Is it possible to crunch your back: features, causes and recommendations

Quite often, sitting up at work in an office chair or at home in front of a computer, a person has a desire to stretch, move a bit in place to stretch his stiff muscles. Turns of the back or neck from side to side can respond with a characteristic crunch, clicks, which usually no one pays attention to.

Indeed, such sounds in most cases do not indicate the presence of any pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. However, one should not always ignore such body signals. It is better to ask the question: β€œWhy is the back crunching?”, Because sometimes clicks can be one of the symptoms of the disease.

Determining the nature of a crunch

The nature of the crunch is not yet fully known to doctors, at the moment there are several theories that explain where this sound comes from. One of them, which doctors most often refer to, claims that the whole thing is in the synovial fluid. This substance provides mobility of the bone heads mating with each other in the joint bag, but, like in any other fluid, gases in the form of bubbles can accumulate in it. These bubbles burst at a certain pressure, which is created by the movements of the body, thereby creating the characteristic sound of a crunch.

Joint structure description

Another theory, in the physical sense, is similar to the one already mentioned. Its essence lies in the fact that during movement, when the heads of the bones are pulled apart by a certain distance, gas areas appear in the joints due to an increase in the intraarticular space. When the space is reduced again to standard values, these gas cavities disappear, which generates a vibration passing through the surrounding tissue and creating a vacuum clap.

When can you crunch your back?

A crunch is considered absolutely normal if it is not accompanied by discomfort, unpleasant sensations, including burning and pain. So, for example, during morning exercises or warm-ups before training, you can easily hear a crunch, and this is not a pathology. However, the opposite picture emerges if the unhealthy stiffness of the movements results in a crunch that causes pain.

At work or at school, sitting up in one place, when turning in different directions, when moving your head in order to relax a little hardened muscles, the neck and back may crunch. The movement of stagnant joints will certainly be reflected in characteristic clicks that disappear as the numb parts of the body are developed.

Useful exercises for the spine

If a person is lucky enough to have a healthy musculoskeletal system that does not burst with pain when bending, bending, and doing any physical work, then from time to time it will still be useful for him to carry out special exercises for his back. In this case, physical education with yoga elements helps, the postures and stances of which make the back crunch, which inserts the vertebrae back into the correct position.

Physical exercise

Stretching exercises are best done at home, but some can be done at the workplace. To perform stretching you need a chair or chair. Sitting in it, with a straight back, take the left edge of the seat with your right hand. Then, with caution, slowly turn the body to the left side, the hips and legs do not move at this time. Do the same movements in the other direction. Turns should be smooth and done until the stagnant muscles are stretched or until the back begins to crackle.

Another effective exercise to relieve tension of the back muscles should be done lying on a hard surface face up, after laying the rug on the floor. The right leg rises above body level and bends at the knee, the foot drops to the level of the thigh. The raised leg should be turned to the left side, trying to get the knee to the floor. Hands at this time are pressed to the surface on which the exercise is performed.

Perform the same manipulations with the left foot. During stretching, a person may have a crunchy back, due to the nature of the structure of the vertebrae. This is considered normal, but if you feel pain or any discomfort, you should stop the exercise.

Crunch as an indicator of problems

The phenomenon of joint crunch is far from always harmless and is not accompanied by anything. Often, it speaks of the development of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which over time can even limit mobility. However, problems of this kind do not manifest themselves exclusively through the crunch. It may also be the sound of creaking during movements due to depletion of synovial fluid in the joint bag. This is ultimately expressed through severe pain, local swelling, and sometimes even through an increase in body temperature.

Joint problems

If the crunch begins to appear regularly and in the same place, as well as if it is accompanied by other symptoms, then there is a serious reason to seek qualified medical help. Moreover, a visit to a therapist is necessary if the joints of the back crackle with a pronounced limitation of their mobility.

Osteochondrosis is the cause of all ills

A sedentary lifestyle, overweight, flat feet, impaired posture, malnutrition and many other phenomena characteristic of a person of the 21st century, lead to degenerative changes in the joints. Also, the listed factors negatively affect the work of the back muscles, the feet are deformed. As a result of developing degeneration of muscles and joints, a disease such as osteochondrosis, most often affecting the intervertebral discs, appears. Over time, they decrease in volume, which reduces the distance between the vertebrae. Their friction against each other causes severe pain and fetters movement.

Pain from osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is dangerous because its progression leads to the occurrence of more serious diseases, such as: hernia, protrusion, radiculitis. However, if you see a doctor in time, and not endure pain and cramping in all parts of the body, then getting rid of the symptoms of osteochondrosis is quite realistic. Diagnosis of this disease and treatment is quick and easy. Therapeutic massage and physiotherapy in combination with taking medications allow you to temporarily forget about the presence of the disease. A method such as spinal stretching, for example, helps if the back crunches in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Protrusion and hernia

In relation to the complications of osteochondrosis in the form of a hernia and protrusion, things are more serious. Protrusion, as the stage immediately before the hernia, is characterized by compression of the fibrous ring, which is the membrane of the intervertebral disc. The pulpous nucleus, which, in turn, is the filler of the disk, presses on the ring, causing it to finally burst. It is difficult to diagnose protrusion, as it rarely gives out pain or a crunch.

Protrusion clearly

Rupture of the fibrous ring due to illness or excessive physical activity leads to the pouring of the nucleus into the vertebral space, a hernia is formed. As a result, the intervertebral discs are displaced from natural places, nerves are pinched, which can lead to paralysis of the limbs, and the general mobility of the body decreases markedly. A hernia is usually treated by surgery.

Which doctor should I go to?

The first doctor to visit is a therapist. Having studied the picture of the disease, he makes a decision and sends the patient to a specialist who will most effectively cope with the health problem that has arisen. This may be a vertebrologist specializing specifically in diseases of the cervical and lumbar spine.

However, most often the therapist directs a person to a neurologist, since in every hospital there is such a doctor, which cannot be said about vertebrologists. He has sufficient knowledge for treatment, in addition, he can prescribe drugs to reduce joint pain and give direction to therapeutic massage.

Doctor vertebrologist

Not always back crunches due to exhaustion of the joints. These may be problems with internal organs. So, for example, lower back pain can be due to kidney problems. In this case, the patient is referred to a nephrologist or urologist depending on the severity of the disease. Pain in the back, and specifically in the back of the chest, can be caused by pathology of the heart or lungs. Then a cardiologist or pulmonologist can help a person.

Diagnosis and comprehensive treatment

As a diagnosis, such examinations as ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI are mandatory. The latter is the most effective in terms of vertebral problems. It is on the basis of the data obtained using MRI that the doctor builds a plan for future treatment. In addition to research and tomography, blood and urine tests must be taken.


As for the treatment, it varies depending on the specific disease, but there are certain basic methods for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If the back crunches during bends or bends, then the patient can be helped by physiotherapy and physiotherapy. If muscle pain and tightness bothers you, the doctor may prescribe a therapeutic massage. Also, pain and inflammation in the joints is relieved by medical treatment through painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

General conclusion

The back is a rather problematic part of the body. Sedentary lifestyle and physical activity beyond measure, improper food and ecology can lead to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. One of the troubling symptoms that indicate a problem is crunching.

In fact, the crunch itself is not dangerous, therefore, the question: β€œIs it possible to crunch your back?” Can be answered positively without a doubt. However, it must be understood that if the crunch is supplemented by such negative symptoms as pain, discomfort and limitation of mobility, then you should immediately seek medical help.

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