Darsonvalization is ... Darsonvalization: evidence. Pulse current treatment

In this article, we would like to talk about one interesting technique that has long and successfully been used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It is called darsonvalization. We will consider not only the principle of action, but also describe the features of its effect on the human body. We will also consider the types of this procedure, indications and contraindications for its use. We hope that the information presented in the article will be useful, and you can cast aside all doubts and use the Darsonval apparatus even at home.

darsonvalization is

What is the term darsonvalization? History of the development of the electrotherapy method

Darsonvalization is an electrotherapy technology in which a pulse current of high voltage (from 20 to 40 kV) and frequency (from 110 to 140 kHz) and low power (from 0.015 to 0.2 A) are applied. It was developed at the end of the 19th century, in 1892, by the French physiologist Jacques-Arseny d'Arsonval. He investigated the pulsed current and its therapeutic effect on biological objects. As a result, the scientist found that a high-frequency alternating current can pass through the body of the subject, without causing painful sensations, tissue irritation, on the contrary, exerting a therapeutic effect. For his research, the scientist designed a special device - a spark generator. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian biophysicist P.P. Lazarev deduced the laws of the influence of an electric current of small force on nerve tissue. In 1918, he established that a high-frequency current does not exert an exciting effect on the neuromuscular apparatus, but causes a decrease in the excitability of nerve elements. At the same time, the scientist noted the appearance of vasomotor reactions - the expansion of capillaries and arterioles, increased venous tone, increased blood circulation. P.P. Lazarev proved that the current of low power allows to improve trophic tissue and stimulate metabolism. In the 60s of the 20th century, inventor D.A. Sinitsky experimentally confirmed the validity of using high voltage alternating current. Since then, the darsonvalization method has been widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and the rehabilitation of patients in cosmetology, gynecology, dermatology, surgery, neurology and therapy.

surge current

Types of AC Treatment

So, we learned that darsonvalization is a therapeutic effect exerted by a sinusoidal alternating current on the patient's body. There are two independent, differing in the nature of the effect on the patientโ€™s organism methods:

  • general darsonvalization (induction therapy);
  • local darsonvalization.

The first procedure involves placing the patient in a special apparatus, otherwise called the d'Arsonval cell. It operates on the principle of an oscillating circuit coil. An electric capacitor is connected to an inductor, which conducts a signal with zero resistance. Thus, a high-frequency weak electromagnetic pulse field is formed inside the apparatus. Under its influence, the polarization of charged particles occurs in the tissues of the body, and weak vortex flows appear. As a result of complex biochemical processes, tissue heating and metabolic acceleration occur at the cellular level. General darsonvalization is a technique that has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, dilutes blood and improves metabolic processes in tissues. It is prescribed in the treatment of hypertension, insomnia, depression, neurosis and migraine. Contraindications to the use of the method are: pregnancy, children under 6 years of age, the presence of malignant tumors, hypertension, hysterical conditions, cardiovascular insufficiency, individual intolerance to the pulse current.

Local darsonvalization: Method features

darsonvalization of hair

Local darsonvalization is a method in which the effect of a pulsed high-frequency current is directed to a specific area of โ€‹โ€‹the skin of the human body, for example, to the face, head, nose, abdomen, back, etc. Such local exposure becomes possible through the use of special electrodes - glass cylinders, filled with vacuum or liquefied air of various shapes. Local darsonvalization has an effect on selected areas with high frequency alternating current. In this case, electric discharges occur between the glass tube and the skin, which initiate irritation of the skin receptors and tissue.

How is the darsonvalization process carried out?

First, the doctor selects the electrode the form necessary for the patient. If he needs darsonvalization of hair, a comb-shaped instrument will be selected, if darsonvalization of the face is of a mushroom shape, etc.

apparatus for local darsonvalization

The electrode is treated with alcohol, wiped well and connected to the device. The patient sits down or lies down. During the procedure, it is important that all metal objects are removed from the body, and the patient's skin is cleaned of impurities and cosmetics. Then the device turns on, the required mode is selected ("silent discharge" or "spark discharge"). And then the treatment procedure itself is carried out - the electrode is moved along the massage lines in the necessary area of โ€‹โ€‹the body or face. Sometimes skin areas are treated with talcum powder to improve the gliding of the instrument. The degree of current exposure is regulated by the doctor. As a rule, the first sessions are carried out with a small intensity of exposure, and then gradually increase. In Russia, the Iskra-1 tube device was used for a long time. Now many physiotherapy rooms have become equipped with more modern equipment, for example, Darsonval Corona, Darsonval ELAD, Darsonval Ultraton AMP-2INT devices, etc.

darsonvalization testimony

What effect does darsonvalization have?

In the zone of exposure to electric current, biochemical metabolic processes are stimulated, blood circulation increases, and the tone of the venous walls increases. The supply of cells with nutrients and oxygen is also improved. It has both anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects on the tissues of the body darsonvalization. Reviews of many patients allow us to conclude that the use of alternating current has an analgesic effect. After several sessions, the nervous system normalizes, headaches cease, insomnia disappears, and overall performance improves. Also, this procedure allows you to increase the elasticity and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, relieve spasms of smooth muscles and reduce blood pressure.

Indications for the use of high-frequency current treatment

darsonvalization reviews

Pulse current therapy has been successfully used to treat headaches, neuralgia, and varicose veins. It is also used at the initial stage of obliterating lesions of blood vessels, with chronic ulcers and wounds, frostbite, skin itching. Often used as a cosmetic tool darsonvalization. Indications for the use of alternating current of high frequency can be as follows: the presence of acne; problems with oily skin; pore enlargement; unhealthy complexion; pustular lesions. The apparatus for local darsonvalization allows you to fight even with small wrinkles on the face and in the decollete. Successfully used in all varieties of baldness darsonvalization. Reviews of many patients treated with pulse current are extremely positive. Many people note that the procedure allows you to stop hair loss, starts the processes of their growth. Darsonvalization of hair strengthens their bulbs and improves the condition of the scalp, normalizing the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands. Also, the method under consideration is used to eliminate cellulite (all stages and types), the vascular network on the legs and swelling of the limbs.

When can not I use the device for local darsonvalization?

local darsonvalization

This physiotherapeutic method also has contraindications. So, you can not resort to it in cases of malignant and benign neoplasms, epilepsy, heart failure, bleeding, poor blood clotting, skin diseases. Also, the pulse current treatment procedure cannot be used during pregnancy (regardless of the timing). Darsonvalization is also contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to electric current.

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