Fuel oil M-100. Petroleum products. Fuel oil

M-100 heating oil is, like bitumen, a product that is residual material from oil refining. It will be discussed in the article.

general information

At the moment, there are several different types of fuel oil brand. All of them are united by the fact that production is carried out in strict accordance with GOST 10585-2013. According to the same document, all types of this product have their own class, which is indicated by a Roman numeral from I to VII. This division into classes and the number assigned to them determines such a parameter as the calculated viscosity of this substance at a strictly defined temperature. The viscosity for fuel oil M-100 according to GOST is determined at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. The standardized value that is set by the document is 50.00 mm 2 / s. It is important to note that conditional viscosity is also determined for this type of product. The test temperature also remains 100 degrees, and the indicator changes by 6.80 degrees. In addition, the main difference between types of fuel oil is in the sulfur content, as well as in the calorific value. The most common types are fuel oil M-100 and M-40.

fuel oil m 100

Application and difference of fuel oil

The main differences between these two types are that they have different viscosity, which is considered one of the main technical parameters, as well as the presence of various additives contained in the fuel. Of these additives, we can distinguish the main - the middle distillate fraction. This substance is added to the M-40 brand, but it is not included in the composition of the M-100 fuel oil. This is one of the most important points, since the presence of this fraction changes the pour point. Thanks to this additive, for the M-40 brand this indicator is equal to 10 degrees Celsius, but in the M-100, where it is absent, this parameter is equal to 25 degrees Celsius.

Use and delivery of the substance

The main application of M-100 fuel oil: use as boiler fuel, as the main heat source in various heating systems. It is this type of product that is the main one used in such systems and units, and for this reason it is the most popular and widespread.

heating oil m 100

Delivery of fuel oil M-100 is possible using two types of transport. It can be special tank cars or bitumen semi-trailers. Some manufacturers of this product distribute it in metal barrels. This can only be justified for deliveries to small enterprises where small parties are required. On a global scale, the use of this kind of packaging is not practical.

Characteristics of fuel oil M-100

When purchasing this fuel, it is necessary to take into account several of its main operational characteristics:

  1. The first such characteristic was the conditional viscosity, which was mentioned above.
  2. Another important indicator is the ash content. By it is meant the presence of non-combustible substances in the fuel composition. This characteristic is determined as a percentage. Normal ash values ​​for flue products are from 0.05 to 0.14. If we recall the naval types, then for them this figure will be even less. Among the furnace, low-ash fuel oils M-100 and M-40 can be distinguished, the content of substances in which will be minimal, which indicates a good quality of the mixture.
  3. Another important operational characteristic is the content of the mass fraction of mechanical impurities in the composition of fuel oil. For furnace types, this parameter ranges from 0.10 to 1%. As in the case of ash, the navy again has a lower impurity content. The M-100 brand loses a lot in this respect.
  4. Mass fraction of water in flue products from 0.3 to 1%. It is important to understand that this substance has the property of being saturated with moisture, which greatly worsens its performance. Therefore, when buying, you should clarify the shelf life of the goods. Next is the mass fraction of sulfur, which is contained in an amount of from 0.5 to 3.5% in the composition of fuel oil. In this case, the most sulfur-containing composition has the brand M-100 type VII.
  5. Another parameter is the density of M-100 fuel oil. The maximum value for this brand is 1015 kg / m 3 . The determination of this indicator is carried out at a temperature of 20 degrees for low-sulfur, sulfur and high-sulfur.

fuel oil m 100 gost

Fuel oil properties

The main property of fuel oil is again its viscosity. Measure this indicator with a viscometer. The unit of measurement for this device is the nominal viscosity, which at 80 degrees Celsius for M-100 fuel oil is 15.5. This indicator is the largest among all mixtures. This parameter also defines most of the product properties:

  1. The M-100 brand is considered the most difficult transfused mixture. For this reason, special conditions must be created for transportation.
  2. The content of mechanical impurities in this product may be 25 times greater than that of other species. In percentage terms, this indicator reaches 2.5%, which is much higher than the figures for substances diluted with the middle fraction.
  3. The pour point of this mixture, that is, the moment when the fuel oil assumes a jelly-like state, starts at 25 degrees Celsius.
  4. One of the properties is the flash point. In other words, this is the temperature threshold to which fuel oil can be stored without fear of an explosion - 110 degrees.

fuel oil m 100 Price

GOST 10585-2013

GOST fuel oil M-100 establishes all regulatory rules for storage, transportation, use. It regulates the quality of the product, the rules for its acceptance, as well as safety measures for handling and storage of the substance.

If we talk about the danger of fuel oil, then it belongs to the 4th hazard class, that is, it is recognized as a low-hazard substance, the degree of influence of which on the human body is small. However, it is important to remember that this product is a furnace material, which means it is characterized by a self-ignition temperature of 350 degrees. The temperature threshold at which flame propagation will occur from 91 to 155 degrees. During combustion, explosive vapors will begin to form, the lower limit of which is 1.4%, and the upper limit is 8%.

If this mixture ignites, then in order to extinguish the flame, it is necessary to use the following substances: carbon dioxide, chemical foam, sprayed water, PSB-3 powder.

fuel oil m 100 characteristics


Since fuel oil has a harmful effect on the environment, some rules must be observed. One of the most important rules for protecting against the harmful effects of a mixture is its storage in sealed containers during operations such as production and transportation. It is also very important to observe the technological regime. Another important rule that must be observed during the production, transportation and storage of fuel oil is the exclusion of the possibility of this mixture getting into storm or domestic sewers. It is also necessary to eliminate any possibility of this product entering the soil or open water bodies, rivers, lakes, etc. The most important rule is to control the emission of vapors into the atmosphere during the production of fuel oil.

fuel oil density m 100

It is also worth noting that the price of M-100 fuel oil is most often offered per ton, since it is supplied to large facilities. The average cost of this product is 8,500 rubles per ton.

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