How to quickly pump up a girl at home?

A beautiful press improves the image of every girl. The figure becomes more toned and graceful. A beautiful press indicates not only that the girl is seriously involved in sports, but also that it is very important for her to have good health. With the help of this article you can get acquainted with various exercises for the development of the press.

What is a press?

belly press

Few people think about what is included in the concept of "press". In fact, a muscle complex is called a press, which includes:

  • rectus abdominis muscle;
  • external oblique muscles;
  • internal oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  • transverse muscle.

All of them perform the main function - the rapprochement of the upper body with the lower.

Misconceptions about the press

Quite often, among girls engaged in gymnastics, you can hear that you need to do exercises to develop the lower and upper press.

But this information is absolutely incorrect, since with any exercise on the press, the rectus abdominis muscle, which is most often trained, strains along its entire length, and various variations of the exercises cannot develop a specific place in the muscle.

The press is a complex of various muscles. It is extremely difficult to train only one muscle by performing isolation exercises. Therefore, all exercises that are intended for the abdominal muscles can be safely called complex.

Press and Fat Burning

excess weight

Most often, the problem of many women is overweight on the hips and waist. There is no secret in this, as women have a genetic predisposition to gaining excess fat in these areas.

It will be a mistake to consider that using exercises on the press can burn excess fat in the abdomen. Fat is not burned locally. It disappears slowly from all places.

In this case, indeed, there are areas of the body from which he leaves faster. Therefore, by loading the press, you can lose a few centimeters of volume in your hands without losing anything in the waist area.

photo slimming

This feature of the body nullifies all the recommendations for hours of training only one area of ​​the body. With any active action, having a calorie deficit, you will lose weight from the whole body or from those places that are genetically predisposed to faster fat loss.

Ways to pump the press

Girls with more voluminous forms often try to learn how to quickly pump up the press. They can view hundreds of articles and videos on the Internet, motivate themselves with quotes of outstanding athletes, but often abandon training in the early stages.

Why is this happening? The answer lies in their approach to training. Excess body fat is accumulated throughout life. Year after year, the body stocks up surpluses in order to use them in extreme situations when access to food will be limited.

A motivated girl hopes that it is enough to devote a small amount of time to classes to adjust her figure. But days and weeks pass, and the result does not suit her. As a result, she is upset, because she does not succeed in quickly pumping up the press, and throws the workout.

It is worth noting that in the public mind the phrase “pump up the press” means both a decrease in the volume of the waist and the creation of a powerful muscle corset in the abdomen. Therefore, it will be described below in more detail about how to make muscles stronger.

Building muscle corset

Not every girl will agree to enroll in a gym in order to develop her abdominal muscles. Therefore, many are trying to practice at home and are persistently looking for information on how to quickly pump up the press at home.

The fact is that classes at home require even more concentration and return than in the gym. For many, a home is associated with comfort, coziness and relaxation, and exercise is impossible without following the plan exactly.

Since the press cannot be pumped up quickly, one should be patient, because in ordinary life girls do not give a big load on the abdominal muscles, so they will have to be stimulated gradually. Weak abdominal muscles (any muscles in the abdomen) can easily be injured by sudden movements, so the following exercises must be performed at an average pace.

Basic exercises to create a beautiful belly :

  • twisting;
  • side twists;
  • pulling the legs to the chest while lying down;
  • raising legs in the hanger;
  • traction of the upper block;
  • twisting in the simulator.

How to quickly pump up the press at home using these exercises? In most cases, to do it yourself without using additional devices and simulators, only the first three exercises are suitable for you.

They are basic, affecting the maximum number of muscle fibers in the abdominal muscles.

Doing exercises for the press

Being engaged in a systematic way, you can accelerate the growth of muscle tissue and quickly pump up the press at home. Girls who decide on such exercises are advised to purchase a fitness mat. It does not take up much space and allows you to perform exercises on almost any flat surface.

To perform twisting, you need to follow a few simple points:

  • lie on your back with your knees bent slightly;
  • place your hands on your chest or lock in a lock behind your head;
  • to compress the press, "twisting" in the direction of the pelvic area;
  • slowly return to starting position.

It is important to remember that the entire body should not be lifted when performing this exercise. If the entire part of the body from the back to the head is above floor level, then such an exercise is not correctly performed. An example of correct execution is shown in the picture below.

twisting on a press

Doing this exercise, you need to imagine that you want to curl up, but you should stop moving as soon as the lower back begins to rise above the floor. At this point, the load on the lumbar increases many times, increasing the risk of injury from performing this exercise.

