Facial massage: varieties, technique, reviews

When the first signs of aging appear, girls begin to think about facial massage. This procedure can return youth, but it is required to carry out it using a special technique. It is not worth doing a simple pressure on the points in a chaotic order, as this can only lead to injuries, but it does not help to achieve the main goal.

japanese facial massage

The benefits of massage

Facial massage has a magical effect on the integument and helps to achieve certain results:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • increase in tone;
  • expression of facial contours;
  • capillary activation;
  • relaxation of the skin.

With regular massage, the desired result will not have to wait long. As a rule, the full course is 10 procedures, but in some cases their number can increase to 15.


Before you understand how to do facial massage, you should understand who should start to perform it. This is especially true for women of age who already have clear signs of aging. Young girls can also be given prophylactic massage. In addition, the following indications can be noted:

  • sagging skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • dryness;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lethargy of the face;
  • poor circulation.

Sensations before and after facial massage will vary significantly. If it was performed for one of the above reasons, then after several sessions, skin rejuvenation and freshness will be noticeable.

facial massage before and after


Any facial massage has certain contraindications. This suggests that such a procedure can not be taken lightly. This method of changing the condition of the skin can not be called safe for absolutely everyone, because there is a list of problems in the presence of which it is forbidden to contact him. These include:

  • hemophilia;
  • herpes;
  • large moles;
  • facial injuries;
  • open wounds;
  • inflammation
  • warts.

In order not to aggravate the situation, in the presence of at least one of these problems it is worth giving up massage. The desired result will be obtained only after the elimination of problems.


Today there are several interesting types of massage. Each of them is unique and effective in its own way, so girls will have the opportunity to choose the appropriate option from the entire list.

The first thing worth noting is a Japanese facial massage. It is called Asahi and promotes rejuvenation in a short time. When people look at the graceful Japanese women, they can never accurately determine their age, since even in old age the inhabitants of this country have a tightened young face. This is exactly what Japanese facial massage helps them with. It will have to spend only 3 minutes a day, but the result will be possible to please not only herself, but also others.

Asahi massage for the face contributes to a noticeable anti-aging effect. It eliminates wrinkles, makes the skin more firm and elastic, and it tightens the oval of the face well. The movements in the Japanese facial massage are always carried out stroking. They should be directed from the periphery to the very center, according to the location of the lymph nodes.

No less popular is the Chinese technique. It also helps to restore youth and consists of only 4 movements that need to be repeated 10 times:

  1. Press the fingertips on the whiskey twice.
  2. Place the middle and forefinger above the eyebrow and draw them along the contour of the eyebrows starting from the nose and moving to the temples, and then back.
  3. Put the middle fingers at the point of the recesses next to the nostrils and press on them a little.
  4. Place the index fingers parallel to each other above the upper and under the lower lips and with a little effort to push at these points.

Such a session will certainly relax the skin and contribute to relaxation. It will help reduce wrinkles if they are very deep, and completely eliminate small ones.

The well-known acupressure, also called shiatsu, is respected by many people due to its effectiveness. It helps strengthen the muscles of the face, reduce the volume of sagging cheeks, and also helps to improve the general condition of the whole organism.

For this procedure, oil is usually used. The best options are: olive, linseed, sunflower. If you wish, you can take all these products in equal proportions, combine them together and reheat in a water bath. This version of the massage has many positive reviews, indicating its effectiveness and the almost complete absence of pain during execution.

sculpted facial massage

How to get rid of wrinkles

Effectively eliminate wrinkles of various depths if you follow the basic rules:

  • 20 minutes before the procedure, make a compress for the face from a decoction of herbs;
  • during the massage, the hair should be under a hat or in a special bandage;
  • hands before the session must be thoroughly washed and disinfected;
  • movements must be gentle and extremely careful;
  • massage is better in the morning.

A persistent anti-aging effect is quite possible to get. To do this, massage should be done in courses lasting 10 days, between which there should be a break of 7 days. One session should last no more than 15 minutes.

Massage lines

The facial massage technique requires accurate knowledge of the lines. They need to be learned before the procedure, because it is for them that you will need to do massage.

If you carry out the movements randomly, then in the end you can get only the opposite effect: the skin will sag, stretch and become covered with new wrinkles.

Directions of massage lines:

  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the middle of the lower lip to the lobes;
  • from the middle of the upper lip to the temples;
  • from the corners of the lips to the center of the ears;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the center of the forehead to the middle of the temples;
  • from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones along the lower eyelid;
  • from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones along the upper eyelid.

All these movements are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes. Too soft and soft skin should not be pinched and kneaded too much, because there will be traces on it that will go away for a very long time.

Asahi facial massage

Execution technique

A classic facial massage for a facelift that eliminates the signs of aging and gives the skin velvety is done using a simple technique. Its implementation does not take too much time, so even before leaving the house it is quite possible to have time to conduct a session yourself.

The first step is to perform a forehead massage:

  1. Massage the area with light pressing movements, moving three fingers from the center of the eyebrows to the middle of the temples, gradually lifting them up.
  2. Put two fingers over the bridge of the nose and walk in circular motions throughout the forehead, starting from the middle and moving towards the temples.
  3. Put one palm on the forehead, and determine the second on top of the first and move the skin in different directions, pressing with the whole hand, and not just with your fingers.
  4. Pads of the middle and index fingers perform tapping movements, heading from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  5. Make a few stroking movements.

