Spanish "artist" movie - Medem Julio

Medem Julio is a Spanish director who is called the "artist of unreal reality." Since 1974, Medem appears in television shows and films not only as a director, but also as a screenwriter, editor and actor. The filmography of Julio Medem has about 60 works in one or another role.

julio meme

On the way to directing

Medem Julio was born in Spain in the city of San Sebastian. Passion for cinema began in childhood. The boy experimented with light using his father's amateur camera.

At the age of 14, Julio experienced his first love for a familiar girl. This feeling was not mutual, which caused the teenager to think about certain moments. For four years the guy was writing a script that the world never saw. But all these experiences prompted the young man to study the world of human psychology more deeply.

After studying at school, Julio Medem decided to become a psychiatrist and entered the medical university. At this time, the young man moonlighted in 2-3 print studios as a film critic. Hollio's vacation was an outlet: he could calmly do what he liked - to take pictures ...

Having received a medical degree, Medem began working in his specialty. However, after a few months, the young man realized that everyday communication with the mentally ill negatively affects his psyche. Then he decided to seriously engage in cinema. In his opinion, cinema also heals human souls, only on a larger scale.

Professional activity

The path to the director's chair began for a talented guy with various work in this area. He was an editor, and editor, and screenwriter. In parallel, he continued to shoot.

Julio Medem

In 1986, the short films of Julio Medem were noticed by experts, and the plot of β€œPaws on the Head” was awarded the prize of the international festival held in Bilbao. In less than a year, another short film, Exactly at Six, was featured by one well-known Spanish television channel.

In 1991, Medem's script was approved for filming. As a result, a year later, Julio's debut film "Cows" was released. The picture was praised by critics. Many were shocked by the director's wit and accuracy, with which he conveyed the story of two Basque families through the eyes of intelligent animals.

The painting immediately received the Goya Prize. She has also been featured at film festivals in Turin, Montreal and Tokyo.

Great movie

On the crest of success in 1993, another film was released - "Red Squirrel." Medem Julio does not abandon his ideas and again uses animals for allegorical narratives. And again success! The picture was marked by many prizes, the main of which is the prize in Cannes according to the youth jury.

At that moment, people wishing to work with Julio Medem appeared in Hollywood. Stanley Kubrick recommended inviting the Spaniard to work on the Zorro Mask project. But the prospect of exchanging his own vision of the world for Hollywood "masterpieces" did not attract the director.

In the next picture β€œEarth”, the main character is an Angel who comes to our world to cleanse him of evil. For this role, Julio Medem invited Antonio Banderas. But the actor was unable to come due to employment in Hollywood, and the director approved Carmelo Gomez.

Julio Medem movies

The most significant works

1998 was marked by the release of the painting "Lovers of the Arctic Circle". This dramatic love story truly touched the hearts of many viewers. The film received its well-deserved prizes and was purchased for rental outside of Spain.

In 2001, Julio Medem suffered a grief - his sister Anna died in a car accident. After 6 years, the picture "Restless Anna" about the life of a young artist was released. The painting used canvases sister Medem.

"Room in Rome" just won the jury of the film festival in Malaga in 2010. The director himself was not particularly happy. He claimed to have made a film between business, from boredom.

Medem Julio considers the painting β€œMa Ma” to be the most successful and difficult work. This is the story of one woman - Magda, who, dying, gives life to her daughter from her beloved man.

julio medem filmography

The main role in the film was played by compatriot Medem - Penelope Cruz. She is also a producer and received the prize of the Spanish National Film Association in 2016.

That's the way he is, Julio Medem. His filmography includes a few paintings. But each of them is a whole world of inner experiences, introspection and conflicting actions. The director is rightly called the healer of human souls, because his paintings carry hope and love.

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