PMPK - what is it? The pedagogical characteristic for PMPK. Conclusion PMPK

Each person in his life goes through quite a lot of different commissions, starting from the moment when he is examined at discharge from the hospital. Further, a commission awaits the child upon admission to kindergarten, school, university, etc. In this article I want to talk about PMPK: what is it and why does a child need it.

pmpk what is it


Today, many words or phrases are encrypted for ease. It so happened in this situation. So, PMPK. What is it, i.e. how to decrypt abbreviation? This will sound completely like this: psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (consultation, consultation). A logical question may arise as to why there are several variations of decryption? Everything is simple: you just need to look at whom this abbreviation is used for. If they say to the mother that the child needs to undergo PMPK, then this will be a commission, but if we are talking about a doctor or teacher who is a member, the last letter in the abbreviation PMPK stands for consultation.


So, PMPK. What is it, i.e. Why does this commission exist? Its main goal is to determine the level of development of the child, namely the identification of various deviations and the appointment of a particular course of treatment or rehabilitation. The commission has the right to advise parents on issues regarding not only the physical, but also the mental development of the child. Members of the commission must provide certain conclusions and give recommendations on further actions regarding this child or group of students. It is also worth noting that the PMPK can work for a different number of children (no more than 100 thousand).


An important point is also the composition of PMPK. The commission consists of various kinds of specialists, as well as the chairman (from the field of education) and his deputy (most often a health specialist). The composition of the commission must include the following specialists: a psychologist, various doctors (for example, a pediatrician, orthopedist, ENT specialist, optometrist, etc.), special educators (these can be speech therapists, sign language educators), a social worker (as well as a social educator ), lawyer. Also, various board members from the areas of health and education may be included.

It is worth saying that the specialists do not work on their own, this is the so-called multidisciplinary team, where all members are interconnected, and the child is sent exclusively to the specialist that he currently needs. It is important to say that in addition to the permanent members, temporary members can be invited to this commission. So, it can be the teacher of the student, the representative of the class committee, the so-called reference person, i.e. one of the teachers who, if necessary, can "talk" to the student by virtue of his authority. Why so big PMPK? The commission in this composition enables the child (as well as his parents) to undergo an examination as soon as possible, bypassing all specialists in one place. This significantly speeds up, facilitates and optimizes the entire process.

student profile


We understand further in the abbreviation PMPK. What is it and why is this commission needed? It is worth paying attention to such an important moment as the tasks that specialists set for themselves. In the first place is the identification of the reasons for the student's deviations (an important point that can subsequently prevent the occurrence and development of such cases). The commission is also obliged to provide a practical solution to the problem that the student has encountered (it is important that at the moment the disorganization does not spread to other students).

Mandatory members of the commission decide how the learning process should take place with the student (or group of students), as well as provide various recommendations to his parents or teachers of the educational institution. An important point is that the commission should draw up a PMPK work plan to correct the learning process.


Based on the foregoing, we can distinguish several simple functions of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. First of all, this is diagnostic - determining the reasons why the student has problems, considering his family and friendships, viewing information about him, his talents and potential. The next very important function of the commission is rehabilitation. So, specialists should concentrate as best as possible and present the student with various solutions to this situation: this may be optimization of the learning process, family rehabilitation, medical recommendations, etc. And, of course, the educational function, which is also inherent in such an organ as PMPK.

PMPK conclusion

Organization of Activities

How should the activities of this commission be organized? So, meetings are most often held not regularly, but according to necessity (depending on the situation or according to the preparedness of methodological materials on the problem). It is important to say that the meeting can be convened on an emergency basis, and everything that happens at the time of the commission’s work is recorded by the secretary in a special protocol. Everything is carried out in the form of a conversation, for which specialists are prepared in advance. At the meeting, various ways of optimizing the educational process of a student or group of students are discussed, as well as preliminary conclusions and general recommendations for solving the existing problem are given.

Forms of the Commission

An interesting point is that the forms of work of the PMPK can be different. It is worth saying that there are both scheduled (planned) and unscheduled meetings (the goal is an emergency solution to the problem). As for the first, there is a classic form of their conduct. It is preceded by a problem, for which the commission will meet. Specialists are preliminarily preparing, at the very meeting they present certain conclusions and make recommendations.

The upgraded version of the consultation is that everything happens in the form of a game where it is much easier for a child to relax. Conclusions and recommendations for this scenario are given by the commission a little later. Also, the consultation can be assembled in force majeure mode, when an urgent solution to the problem is required and the matter is urgent. It is worth mentioning that the meetings themselves can be held in both individual and collective forms, depending on whether one student or the whole group requires help.

Characteristic for preschooler at school

About children

Why and when can the PMPK meeting take place at school? So, children can be sent for examination at the request of the parents themselves or on the recommendation of the educational, health, and social protection authorities. An important point is that a child can undergo this commission only with the consent of the parents. However, there is a small nuance: obtaining permission is not required if the student was sent to the commission by court order. In this case, the child can be examined in the presence of both or one of the parents.


If the child is sent for examination by the staff of the educational institution, an important document is the pedagogical characteristic for the PMPK. Here the teacher (or class leader) should not only point out the shortcomings of the child, but also give a more detailed picture of his condition. It is important to indicate the nature of the difficulties, write about what measures were taken, what was the student’s reaction to them. This document should not be exclusively negative. It is also important to indicate the positive aspects of the child.

Characteristics per student at PMPC may include data such as the number of years spent in an educational institution, relationships in a child’s family, his personal characteristics (sociability, aptitude for science, ability to find a common language with classmates), it is also important to submit documents on academic performance on various subjects.

