Outline of an extra-curricular event: topics and development

Today, a child spends a significant part of his time at school, but not all of it is devoted only to lessons. Teachers and parents strive to create an environment in which children can develop and discover their abilities. And the more interesting, exciting and informative this environment will be, the easier the student will be able to absorb new knowledge. Various types of extracurricular activities have great potential in this regard.

Extracurricular activities and GEF

In accordance with new educational standards, the familiar concept of “extracurricular activities” not only received the new name “extracurricular activities”, but also significantly changed its content. Now this is a mandatory component of the educational process, the task of which is the student’s comprehensive development, the identification of his abilities and inclinations. All schoolchildren are involved in this work, independently choosing the topic, based on their interests. The standards define several main areas:

  • spiritual and moral
  • cognitive (intellectual),
  • general cultural
  • sports
  • social.
technology project

The forms of conducting classes in these areas are so diverse that the outline of an extra-curricular event often resembles a full-fledged scenario. The following options have become traditional: thematic class hours, projects, excursions, meetings of research societies and thematic circles, socially significant events, forums, round tables, theater performances and many others.

Features of extracurricular activities

The specificity of extracurricular activities is that it is not characterized by strict regulation. It is based on the principle of student interest, suggesting an individual approach to organizing classes. Features of extracurricular practices:

  • voluntary participation (possible change of preferences, transfer to other groups);
  • the content is based on a study of the interests and needs of children and the opinions of parents;
  • the possibility of uniting students with different levels of training and a range of interests;
  • psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, a democratic style of interaction between children and teachers;
  • practical orientation of tasks and a creative approach;
  • maximum use of educational opportunities inside and outside the school;
  • lack of compulsory homework.

In preparing the outline of the open extracurricular activities, the teacher should also consider whether it will be thematic (within the framework of one problem) or integrated.

selection of circles

Extracurricular activities can be held both within the walls of the school (classrooms, game rooms, a museum, a library, a sports hall), and beyond (excursions, visits to exhibitions, theaters, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the organization of the space where the lesson takes place. There should not be extra items that distract attention, the furniture is arranged in such a way that children can freely communicate with the teacher and with each other.

Outline of extracurricular activities

The scenario of extracurricular events is created by the teacher taking into account the developmental and educational tasks. The main stages of preparation and conduct are reflected in the outline of the lesson extracurricular activities. The approximate structure of the abstract is as follows:

  • event theme;
  • age of students;
  • other participants (teachers, parents, specialists);
  • necessary materials and equipment;
  • target settings;
  • main tasks;
  • form and venue;
  • receptions and technologies which are supposed to be used;
  • venue design principles;
  • list of used literature.

Tasks are divided into educational, developmental and educational, formulated clearly in accordance with the stages of the event.

If the synopsis is more relevant to the reporting form of documentation, then the plan helps the teacher not to miss anything important. These may be the main points or a full script. When conducting an extra-curricular event, several stages are usually distinguished. Organizational moment, motivation and immersion in the problem, the main (solving tasks) and the final (summing up) parts.

Extracurricular activities outline: topics

In the new standards, special emphasis is placed on the need for the formation of universal student learning activities. This explains the peculiarity of organizing extracurricular activities, which are primarily aimed at ensuring that the child learns to think, make decisions, and act. The problems of such classes are very wide, and the theme of the plan-summary of extracurricular activities largely depends on the chosen direction of work and program.

extracurricular activities

So, the topics of events in the social and spiritual-moral areas of extracurricular activities can be associated with the creation of a family archive, a family tree, volunteer work, social tests, watching and discussing films of patriotic content, etc. Game and theatrical forms are also of great importance. Acquaintance with art and literature.

Classes within the framework of the intellectual direction are usually associated with in-depth study of school disciplines or are based on an interdisciplinary basis, helping children to see the interconnection of processes and phenomena.

Sports and recreational areas thematically can be confined to memorable dates and holidays.

Interdisciplinary extracurricular activities

In the modern school, interdisciplinary communications are receiving more and more attention. It is the understanding of such relationships that creates the basis for the formation of competencies, the willingness to apply knowledge in specific situations.

creative activity

Studying and understanding intersubject parallels in detail in the framework of a lesson can be difficult, and extra-curricular work comes to the rescue here. There are several options for constructing a plan-summary of extracurricular activities on an interdisciplinary basis.

  1. Conducting extracurricular activities related to different disciplines, taking into account common educational tasks, for example, environmental or patriotic.
  2. Integration of extracurricular activities in various subjects with the participation of several teachers. This may be a theatrical production, in the organization of which teachers of literature, history, and music are involved.
  3. Application of knowledge gained in one subject when conducting extra-curricular activities thematically related to another discipline.

