimes the royal army went into battle against the enemy with a white oriflamme, on which was written "Blessed Mary" and "Jesus Christ."

Coat of arms and flag of France

Modern flag of France

Unlike the coat of arms, this national symbol has an official status. It was formed during the French Revolution. Patriotic Parisians then wore the colors of their city on cockades - blue and red ribbons. After the victory, a white streak was added to them - as a sign of reconciliation. In 1814, they decided to exchange the banner with a milk-colored oriflamme. But since the white color of the French was associated with the royal family and the monarchy as a whole, after the June revolution, the country returned its tricolor. So what does the flag of France look like? The photo allows us to see it in detail. This is a rectangular panel divided by vertical stripes of equal width. The one on the pole is blue in the middle white, and on the free edge red.

What do the colors of the flag of France mean?

The combination of blue, red and white is not uncommon in heraldry. Exactly the same color set is on the flag of the Russian Federation, and on the banner of the Netherlands, and on the banner of Luxembourg. What is the difference between the “French tricolor” (Le drapeau tricolore) and others? In the Republic, both the number of stripes and their colors are of great importance. The number three symbolizes the three basic fundamental principles by which French society strives to live: freedom, equality and fraternity. The blue color refers to the myth of Martin of Tours. This saint cut off half of his cloak to give it to the beggar. Martin succeeded Saint-Denis and became considered the patron saint of France. White color is associated with the "Orleans Virgo" Joan of Arc, a national heroine. Red is traditionally a sign of blood shed by the people for freedom from invaders. Here is the symbolic meaning of these colors of the national flag.

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