Characterization Algorithm

How should the characterization of the student at PMPK be drawn up correctly? So, this document has its own specific form, which necessarily indicates all the necessary data. At the very beginning they write full name student, the institution where he is studying, class. The text itself can begin with information about which family the child has, how well she is, and what form of upbringing parents adhere to. This will be followed by an explanation of the nuances of the child’s learning activities. The teacher must tell about how quickly and efficiently the student learns knowledge, what is his worldview and general development, whether it corresponds to this age.

The following is a more detailed explanation of the main subjects of study. If this is a first grader, it should be described how much the child knows mathematics, whether he can read, as he writes. If this is a high school student, clarifications will be more general. It should be indicated which subjects have inclinations, which are difficult to access and difficult to study. Particular attention should be paid to the processes of thinking, the characteristics of memory, and other skills. It is also very important to give the emotional and personal characteristics of the student. If necessary, the teacher can take a sample of the characterization at the PMPK in the method room, where he should be provided with full information about this document, as well as the correct form of its preparation.

PMPK at school


A child referred to PMPC can undergo a medical examination. To do this, specialists such as an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist and necessarily a psychologist will be involved. It is by the decision of the doctors that a medical opinion will be drawn up regarding a specific child. Psychological and pedagogical examination should identify various psychological characteristics of the development of the student (communication skills, self-service, the nature of game activity, etc.).


Before school, the child should also be referred for examination by the commission described. To do this, he will need a characteristic for a preschool child at the PMPK, which must be provided by the teachers of the kindergarten, where the kid was previously trained. She can become the central link in the character of the examination of the baby. However, at the same time, the commission itself should identify the level of readiness of the child for school - determine the level of his mental, emotional and physical development, because at this stage the baby should already have some knowledge about the world around him, have ingenuity and the basics of logical thinking, the ability to remember. Also, he should be able to control the urges of his body, to organize himself. If the child has already attended school, the commission must determine the reasons for which he or she had some difficulties. The characterization at PMPK will be obligatory again (grade 1, second or fifth - not so important, the data there will still be approximately the same), on the basis of which the commission members will be able to draw preliminary conclusions.


If the student needs a PMPC examination, it is worth knowing that parents need to collect a package of certain documents. For each special case, it will be different, but it must include a copy of the birth certificate of the child, copies of the parents' passports, a document that confirms the student’s place of residence, various papers confirming, for example, disability - this is the so-called civilian kit. You will also need a pedagogical kit, which necessarily includes a characterization of the child at the PMPK, a photocopy of the student’s personal files, it may be necessary to provide some workbooks (especially for primary school students).

Medical documents are also required, such as a pediatrician’s discharge, as well as a medical examination report. In special cases, you may need, for example, audiograms (if the child has a hearing loss) or special conclusions for a disease such as cerebral palsy.

performance at pmpk

PMPC meeting minutes

An important document is the PMPK protocol itself, in which everything that happened at the meeting should be recorded. So, it has its standard form. It begins with the date and a list of all those specialists who were present at the same time (by name and by signature). The following is an agenda that briefly describes all the issues that are to be considered. The main and most important part of the protocol is the description of the passage of the meeting itself (almost everything that has been said is recorded). The protocol ends with the decisions of the commission, its proposals and recommendations. At the very end, everything is fixed by the signatures of the chairman and secretary. It is worth saying that the protocol itself is an official document, it is stored in archives for a long time.


A very important document is the conclusion of the PMPK. It contains all the results of the survey, which can serve as the official basis for referring a student to educational institutions of a special type. Moreover, the commission members themselves are required to maintain confidentiality. If the parents do not agree with the decision of the commission, they may be given the right to replace some specialists (of whose competence they doubt), as well as the choice of another expert institution. If necessary, the decision of the commission may be appealed in court (civil proceedings). It is also worth mentioning that only the conclusion of the PMPK (city, district, regional) provides a basis for referring or transferring a child to a specialized educational institution.

Compilation algorithm

It is worth saying that such a document as the conclusion of the PMPK is fixed, it does not have a free form. So, at the very beginning, the general conclusion of the consultation is given regarding a particular student. There will be a small dossier on the child (full name, class of education, educational institution, home address), then such item as the reasons for referring to PMPK will follow, this may also include complaints from the parents or teachers of the student, the opinion is equally important class teacher regarding this child. Further, the conclusions of various experts who conducted the examination will be separately attached to the document. At the end, the general conclusion of the consultation is presented, as well as the recommendations made by its members. Everything is fixed by signatures and stamp.

PMPK commission

Expert opinions

So, there was a presentation at PMPK, the student went through all the examinations, at the end each specialist gave his opinion. The general conclusion will necessarily be attached to the conclusion of a psychologist, who should tell the psycho-emotional development of the student, about his interpersonal relationships, as well as about other important aspects of development. A teacher must also present his conclusion, who will give a brief description of the student, based on his performance in various subjects. A similar document is drawn up by the pediatrician of the consultation, it can be presented, if necessary, by a speech therapist, defectologist or other specialists (depending on the child's problem).

The document of each individual specialist necessarily has such a point as recommendations, where ways of solving the existing problem in each individual case should be listed.


There are situations when a child is sent to a higher commission. This can happen if the members of the formed PMPK do not come to a single decision. Such a development of events is also possible in the case when the parents do not agree with the decision of the commission and are not going to accept it. In this case, the decision of the PMPK can be transferred to the district or regional commission. Only after additional research, the report can be returned to the educational institution or given to parents.

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