Extracurricular activities for primary school students

When preparing a plan-summary of an extra-curricular event in primary school, in addition to the provisions of the GEF and the interests of students, the teacher must take into account the requirements of SanPiN and the psycho-physiological characteristics of children of this age.

Younger students are characterized by rapid fatigue, a tendency to prolonged static loads, difficulties in switching from one type of work to another. Therefore, when developing a plan-summary of an extra-curricular event, one should include more game activities, walks or excursions, as well as take into account the peculiarities of visual-figurative thinking of children.

at the master class

The educational organization independently chooses the time frame and areas of extracurricular activities, taking into account the interests of children, the wishes of parents, material and technical and personnel capabilities. The maximum allowable weekly load is 10 hours. Often such events are organized in extended-day groups. And if we are talking about a combination of training and developmental activities, then before self-training, outdoor games, walks, socially useful events should be organized, and after it - spectacular and emotional events (quizzes, games, concerts, presentations).

Basic school: features of extracurricular activities

If in the course of organizing extracurricular activities with younger schoolchildren, the main task is to reveal abilities, general cognitive and creative development, adaptation, then in the main school the emphasis is shifted. The formation of universal educational activities remains on the list of priorities, but teenage socialization and self-realization also come to the fore. Therefore, while maintaining the overall structure, the outline of the extracurricular activities in the 8th grade will differ significantly from the same development for elementary school, even if the direction of work is the same.

educational process

This is especially true for the choice of forms of work of students and the principles of their interaction. Preference here will be given to group and team work. For example, when developing a plan-summary of an extra-curricular event of grade 7 on the problems of etiquette and behavior in society, it is advisable to use the principle of dividing into teams and choosing a jury as the main technique.

The moment of competition and the need to work in a group on the overall result successfully affect the formation of communication and social skills. For competitive tasks it is better to select descriptions of real situations and oddities, use game elements.

Extracurricular activities as an educational resource in high school

The educational life of a modern high school student cannot be called simple. Heavy loads, preparation for passing the exam, additional classes, stress. And in this regard, it is important to avoid bias towards exclusively academic work, because the period of 16-18 years is extremely important for the personal development of the student. The importance of extracurricular activities in the educational process in high school is undeniable. In this case, the educational component should not be explicitly expressed, contrived or associated with moralizing.

Therefore, in the outline of an extra-curricular educational event for high school students, problematic situations in the form of cases can be described that provide children with the opportunity to reflect and draw their own conclusions. The solution to the problems discussed can be organized in the form of debate, a business game, preparation of a social action or project. Consultations of a school psychologist or a social educator, trainings that allow children to learn more about themselves, their aspirations, and learn to express their own emotions can be a good help in organizing educational events for high school students.

Sports and recreational area of ​​extracurricular activities

The problem of the level of physical fitness and health status of schoolchildren today is quite acute. Lack of activity, bad habits, lack of healthy lifestyle skills. Physical education lessons here may not be enough. It is extra-curricular work in this direction that allows you to develop interest in sports, to form a culture of maintaining and strengthening health.

sports activities

Drawing up abstract plans for extracurricular activities in physical education is an important area of ​​work for teachers of this discipline. Events can be held in one of the following forms:

  • days of health and sport;
  • classes in outdoor games and general physical education groups;
  • cool and school-wide competitions and “fun starts”;
  • hiking with elements of orienteering in the area;
  • physical-sports holidays with the involvement of families of schoolchildren;
  • classes in sports sections.

The development of language abilities outside the lesson

In the modern world, knowledge of at least one foreign language is becoming a necessity. And in order for the level of this knowledge to be sufficient, you need not only the study of rules and grammar, but also immersion in a situation of foreign language communication. The basis of extracurricular activities in a foreign language is its use as a means of communication in solving creative and cognitive tasks. When drawing up a plan-summary of an extra-curricular event in the English language, for example, it is taken into account that its tasks include not only deepening knowledge, but developing communication skills, getting to know the characteristics of a different culture. There are several most effective areas of extracurricular activities related to the study of foreign languages:

  • general cultural;
  • design and research;
  • creative.

The general cultural forms of extracurricular activities include conducting excursions in a foreign language, visiting the performances of foreign authors; video presentations and videos, virtual tourism.

In the outline of the extracurricular activities of a creative orientation, the following may be indicated as forms of work:

  • reader contest;
  • quiz;
  • publication of wall newspapers in a foreign language;
  • literary lounge;
  • music Club;
  • video contest;
  • theatrical performance.

Projects in the field of a foreign language can be cross-subject in nature, be practice-oriented, social, informational, research. Design products include booklets, brochures, exhibitions, scripts, web pages, posters, etc.

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