Alexander Shirvindt: biography, filmography, family

This person is talked about only in a positive way, as he spreads exclusively positive vibes around himself. We are talking about the famous actor, whose name is Alexander Shirvindt. The biography and filmography of the artist are interesting and informative. He so often and successfully starred in all his favorite films that his face became almost native to most residents of the post-Soviet space. His manner of holding on cannot but arouse admiration: he is always calm, a little phlegmatic, Alexander Anatolyevich sees ordinary things in a peculiar light, looking at the world with undisguised subtle irony. But the actor is not averse to laughing at himself. And self-irony, as you know, is characteristic only of very bright and kind people.

How it all began: Moscow courtyards

Back in 1934, on a clear July day, Alexander Shirvindt was born in the capital of the Soviet Union. The biography of this subsequently great man began among the old Moscow courtyards at the legendary Nikitsky Gate. In a huge seven-room apartment in Skaterny Lane, which is located in the heart of Moscow, in addition to the Shirvindts, another 5 families lived.

Alexander Shirvindt. Biography
These were the times of the notorious communal apartments. Sasha’s mother, Raisa Samoilovna, worked in the philharmonic society as an editor, and his father, Anatoly Gustavovich, was a talented violinist. A boy from an intelligent family studied at the famous school number 110. The children of parents in rather high posts studied there. Interestingly, in the same class with Shirvindt was the offspring of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev - the future leader of the Country of Soviets. Contrary to the expectations of relatives, Sasha was not an exemplary student, but rather the opposite. Years later, according to the stories of Alexander Anatolyevich, he carefully hid his school diary from his grandchildren so as not to set an undesirable example for them. But, despite the fact that Shirvindt Alexander did not gravitate too much to science, a biography whose family is the subject of our review did not in the least prevent the development of a subsequently creative, independent and talented personality.

Failed violinist

Of course, the parents wanted the son to follow in the footsteps of the famous father and very persistently offered the boy to play the violin. But Sasha immediately fiercely hated the instrument and everything connected with it. In order not to learn endless scales, little Alexander was hiding in a common toilet, from where they tried to lure him into the entire communal community. This episode was later narrated by Alexander Shirvindt himself. The biography could have turned out differently if he had been carried away by music. From the age of 7, Shirvindt studied at a music school, but, despite the efforts of teachers, a love for violin passages did not arise in the child. But matured Sasha was very fond of dancing. At a time when Shirvindt attended ballroom dancing school, which was located at the House of Scientists, the guy got a polonaise perfectly. Thanks to dancing and eloquence, Sasha easily won the hearts of local beauties.

What is worse: a swing or skates?

The biography of Shirvindt Alexander Anatolyevich will be incomplete, if we exclude from it an episode about two things that the future actor did not like. In his youth, according to the stories of Alexander Shirvindt himself, he was haunted by the same tragicomic situation. Then it was customary to take the girls to the rink or to spend fun time on huge swing-boats. And the guy, as luck would have it, had absolutely no relationship with either one: the skates he hated, and on the swing he was frankly troubled.

Shirvindt Alexander, biography, family
And so, when the next girl, squealing with delight, flew up into the sky, Alexander, overcoming nausea, smiled tightly. Already then, as a boy, he showed the makings of talent in the future, the famous actor Alexander Shirvindt. Biography, personal life - everything, perhaps, would go in a completely different way, if his future wife also loved skates or swings. But the acquaintance happened differently.

Unique family atmosphere

Since the family of Alexander Shirvindt consisted entirely of creative people, they often had famous people at home: Leonid Utesov, Rostislav Plyatt, Anatoly Yakhontov, Rina Zelenaya and other unique personalities. And therefore it is not surprising that the biography of Shirvindt, Alexander Anatolyevich, is closely connected with the theatrical stage. Immediately after graduation, Alexander submitted documents to several theater universities and began to take exams. As a result, 1951 was marked by his admission to the legendary Pike on the course of Vera Lvova. At the school, Alexander Shirvindt proved himself to be the best, and the teachers in chorus predicted a great theatrical future for him.

Life for the Glory of Melpomene

This subsequently happened. Where Alexander Anatolyevich did not serve: until 1968 in Lenkom, spent two years in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and since 1970 the Satire Theater became his second home. In the Lenin Komsomol Theater, the meter played many unforgettable roles in the performances Wheel of Happiness, St. John, and Comrade Romance, and when the theater was headed by Anatoly Efros a truly finest hour came. He shone in Moliere, The Seagull, and the play 104 Pages About Love. In Lenkom, the actor performed about 30 roles, turning into a master of his craft.

Biography of Shirvindt Alexander Anatolyevich
After two years on Malaya Bronnaya, where he went after Efros, Alexander Anatolyevich chose the theater of Satire. There he showed remarkable talent in the productions of “An Ordinary Miracle”, “Woe from Wit”, “The Inspector General”, “Clemens”, etc. It is noteworthy that it was within the walls of this theater that Shirvindt first tried himself in directing. And in 2000, the actor becomes his artistic director.

Attention: motor!

In parallel with theatrical activities, Alexander Shirvindt quite successfully worked in the field of domestic cinema. His debut work in the movie was the picture "She Loves You", which was released in 1957. For the fee received for this film, the actor bought himself a status-winning “Victory” car. But the real glory in the cinema came to Alexander Anatolyevich with the advent of the film “Come Tomorrow”. The comic episode with the imaginary Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko still causes laughter. Also, the audience remembered his roles in the films “Three in a boat, not counting the dogs”, “Twelve chairs”, where Shirvindt brilliantly played the one-eyed chess player, “Incognito from St. Petersburg”.

