Secondary school 9, Nizhny Tagil: description, program and reviews

School number 9 (Nizhny Tagil) is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Dzerzhinsky district. It was founded in 1935. During the war with the Nazis, a military hospital was located on the school grounds.

9 school nizhny tagil

The main directions of work

The teaching staff of the school is a creative and friendly team, ready to implement any innovative programs. Secondary school 9 in Nizhny Tagil is considered one of the most prestigious educational institutions of the city. Many residents try to give their children here. The development program, which is used by school 9 (Nizhny Tagil), is aimed at developing the individual abilities of each student. It fully complies with all requirements and standards that are included in the new federal educational standards developed for modern educational institutions.

school number 9 nizhny tagil

Parent reviews

Judging by the reviews that the mothers and fathers of the former graduates of this educational institution leave, school 9 (Nizhny Tagil) provides quality knowledge. They allow boys and girls to enter the most prestigious universities in our country.

Student reviews

Today's school students proudly and respectfully talk about their teachers. Graduates of this educational institution are convinced that exactly the 9th school (Nizhny Tagil) is the place where they were able to fully realize their creative abilities.

Such feedback is understandable, because in this educational institution a program is being implemented aimed at self-expression of pupils.

Its essence is to really help the child in self-development, self-improvement. The class teacher builds for each ward their individual educational pedagogical development path, the movement of which occurs according to a certain plan and algorithm. The leading idea in the work of teachers of this educational institution is a personality-oriented approach to training and education.

9th school (Nizhny Tagil) is proud of the achievements of its students in subject Olympiads, intellectual tournaments and games, conferences, sports events.

network city nizhny tagil school 9

Ranking place

The painstaking work carried out by the teaching staff of the school to form a harmoniously developed personality gives its positive results. This educational institution in the ranking of schools of Nizhny Tagil is far from the last place.

Features of a simulated educational system

What features does school 9 (Nizhny Tagil) have? Illicha 12 is the address of this educational institution. The main points reflected in the OS development program are:

  • Individuality, manifested in the ability of students to self-improvement. Teachers create all conditions for the favorable impact of the educational environment on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, capable of socialization in modern society.
  • Self-expression and manifestation by an individual of special qualities and abilities. To achieve the goals and objectives selected as priority for the OS, special subprograms have been developed aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Teachers conduct early diagnostics of giftedness, identify talented children, and work with them on individual educational paths.

There is a special direction in the development program related to educational research and design activities. In addition to school teachers, representatives of higher education also act as mentors. Projects created within the framework of this educational institution are highly appreciated by representatives of business and the public.

The children, together with teachers, become winners and prize-winners of prestigious scientific competitions and conferences, and holders of grants.

Thanks to the implementation of the “Professional Self-Determination” subprogram, the children are exposed to a predisposition to certain types of professions, which helps them to make the right choice and take their rightful place in modern society after graduating from the school.

Work in the direction of "Creativity and Success" is aimed at increasing the importance of the family, establishing the relationship between parents, children, students.

School 9 Nizhny Tagil Ilyich 12

Patriotic education

A special place in the educational development program is given to the patriotic education of the younger generation. The school has patriotic clubs specializing in the formation of a reverent attitude towards their historical roots among schoolchildren, and fostering a sense of pride in their small homeland. To coordinate with other organizations and institutions of the city, a special Network City (Nizhny Tagil) was developed. School 9 initiated such a collaboration.

electronic diary 9 school nizhny tagil

Modern education

Currently, the school is actively using innovative teaching methods. Teachers use an electronic diary in their work. 9th school (Nizhny Tagil), according to colleagues, is an innovative platform for the introduction of modern educational technologies in the educational and educational process.

In this educational institution, a situation of success is created for students, a comfortable educational environment, subject-subject relations are activated.

Person-oriented education is introduced through the implementation of special targeted programs, through a system of additional education, a certain psychological support.

secondary school 9 in lower tagil


9th Nizhny Tagil school is an excellent launching pad for innovation, the search for new advanced educational technologies and techniques. The professionalism of the teaching staff of the school is confirmed by the excellent performance of schoolchildren, the successful participation of teachers in competitions in teaching skills. Currently, the school has created all the conditions for the harmonious development of students.

The children are engaged in specialized classrooms equipped with modern computer technology. For physical education, the school has a gym that meets all the requirements and sanitary standards.

Teachers of the 9th Nizhny Tagil school are constantly improving their professional skills, studying in special continuing education courses. Each teacher has a paper or electronic portfolio in which he reflects his professional achievements, the successes of his students. Particular attention is paid here to the implementation of modern pedagogical innovations. It provides training for children with serious physical health problems. To do this, the program “Accessible Environment” was tested at the school and a distance learning system was introduced as part of the implementation of inclusive education.

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