Endocervix - what is it? Endocervix Functions

The human body contains many important organs. Some of them are necessary for life, while others perform additional functions. This article will focus on the concept of “endocervix”. What it is and what functions this element performs, you will learn from everything described below. To begin with, it is worth saying that endocervix is ​​exclusively in the female body.

Endocervix: what is it?

Endocervix is ​​the mucous membrane that covers the inside of the cervical opening. The cervical canal, in turn, connects the woman’s reproductive organ and vagina. It is along this path that the fetus passes during natural childbirth.

endocervix what is it

Endocervix consists of so-called pores that work continuously and secrete cervical fluid. The intensity and nature of the discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the amount of hormones.

Diagnosis of endocervix

Endocervix (what it is, you already know) is examined most often using an ultrasound vaginal transducer, however, there are alternative diagnostic methods. Thanks to them, various pathologies of the cervical canal can be detected. Consider the most popular ways to diagnose the cervical canal.

short cervix

Manual inspection

The cervical canal can be felt during examination on a gynecological chair. The doctor notes whether the passage is closed. If there is a small extension, then it must be noted.

Also, during the examination, a short cervix is ​​sometimes detected, however this may be an erroneous conclusion. If you suspect a possible pathology, an ultrasound examination is always prescribed.

Ultrasound examination

Endocervix is ​​always examined during an ultrasound scan. There is a separate paragraph in the research protocol that describes this part of the female body. If a short cervix is ​​found during diagnosis, its size must be indicated.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon does not cause a woman any concern and is most often detected by chance. However, during pregnancy, it is necessary to correctly correct endocervix. Treatment most often involves suturing the cervix. Otherwise, premature birth or miscarriage can begin that cannot be stopped.

cervical canal

Examination of non-sexually active girls

If the fair sex does not lead sexual life and is a virgin, then manual or vaginal examination by the sensor is not possible. How to diagnose endocervix in this case?

If necessary, such representatives of the weaker sex are prescribed an ultrasound examination with a special sensor that helps to inspect the internal organs through the abdominal wall.

Endocervix Biopsy

Another examination of the inner lining of the cervix is ​​a biopsy. During the manipulation, endocervix cells are taken. After that, laboratory assistants examine the material under a microscope and issue their opinion.

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

What can be the pathology of endocervix?

Endocervix (what it is, described above) can have various pathologies. Most often, various neoplasms occur on this mucous membrane. So, during an ultrasound examination, polyps or cysts can be detected. All of these tumors should be treated. Depending on the complexity of the pathology, a conservative or surgical correction method is chosen.

endocervix treatment

Endocervix Functions

Since the work of the mucous membrane of the cervix depends on the production of hormones on a certain day of the cycle, the thickness of the endocervix changes similarly. The functions of this part are directly dependent on cyclical changes.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle

From the first day of menstruation, the expansion of endocevix begins. This happens under the influence of the hormone estrogen. At the same time, rejection of the endometrium (the inner layer of the genital organ) begins. Together with the blood, the separated mucous membrane passes through the cervical canal, which during this period releases mucus in a small amount.

The function of endocervix at this stage is excretory. The mucous membrane helps to cleanse the uterus due to enlarged pores.

endocervix cells

Time before ovulation

Immediately after the end of menstruation, the cervical canal narrows and lengthens. At this stage, the functions of the endocervix are completely invisible. The pores of the inner shell are narrowed and practically do not secrete mucus.

During this period, the action of hormones is aimed at the growth of follicles and the formation of the endometrium. That is why endocervix is ​​in the most inactive state. All diagnostics of this mucous membrane are carried out precisely in this period.

Endocervix during ovulation

At this stage, the function of the endocervix is ​​very important. Before the release of the egg, the pores of the mucous membrane expand. Due to this, abundant secretion of mucus begins, in which male gametes can freely move.

Also, during this period, a slight expansion of the cervical canal occurs and its length becomes shorter. All this happens in order for the conception to come.

endocervix photo

After ovulation

Immediately after the rupture of the follicle and the release of the female gamete, a strong transformation of the endocervix occurs. The pores of the mucous membrane narrow and cease to excrete fertile fluid. At this stage, a woman may notice a small amount of creamy cervical mucus.

Before menstruation

If conception has not occurred, then the decline in progesterone production begins. At the same time, endocervix undergoes transformations. The inner part of the canal expands, and the cervix is ​​somewhat shortened.

After such a transformation, a few months later, menstruation begins.

During pregnancy

If conception has taken place, then the production of the main hormone (progesterone) is enhanced. Under the influence of this substance, an increase in pores and the release of copious amounts of cervical fluid begin.

The mucus that is produced by endocervix does not come out all. Part of this substance remains in the cervix and forms a dense plug there. It is this part that protects the fetus from the entry of infections and bacteria into its body.

Cork is formed throughout pregnancy. This is precisely the main function of endocervix during this period. There will be such a traffic jam just before the birth of the baby.

Endocervix while waiting for the baby tightly closed. The cervix is ​​as long as possible. The condition of this mucous membrane is examined at each screening ultrasound examination. If an expansion of the endocervix or shortening of the cervical canal is noted, then the expectant mother is placed for inpatient treatment. Women with a similar pathology are examined more thoroughly and a certain regimen is prescribed until the time of birth.

During childbirth

Endocervix during natural birth performs a very important function. Simultaneously with contractions, a gradual shortening of the cervix and its opening occurs. Endocervix in this period is stretched and thinned. With the wrong behavior of a woman, a rupture of this shell can occur. In this case, the doctor carefully sews the damaged tissue.

If the birth took place without complications, then the endocervix returns to its normal position about two weeks after the birth of the baby.

endocervix thickness

Brief conclusion

Now you know what endocervix is. Photos of this mucous membrane can be found in this article. Remember that on different days of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of the endocervix can vary greatly.

Very often during ovulation on ultrasound, endocervix cysts can be diagnosed. No treatment is required. In most cases, these cysts are represented by enlarged pores. In this case, the doctor prescribes a re-diagnosis after the next menstruation. If neoplasms remain in place or increase in size, then hormonal correction may be recommended. Most often, oral contraceptives are prescribed, which restore the hormonal background.

Examine the internal mucous membrane of the cervical canal. This will help to avoid various pathologies and complications of the disease. Timely treatment guarantees a positive outcome and the absence of relapse in the future.

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