Lateral twists are performed in almost the same way as regular twists with a change in the third paragraph. At the beginning of the compression of the abdominal muscles and twisting, you need to turn the body about 30 degrees to the left or right. Thus, both the rectus and oblique muscles of the press will be worked out. Then you need to relax the muscles, returning to its original position.

Another way to quickly pump up the abdominal press is to pull the legs to the chest while lying down.

leg lift

The algorithm of the exercise:

  • it is necessary to lie flat on your back without bending your legs at the knees;
  • place your hands on your chest, on the floor or lock in a lock behind your head;
  • smoothly, without jerking, start lifting the legs, bending them at the knees, towards the chest;
  • stop movement when the lower back rises to a distance of about 10 centimeters from the floor;
  • return to starting position.

It is important to remember that it is the smooth execution of the exercise that will give a tangible result and will quickly pump up the press at home. As mentioned earlier, following the training plan gives more tangible results, therefore, the effect of training will come only with responsible exercise every day or every other day.

Why does the press hurt after a workout?

The muscles of the press are rarely exposed to heavy loads throughout life. If a girl hasn’t been involved in sports all her life and for the first time has begun, then even after one exercise she can feel pain in the abdomen.

This need not be afraid, since the body simply sends a signal that it is not ready for such a load and the muscles are not hardy enough to pass this test without consequences.

If you have pain after doing the exercise, then you can stop it and complete the training so that the body can recover from an unusual load. Proceed to the next workout when the pain in the abdominal muscles decreases until you feel a slight pull.

Slow abs muscle growth

The female muscular corset is more miniature than that of men. This is due to biological processes, for example, the difference in the level of hormones in the body. You can’t quickly pump up the press for both men and women without significant effort, but men are much more helped by the main hormone that affects muscle growth - testosterone.

The male body releases more of this hormone, which contributes to the rapid growth of muscle tissue. Therefore, with the same efforts, the male body will achieve its goal faster.

But any woman involved in sports stimulates increased secretion of the hormone testosterone in her body, these indicators are insignificant and one should not be afraid of the appearance of a rough voice or male facial features, while the level of physical strength will increase.

How to accelerate the development of the press?

A gym with the necessary equipment will help girls quickly pump up the press in a week. In addition to standard exercises that can be performed at home, there are special simulators in the gym that will purposefully load the abdominal muscles.

In almost any fitness center, it is possible to perform additional exercises that will indirectly affect the development of the abdominal muscles.

But if, for one reason or another, you decide to study at home, then below are a few recommendations on how to quickly pump up a girl’s press at home.

The main assistant, supplementing the effect of the main exercises, is a sports hoop. Being engaged with him, it is possible to include internal abdominal muscles and muscles of a core in work.

The muscles of the cortex include about ten different muscles that perform a supporting function. Their development will give you an additional advantage in the development of the press.

muscle cortex

The most popular exercise that develops the muscles of the core is the bar. It must be included in the training complex, as it is impossible for the girls to pump up the press quickly, but it is quite possible to speed up this process.

The implementation of the "bar":

  • you need to rest your feet on the floor;
  • arms set shoulder width apart;
  • bend them at the elbows, resting on the floor with all the forearm;
  • straighten your back.

Since the “bar” is an isometric exercise, that is, the type of load when the muscles are held in a stable state for a long time, you should be in this position for as long as possible. This not only has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the press, but also strengthens the muscles of the core and makes you a more resilient person.

Features of the diet for the development of abs

In order for muscles to develop better, you should consume a certain amount of protein per day. For girls, this figure is about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

protein diet

If there is a lack of protein in the diet, then the body will strive to get its necessary amount from the muscles, then your classes will only do harm. Increased loads consume a lot of nutrients, the deficit of which must be replenished.

The main sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish, etc. Almost any animal protein contains 15-20% protein. With active training, it is recommended to take high-protein food, and if you can’t afford such a volume of food, you can use protein shakes.

Having included in the daily workout regime for the press, it should be borne in mind that food intake should occur about 2 hours before it, or within an hour after. So the body will work and recover much better.

How to quickly pump up the press?

This is not possible to do in a week. Minimum visible results appear after about a month of stable training. It was previously written that the process of muscle development is rather slow. But if you used to play any kind of sport, you can quickly restore your past form to an acceptable level.

slim girl

Muscular memory speeds up the recovery process. But if training is something new for you, then you should be patient.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the main points that will allow girls to develop abs muscles faster and even at home:

  • Stable training is needed.
  • Be sure to perform basic exercises.
  • It is advisable to carry out the "bar".
  • The diet should include foods high in protein.
  • If you experience pain at the beginning of training, you should reduce the load or increase the rest period between workouts.

If you follow these recommendations, you can achieve the result in the shortest possible time.

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