Is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital? Specialist response

Currently, Russia is experiencing population growth. It is for this reason that the state is trying to support young and large families and financially encourages them. It is no secret to anyone that the appearance of a second child in a family gives women maternity capital. You can spend this money on educating children, purchasing housing, and other social needs.

Is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital

Despite this, many families are interested in the question of whether it is possible to withdraw money from maternity capital. So, in order to improve the living standards of young mothers and fathers with children, they are allowed to receive part of these funds in the amount of 25,000 rubles. Money should be spent on keeping babies or the needs of the family. You will learn more about all this from this article.


Since 2007, the state has paid women a sum of money for the birth of a second and subsequent children. This material support is called maternal capital. The indicated measure of social support allowed to increase the birth rate in the country. An interesting feature of maternal capital is that it is not necessary to use it immediately, because its size is indexed every year.

Currently, many people in whose family another child has appeared are interested in the question of whether it is possible to withdraw money from maternity capital. How much does the state give and where do I need to go? Previously, maternity capital needed to be used only for certain purposes, for example, to improve housing conditions or to pay for the education of children in the future. Currently, women are allowed to receive part of the funds in cash and dispose of this money at their discretion.


For the first time, part of the funds from maternity capital began to be issued in cash in 2009-2010. Then a one-time payment was twelve thousand. This opportunity was taken by many women. It turned out that this measure of social support has become very popular among the population of our country.

is it possible to withdraw money maternity capital 2017

After the Federal Law was developed, which allows the issuance of a small part of funds from MSCs (maternal family capital) in the form of a certain payment, this amount was already twenty thousand (now it has become even more - 25,000). Only those holders of certificates who live in our country have the right to it. Thus, when answering the question of citizens about whether it is possible to withdraw money from maternal capital, it is necessary to answer positively. Currently, this amount is twenty-five thousand.

Required documents

So, is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital? As already mentioned above, this is possible. At the same time, money can be spent by young parents at their own discretion, that is, as they see fit. In order to get 25,000 from maternity capital, you need to apply to the Pension Fund. The following documents should be provided:

  • certificate itself;
  • passport of a mother with many children ;
  • certificate from the bank in which the account is opened in the name of the woman to whom the certificate was issued.

maternal capital whether it is possible to withdraw part of the money

In principle, no special papers are required. Nevertheless, there are some nuances. For example, an account should be opened only in a Russian bank that has been operating for at least 3 years. As soon as the application submitted to the Pension Fund is reviewed and approved, part of the money from the parent capital will go to the recipient's account. This is carried out in a period of up to two months. Therefore, you need to be patient. Young parents will be able to use them at their discretion to meet family needs.

Some features

Is it possible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017? Here it is necessary to say that only those families in which children were born before September 30, 2016, inclusive, will be able to receive funds. Also, those citizens who have previously applied to the Pension Fund and registered the deduction of money from maternity capital can count on material assistance. It should be noted that an amount of 25,000 rubles is a pretty significant help for young parents.

What will happen in 2018

It must be said that the payment of part of the funds from maternity capital is considered an anti-crisis measure. Earlier it was impossible to get money for the needs of the family . This innovation has appeared relatively recently. Nevertheless, now young families with two or more children were allowed to withdraw money from maternity capital. Indeed, to ensure the kids you need to purchase a lot of everything you need, and not all citizens of our country can afford it.

withdraw money from maternity capital

In 2018, nothing new is expected. Families with many children will also be able to receive funds from the woman’s maternity capital in the amount of 25 thousand. This is very good support for those citizens who are poor. After all, they really need additional financial assistance.

What the president suggested

Currently, the issuance of a certificate of maternity capital continues. This allows you to improve the demographic situation in the country. Moreover, at the end of November, Vladimir Putin suggested using funds from maternity capital to regularly help low-income families who have such a certificate in their hands. If the president’s proposal is approved, then less protected sectors of the population will be paid monthly to meet the necessary needs in the amount of the cost of living from these funds. Families will only need to confirm their status. Poor citizens will be able to count on such help until the second child is two years old.

Legal regulation

Is it possible to withdraw part of the money from maternity capital? Information on the provision of part of the funds in the amount of 25 thousand can be found in 181-FZ. This law states that the registration of such payments is the Pension Fund.

how much money can be withdrawn from maternal capital

A lump sum payment can be received not only by the parents or guardians of the children, but also by the children themselves, but provided that they have reached legal capacity by the end of September 2018. Of course, this will only be possible if the maternity capital has not been fully used up. The issuance of certificates is carried out in accordance with FZ-256 of 12.29.2006.

So, earlier it was already written about how much money can be withdrawn from maternal capital. To date, this amount is only 25 thousand. It should be noted that many young parents would like this assistance to be larger.

Who is eligible

Who can receive the appropriate payments? First of all, the mother of children, who is the owner of a valid certificate. Adopters of children whose parents have died or have been deprived of parental rights can take advantage of this measure of social support.

You can also receive a lump sum payment from MSC:

  • fathers of children in case of death of the mother of the babies or deprivation of her rights to them;
  • official representatives of the children who raise them after their parents died.

Many young mothers are very pleased that in order to receive certain payments from the certificate, you do not need to wait until the second baby is three years old. Most importantly, part of the money with the MSC can be used for any family needs. For example, buy medicine, clothes, furniture, food. Often this money goes to pay for utilities. After all, you also have to pay for it.

when can I withdraw money from maternity capital

Women who have already filed an application with the PF of Russia and are waiting for the transfer of funds, often wonder about when to withdraw money from maternity capital. In this case, the whole procedure can take about two months. After all, employees of the Pension Fund must verify that the certificate really belongs to the applicant. If all the information is confirmed, then part of the funds from the MSC will go to the specified account.


Indeed, at present, many young families with small children need financial support from the state. Therefore, people are given a legal opportunity to cash out part of the funds by submitting the appropriate application and documents to the PF of Russia. After all, 25 thousand will not be redundant for anyone. Children need to be fed, clothed, shoes, paid for kindergarten.

Despite all this, many women who have become mothers for the second and third time are wondering: can I withdraw money from maternity capital for the needs of the family or not? Currently, the legislation allows the use of part of the funds to meet the needs of each large cell of society. At the same time, any mother can take advantage of this opportunity, regardless of financial well-being. Thus, the family does not need to have a poor status in order to receive lump sum assistance in the indicated amount. You need to know about this.

maternal capital can withdraw money for needs

So, each family in which there are children, can get on hand a portion of the funds from maternity capital for use at their discretion. After all, there are no special restrictions in this case. That is why this social measure of support for families is so popular among parents with many children. After all, with the amount provided, you can not only pay for the education of children, but also for utilities. Here it is also necessary to indicate that such a payment is one of the legal ways to receive cash for the needs of the family from the certificate provided to the woman.

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