Is it possible to live without a pancreas to a person: reviews

In the modern world, a person does not just have to live, but to survive. The reasons are poor ecology, synthesized drugs and, sadly, food, which, in fact, is unsuitable for a living organism.

Can a person live without a pancreas

First of all, the digestive organs begin to suffer: the stomach, gall bladder and liver, as well as the pancreas. Unfortunately, it is most often it that is the most vulnerable organ, which, with pathologies, is practically untreatable, and if measures are not taken in time, then a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, doctors often in serious circumstances recommend surgery. But patients, having heard such an offer, start to panic, asking the question: β€œCan a person live without a pancreas?” Let's understand this topic and dispel all doubts.

Pancreas Brief

The pancreas is located in the abdominal cavity under the stomach, above the intestines, in the center between the gallbladder and spleen. It lies deep enough relative to the walls of the abdominal cavity. The organ partly resembles a disk in shape, located across the body.

In some acute diseases, the following symptoms occur:

  • girdle pain under the stomach, on the sides and in the back at the level of the gland;
  • the pain is strong and constant, not pulsating;
  • nausea appears.

But the exact cause of pain and nausea can only be determined by a gastroenterologist using palpation, ultrasound diagnostics and analyzes.

is it possible to live without a pancreas

Pancreas function is the secretion of enzymes for food processing and the production of insulin to lower blood sugar. Knowing this even from school anatomy, many people worry what will happen if they remove the organ.

Can I do without pancreas

So can a person live without a pancreas? The answer of the doctors is unequivocal: of course not. After all, if sugar levels rise in the body, then death will inevitably occur. It is also impossible to do without enzymes. The body must absorb all the elements that come with food. But some of our contemporaries live without this organ! How is that? The fact is that pharmaceutical companies have been able to reproduce the hormone insulin by synthesis. That is, they created an artificial analogue of what the pancreas reproduces. The same goes for enzymes. Despite the artificial origin, medicines help people live.

What are the causes of organ removal

Why do doctors offer patients surgery and who is at risk? As a rule, for those suffering from pancreatitis, doctors prescribe enzymes to maintain a normal state, and also recommend a strict diet. But it also happens that the disease progresses, the pancreas begins to literally digest itself. As a result of this, irreversible necrosis (death) of the gland tissue occurs. A similar process can affect the functioning of neighboring organs and change the composition of the blood for the worse. To prevent relapse, the surgeon will offer to partially or completely remove the organ.

Is it possible to live without a pancreas and gall

The second cause is stones in the ducts of the organ, and the third is a cancerous tumor. In these two cases, surgery is almost inevitable.

Do they completely or partially remove the pancreas?

In many cases, the organ is still partially abandoned. Most often, the head of the pancreas is subject to removal. Can a person live without this organ or with the rest after surgery? This question can only be asked to the doctor who has been observing the patient for a long time and knows his condition perfectly.

As a rule, the operation takes a very long time (within 4-5 hours), since the gland is deep, it is difficult to work with it. The surgeon is required not only attentiveness, but also professionalism in this matter. A physician’s mistake can be fatal. It takes a long time to recover after the intervention.

What do doctors recommend for patients without a gland?

After pancreatectomy, the patient is prescribed special drugs to maintain the body, and then a strict diet is prescribed.

Is it possible to live without a pancreas and spleen

Answering the question whether it is possible to live without a pancreas, an experienced doctor will answer with recommendations that should be followed strictly:

  • take enzymes;
  • administer insulin;
  • adhere to a strict diet;
  • move more;
  • drink clean water;
  • leave bad habits forever.

If you follow all these rules, you can live a very long time.

Do patients survive?

Before the operation, the patients themselves and their loved ones begin to worry. Can a person live without a pancreas? But the question is not entirely correct, because the point is not whether the patient can exist without an organ, but what is the cause of the pathology. If the matter is only in stones and self-digestion, then a person will survive. Everything will also depend on the state of other organs and systems.

Another thing is when there is an oncological disease with metastases in the history. If the oncologist does not offer the correct and effective treatment with traditional or folk remedies, then there is little chance of survival.

What quality of life and reviews

Reviews of the operated patients themselves and their relatives vary. It all depends on the willpower of the person himself. If he managed to overcome his desires, learned to follow the prescriptions of doctors and does not forget to take medications on time, then his life is practically no different from the life of a healthy person.

Can I live without a pancreas?

"Obedient" patients quickly recover and lead a normal lifestyle, they affirmatively answer the question: "Can I live without a pancreas?" Reviews are sometimes negative from those who are very tired of diets and endless drugs. Unfortunately, there are many who despaired when they realized that they would have to take enzymes all their lives and take injections with insulin, not counting the severe restrictions on food.

What is the role of the gall bladder?

Often, problems with the pancreas arise due to improper nutrition, as well as due to serious malfunctions in the gallbladder. These two organs are interconnected by the fact that together they secrete the necessary juices in the duodenum. Often people with cholelithiasis have problems with the pancreas. In addition, many decide to remove the bladder in the hope that the pancreas will remain functional. In most cases, this is true. But the liver itself cannot control the release of bile, so you have to deal with castings with the help of special medicines.

So is it possible to live without a pancreas and gall? Completely unlikely. If only my whole life to take the necessary drugs. Therefore, you need to be careful about these two very important organs.

Without pancreas and spleen

The spleen and pancreas are located nearby, but are not directly connected. Therefore, with a problem in one of these organs, the condition of the other does not worsen. In the spleen, the tasks are not related to digestion, but to the blood, lymph and immune system.

Is it possible to live without a pancreas and gall bladder

Is it possible to live without a pancreas and spleen at the same time? It is definitely difficult to answer this question, since such cases are very rare. But with special support from doctors, you can live.

In conclusion, let's talk about how to protect yourself from problems with the pancreas:

  • eat on time and in small portions;
  • avoid junk food and toxic substances;
  • move more and be in the fresh air.

Remember that it all depends on us. As we relate to our body, so it serves us. Often people do not take care of themselves, and later ask if it is possible to live without a pancreas and gall bladder, spleen? All these organs are very important and it is better to start prevention as soon as possible.

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