Cooperation with Eldar Ryazanov added roles to the actor’s piggy bank that have become famous and popular forever. These are works in unforgettable paintings of the Soviet period “The Irony of Fate”, “Station for Two” (the role of the pianist Shurik is thoroughly saturated with subtle ironic humor), “Forgotten melody for flute”.

Alexander Shirvindt. Biography and filmography
Among the variety of roles, the following stand out:

  • incorrect intellectual Arkady from the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”;
  • the eccentric director of the travel agency in the melodrama "Vacation at your own expense";
  • charming swindler Leonido Papagatto in the film "Million in the Wedding Basket";
  • Major Alfred of Sky Swallows.

Pedagogy and more

Actor Alexander Shirvindt, whose biography was also replenished with works within the framework of the teleformat, participated in "Theater Meetings", numerous benefits. In addition, the programs Terem-Teremok, Seven Us and Jazz enjoyed success. For a long time, the pop duet of Shirvindt and Mikhail Derzhavin was very much in demand. Longtime friends from the 80s performed at anniversaries and skits, enjoying constant success.

The pedagogical activity of Alexander Anatolyevich was also very fruitful. At the Schukin School, where a talented actor taught for many years, his graduates were Andrei Mironov, Natalya Gundareva, Leonid Yarmolnik. Since 1995, Shirvindt was awarded the title of professor.

Alexander Shirvindt: biography, personal life, children

Without gaining family happiness, it is not known how the biography of Alexander Shirvindt would have developed. The artist’s wife is Natalia Belousova. In the early 50s of the last century, they were neighbors in the village with the strange name of NIL. The abbreviation stands for "science, art, literature." This summer cottage was once designed and founded by Natalya's grandfather, a famous Moscow architect. On the mother's side, the wife of Alexander Anatolyevich is a noblewoman.

Alexander Shirvindt. Biography, personal life
The history of their acquaintance was overgrown with family legends, but it is reliably known that Sasha initially drew attention to the following fact: at the time, the Belousovs had a well-fed burenka. Pass by the "milk rivers" a young man who loved milk, was simply not able. Thus, when acquaintance began on gastronomic soil, feelings arose between young people. A few years after meeting Alexander made a proposal to a young student of an architectural institute. As it turned out, Alexander Shirvindt made an excellent choice. The biography, the actor’s wife changed the course for the better, was taking shape now against the background of family happiness, which is important for a creative person.

In 1958, the couple was born a son, who was named Michael. The child followed in his father's footsteps: the main professional love of his life was the theater, and later television. At the moment, Alexander Shirvindt has a grandson Andrei and granddaughter Sasha - born in 1981 and 1986, respectively.

It is known that Alexander Anatolyevich, in addition to smoking his favorite pipe, has two hobbies: basketball and fishing.

Award annals

During his service in the theater, working in the cinema, teaching, participating in various television and pop projects, Alexander Shirvindt received many awards, prizes and titles. The outstanding actor was awarded several honorary orders, such as:

  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees (these awards were given for a significant contribution to theatrical art);
  • Order "Key of Friendship" and "Friendship of Peoples";

Actor Alexander Shirvindt, biography
In the theatrical environment there was no person more faithful to traditions than Alexander Shirvindt. His biography was replenished with the Crystal Turandot Prize precisely for this outstanding quality and contribution to the development of the theater. In addition, the actor received the highest recognition from grateful spectators and the state - numerous honorary titles:

  • since 1974 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • since 1989 - People's Artist of the RSFSR;
  • has membership in the Union of Cinematographers, the Union of Theater Workers, the Russian Film Academy, the American Pushkin Academy of Arts.

Star named Shirvindt

Among others, the actor’s award list includes the Chekhov Medal, the Andrei Mironov Figaro Acting Award, the Golden Ostap, the Russian of the Year and the Theater Star awards.

Alexander Shirvindt. “Biography Passing Yards”
There is also a kind of distinction, which in 1997 Alexander Shirvindt received. The biography of the actor at that time made an unusual turn: astronomers of the institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences assigned his name to a small planet.

Writing experience

But these are not all the talents that, as it turned out, Alexander Shirvindt possesses. Biography Passing Yards - the name of his book, which reached the reader in 2013, reminds contemporaries of the time when Moscow was thoroughly penetrated by arrows through passage yards. The narrative is conducted in a boring, ironic manner characteristic of Shirvindt. The author himself claims: this is not a memoir or a detailed biography, but an ordinary kaleidoscope of memories. This is the way along simple and understandable routes from the hospital to the present moment. Alexander Anatolyevich created the book so that, according to him, the descendants would not mix up the facts and come up with a different, untruthful version of his life. It is noteworthy that in the book there are no photographs at all, but, on the contrary, the attributes of the intellectual are printed, as the author himself said. This means various letters, minutes of meetings, certificates, award certificates, personal letters.

It is impossible to know everything about Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt to the end - his life, as an interesting book, I want to reread again and again. A legendary man, an extraordinary personality, about which it cannot be said that he is only an actor, director or teacher. As the legendary Mark Zakharov spoke of him: "He is Shirvindt. And that says it all."

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