Next is the skin around the eyes:

  1. It is necessary to capture the skin of the lower eyelid with the index and thumb and perform several movements in different directions, as if rolling it.
  2. Tap on this point with pads.
  3. Put the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes and move the skin in different directions.
  4. Run your fingers from the outside of the eyes to the temples.

After you need to work with the chin:

  1. Massage in a circular motion, but not pressing hard.
  2. Perform a few strokes along the massage lines, moving from the center of the chin to the temples.
  3. Rub the jaw well from all sides and pinch a little skin.
  4. End the session by tapping the chin area, as well as the bottom of the cheeks. This must be done simultaneously with four fingers.

Then you need to massage your cheeks:

  1. Inflate your cheeks as hard as possible and fix this position.
  2. Lightly rub the required area, moving from the corners of the lips to the temples.
  3. Perform several strokes in the same direction.
  4. Forefinger and middle fingers draw an arc from the bridge of the nose to the center of the temples and vice versa.
  5. Make light tapping.
lymphatic drainage facial massage

The procedure ends with a massage in the nose:

  1. Rub the skin from the nose to the tip of the nose and back.
  2. Perform several kneading and stroking movements.
  3. Use the tips of your index fingers to massage the area from the wings of the nose to the nose.
  4. Knock on the worked area with the pads of three fingers.
  5. Position the index fingers in the center of the nasolabial fold and move it with rubbing movements to the corners of the mouth and back.


Everyone enjoys the classic technique, without exception. Girls and women who performed this procedure on their own are pleased with the result. They claim that she helped them solve many problems that even modern cosmetics cannot cope with. Ladies indicate a noticeable smoothness and velvety skin, as well as an increase in its elasticity and the elimination of wrinkles.

Other varieties

Having considered the usual options for massage, which can easily be done independently, you should know that in addition to them, there are other techniques. They are usually done by specialists, since it is very difficult to independently perform all the movements correctly. Although, if there are certain skills, it is still possible to carry out the procedure at home without the help of massage therapists.

Sculptural face massage

The famous sculpted facial massage does not require additional devices for the procedure. It allows you to work out the muscles and, as a result, feel the effect of rejuvenation.

The procedure is carried out according to a strictly defined plan:

  1. Clear skin from decorative makeup and stab hair.
  2. Apply massage product on the palms.
  3. Start with light strokes, preparing the skin for a more aggressive effect
  4. Go to the drainage of the lymph nodes.
  5. Exactly affect the muscles.
  6. End the session by stroking.
  7. Wash off the remaining composition with gel.

The first step is to massage your chin. To do this, it is necessary to drive the back of the palm in a circular motion along the lower jaw, and then, holding the dimple of the chin, pinch it a little.

The next is the nose zone: with your fingertips you need to press on the points between the nose bridge and the inner corner of the eye. Next, you need to work out the cheeks, rubbing them with massaging, and then pinching movements. After that, it is necessary to walk several times with pinching movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The procedure should be completed by the area around the eyes, which is recommended to massage at an intense pace, moving towards the temples.

What do girls like

Reviews of facial massage indicate its simplicity and good efficiency. Women claim that their blood circulation has improved significantly with this technique. In addition, all redness, acne and small scars disappeared without a trace after 4-5 procedures.

facial massage reviews

Lymphatic drainage at home

The next thing to consider is lymphatic drainage facial massage, which will help to cope with edema, unhealthy skin tone, deep wrinkles, swelling of the eyes, as well as ulcers. The procedure is carried out in several steps:

  1. Prepare the skin by cleaning it with conventional means.
  2. Apply base in the form of viscous milk or oil.
  3. Warm up the neck, chin and forehead with massage movements of the palms (in this order).
  4. Work out the nasolabial wrinkles and the point between the eyebrows in the same way.
  5. In the same sequence, work out the skin by pressing movements of the fingertips along the massage lines.
  6. Lightly pinch eyebrows.
  7. Apply a nourishing cream.

The whole procedure should last about 15-20 minutes. After the first session, improvements will be noticeable both visually and by internal sensations.

Opinion of people

Oddly enough, the lymphatic drainage technique has no negative reviews. The only thing the girls are talking about is that it’s rather difficult to conduct a session without certain skills, although over time this can still be learned.

The effectiveness of the massage amazes everyone who has tried to do it at least once. The ladies point to an incredible result that they did not expect to see after the first session. Their skin was noticeably tightened, and wrinkles were smoothed out a little.

Buccal technique

You can complete the article with a buccal facial massage. It involves the involvement of muscles in the cheek area, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Thanks to this technique, you can achieve "weight loss" of the face as soon as possible.

Step by step massage will be as follows:

  1. Eliminate makeup and put on sterile medical gloves.
  2. Preheat the treated area, moving in a circular motion from the lower jaw to the cheekbones.
  3. Place the index and middle fingers on the inside of the cheek and, starting from the corner of the mouth, work out the chewing and facial muscles for 5-8 minutes.
  4. Use your fingertips to pat the outside of your cheeks to normalize blood circulation and prevent swelling.
  5. Spread the worked areas with a cream with a nourishing or moisturizing effect.

This procedure lasts about 20 minutes, including preparation and completion. It must be carried out in sterility.

face massage for facelift


Women who have tried the buccal massage technique on themselves are very pleased with the results. They claim that this procedure is first aid with a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the integument of the face. Those who conducted the session on their own say that these movements helped to tighten the skin quite quickly and improve trophism in the cheek area.

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