Acupuncture: indications and contraindications, reviews

Acupuncture is one of the oldest effects on the human body without the use of any medication.

This doctrine arose several thousand years ago in China. Its basis is the presence of energy points on the human body, when exposed to which it is possible to completely change the circulation of energy in the body. It is thanks to this change that many effects can be achieved in the end, including getting rid of serious diseases. They act on all these points with special needles, but only a specialist who knows this science and knows which of the points on the body is responsible for the work of which organ should enter them. But remember, acupuncture has indications and contraindications, so the doctor should prescribe the procedure.

Acupuncture: Indications

Acupuncture is used for many diseases:

  • Musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, calcaneal spurs, muscle strain, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and many others.
  • Nervous system: neuralgia, migraine, nocturnal enuresis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, radiculitis, etc.
  • Respiratory system: asthma, chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, heart block, hypertension and arterial hypertension.
  • Digestive system: constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, congestion in the biliary tract.
  • Genitourinary organs.
  • Gynecology.
  • Allergies.
  • Fighting bad habits: smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism.
  • Overweight treatment.
    acupuncture indications and contraindications

But as we have already said, acupuncture (indications and contraindications have a place to be) is not shown in all cases, and only your attending physician will be able to explain this to you, only with his recommendation it is worth starting this method of treatment. It is also necessary for every person to know that acupuncture is used in combination with medicines, diet and other therapeutic procedures.

Maternity Acupuncture

This procedure helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis, decreased tone and weakness throughout the body. A very good effect is observed from the tonic procedure during preparation for childbirth, especially in those cases when the course of treatment is started in advance. In this case, not only increases the productivity of contractions, but they are also not so painful.

But each procedure has its pros and cons, and acupuncture also has indications and contraindications, including in the treatment of pregnant women.

acupuncture indications and contraindications photo

Pregnancy in each woman proceeds in its own way, so the response of the body to this procedure may be different. For this reason, in order to prevent deterioration of the condition, in no case should you use a tonic course at the beginning of pregnancy and in cases where there is a suspicion of a miscarriage. Also, every expectant mother should remember that if she was prescribed acupuncture, then in the abdomen and thighs, the setting of needles is contraindicated.

Acupuncture for children

Very often, in the treatment of childhood diseases, an acupuncture procedure is prescribed. But every mother should know that acupuncture has indications and contraindications for children, so you need to know exactly the cause of the disease and undergo a full examination before using it.

Adults and children have a different attitude to this procedure. Acupuncture for children has its own characteristics. The first and most important thing is psychology. Children basically resist and rest against this procedure. If in some cases it is possible to put needles even in such a state to the child, then in others it is necessary to achieve his complete calmness and relaxation of all muscles. Therefore, before going to the procedure, it is better to prepare the child in the form of a game so that he is not afraid and does not rest.

In what cases is acupuncture (indications and contraindications for children it is important for parents to know) will be most useful? Small children up to a year are prescribed it for neurological pathologies and perinatal encephalopathy. If treatment is started on time, drugs are added to it, then rather serious consequences can be avoided, one of them is cerebral palsy.

acupuncture indications and contraindications for children

Children after a year are most often prescribed acupuncture for allergies, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis and cerebral palsy. But this procedure should be prescribed by the attending physician, who has been leading the child since his birth and knows everything about his condition, otherwise self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease.

Acupuncture contraindications

Acupuncture helps with many diseases, especially if the treatment is approached comprehensively, but it is also not worth abusing. After all, acupuncture has indications and contraindications, which can lead to irreversible processes.

Among the contraindications, the following points can be noted:

  • The age of the child is up to one year. It must be understood that the baby has too thin skin, and the needle can cause damage to internal organs, therefore, in such cases, this procedure is prescribed quite rarely and in the most difficult cases.
  • With tumors, it is also better not to use acupuncture, since this procedure improves blood flow in the body, and it, in turn, can provoke a rapid growth of tumors.
  • In case of blood diseases, it should also be used in very rare cases.
  • Mental disorders. You must understand that this procedure can cause pain, and this in turn will cause an inadequate reaction in a patient with an upset psyche.
  • For fever, AIDS, alcohol and drug intoxication, it is better not to use this procedure.

Acupuncture: side effects

As we already described in our article, this procedure may not always be beneficial. And this is due to the fact that you need to enter needles at different points on the human body, and this is pain and not very pleasant sensations that can lead to exacerbation of other diseases. As already mentioned, acupuncture has indications and contraindications, the photo in the article will indicate some features of the procedure. It can bring not only its advantages in treatment, but there are also negative results.

acupuncture indications and contraindications for children

The procedure has several side effects:

  • Pain and slight bruising.
  • Through needles, you can become infected with hepatitis, AIDS and other infections.
  • An inexperienced therapist can damage blood vessels, nerves and tendons when inserting a needle.
  • Injuries can lead to the rapid growth of tumors.
  • Lowering blood pressure.

But you must remember that you can get a positive effect from the procedure only if it is performed by an experienced doctor. But be that as it may, even if acupuncture has indications and contraindications, reviews of people still indicate its effectiveness.

Acupuncture Reviews

Although not everyone likes this procedure, the reviews of people who have already experienced it themselves are mostly positive. Young mothers who have encountered such a disease in children as cerebral palsy, say that after this procedure, their children have significant progress in treatment.

acupuncture indications and contraindications reviews

Also very satisfied were those parents who, using this procedure, treated their children from nocturnal enuresis, in most cases they managed to cope with the problem.

The procedure received not only positive feedback from the parents of young children, but most adults were satisfied with the result of treatment and were able, if not completely to get rid of the disease, then ease its course.

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