Among us there are few people who believe that some miraculous means will help them lose weight. Most people know that losing weight is not so easy, and this can be done only if you limit your diet and active physical activity. To what exercises you need to do to remove the sides and stomach, my article is devoted. Let's immediately agree that we will be engaged at home, without the help of simulators.
Hulahup - our faithful assistant
Many have heard of such a sports equipment as a special hoop with pimples. It is called a hula hoop. Twisting it is easy. Any woman at home can do this. Say it's too easy? And you try to twist it for half an hour. Feel the load? If you do this all the time, persistent weight loss will be achieved. Below we will talk about what other exercises you can do at home to
remove the sides and stomach.
Our goal is the wasp waist
A chiseled figure is the dream of any woman. And if the magnificent breasts and full hips give femininity to the image of a girl, then the fat in the waist area can spoil the whole picture. Above, I talked about how to remove the sides and belly with a hoop. Now we turn to exercises for gaining a thin waist:
- Tilts to the sides. We get up straight, we keep our feet shoulder-width apart, and we begin to bend to the right and to the left.
- The starting position is the same as in the first case. Raise your hands up, squeeze into the lock. We perform tilts to the sides and stretch our arms up.
- Exercise "mill." We stand straight, we hold our legs wider than our shoulders, we spread our arms wide apart in different directions. We tilt the body body forward and perform turns, trying to touch the left toe with the right hand, and the right toe with the left.
- We lay on our side on a gymnastic mat, hands behind our heads. We lift simultaneously the legs and body connected together, we linger for a while. We return to the original position.
These exercises should be performed 20-25 times.
Download the press
Now we will strengthen the abdominal muscles. Here are the following exercises to remove the sides and stomach:
- We lay on our back on a special rug, while legs are bent and stand on the floor. We rise, trying to touch his head to his knees. Do this 20-30 times, gradually increasing the number of approaches. Exercise strengthens the upper part of the press.
- Lying on your back and bending your knees, we perform their lifting, trying to pull to the chest. Do 10-15 times. Exercise strengthens the lower part of the press.
- If you have a fitball at home, you can do exercises with it. We sit on the ball, hands behind his head. We rise and fall, trying to maintain balance.
Some valuable tips
And finally, I want to give you some recommendations so that you can quickly and easily remove the stomach and sides. The reviews of people who have lost weight indicate that for this it is necessary to fulfill several simple conditions:
- Drink as much fluid as possible.
- Do not eat after six in the evening.
- Refuse flour, sweet and salty.
- There are often, but not many.
Thus, we talked about what exercises should be done to remove the sides and stomach, as well as what recommendations to follow in order to accelerate and consolidate the effect of losing weight.