Stels Navigator 530 Mountain Bike Features

Sometimes one wants to just ride a bicycle with his family, doing it leisurely, with arrangement, and during a trip to discuss any matters. And for this it is not necessary to buy two-wheeled vehicles for twenty or thirty thousand rubles.

Stels: low cost along with quality

stels navigator 530

There are cheaper models, which at the same time are not less quality. For example, very good bikes are produced by the Russian company Stels. We’ll talk about them today.

Stels Navigator 530 Features, General

bike stels navigator 530

So, where do you begin to get acquainted with this model? Usually, sellers indicate, first of all, the year of production of the bicycle. A huge number of companies monitors the quality of their products, so last year's transport models are updated. It is interesting that even bicycles that have the same name can have fundamental differences in design as well as in the set of elementary components. In this case, the decisive factor will again be the year of release. In our case, this is the 2014th year.

It is customary to subdivide bicycles into teenage, adult and children's. The latter are intended for children of primary school as well as preschool age. The bike we are considering is intended for adults.

Next in turn is the type of transport. It can be road (for riding on high-quality standard surfaces), mountain (for traveling in the mountains and similar relief conditions), as well as BMX type. Such models are called acrobatic because they are often used by people who perform tricks on them. It should be noted that there are certain subspecies of road bikes, but we will not delve into this, since the type of our bike is mountain. Accordingly, it will be distinguished by a considerable margin of safety.

Frame and fork specifications

stels navigator 530 md

The Stels Navigator 530 has a steel frame. It should be said that this material, along with some others (including titanium, aluminum and carbon fiber, otherwise referred to as carbon), is used most often. There are some practical reasons for this, but now we omit them and dwell on a number of other characteristics and parameters. The frame size of the model is 18 inches.

It's time to talk about depreciation. Let us briefly recall what kinds of species exist. The first type is called Rigid. It is absolutely hard transport. A bike that has a suspension fork is called Hard Trail. If the vehicle is equipped with two identical matching devices at once, it is called Soft Trail. And finally, for bikes with rear wheel suspension, as well as a suspension fork, the name Full Suspension is characteristic. If we talk about the degree of depreciation, we can distinguish the following groups of forks: spring and air-oil, just air, just spring, stiff, and spring-elastomeric. As you can easily see, there are combined variations that combine certain advantages. However, it is interesting that the Stels Navigator 530 MD decided not to equip shock absorbers. The plug is arranged in a rigid type. The design of the steering column is a threaded non-integrated version. In general, it can be additionally integrated and semi-integrated. The reader may well wonder what the difference is between these types. And it consists only in the fact that for each individual type, various methods of fastening to the structural elements of the bearing assemblies are used.

Wheel Features

stels navigator 530 v

It is generally accepted that the diameter of the wheels should be measured in inches. For mountain types, these numbers typically reach 26. Road racing bikes boast 27 inch wheel diameters. At the same time, it is one inch more for hybrid road and tourist vehicles. The smallest diameter are BMX- type bicycle wheels. In our case, this indicator is 26. In the Stels Navigator 530 V, “Chao Young” tires of standard 26 by 2 are installed. There is a Weiman ZAK-19 rim. As the reader probably guesses, the rims are made of aluminum alloy. Scandium is also often used for these purposes, as well as carbon fiber. There is also a double rim. This design, which is a composition of a double-walled unit and horizontal jumpers. There are models whose tire lanyard is made of Kevlar, but in our case it is metal that serves as the material.

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