Aircraft "White Swan" Tu-160: description, specifications

The Russian White Swan aircraft, a machine developed by Tupolev Design Bureau, belongs to the military aviation class. Gathered in the days of the Union. Several machines operate to this day. A distinctive feature of this model is the variable geometry of the wing. The class of weapons refers to bombers. Like all Tupolev cars, got its “Tu” in the title. The full name according to technical data is Tu-160.

white swan plane

At the moment, aircraft production has been discontinued, but rumors periodically appear in the media that it will be resumed, taking into account all the innovations and developments existing to this day.

Proper names ...

The White Swan plane is the only class of all Russian aviation that gets its name. Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are not so many such aircraft in Russia. It may be exceptional, but each White Swan also has its own name. These are the names of famous pilots (Tu-160 "Valery Chkalov") fabulous heroes (Tu-160 "Ilya Muromets") or famous designers and champions.


Interestingly, there were two vehicles with tail number “18” in the design bureau. For the first time this side room received the first flight model. He took off on December 18, 1981. The second aircraft was assembled for static experiments, and it did not rise into the air. The next plane (third) also became a flight model.

white swan airplane characteristic

The second car with tail number "18" came out after the start of serial production. She got her own name "Andrey Tupolev." According to the manufacturer’s factory (Kazan), it underwent a planned restoration in 2013.

It is worth noting that the White Swan strategic plane, as it was later called, cost a lot of money, and was developed only for the needs of the Soviet Union, so the concept of seriality can be used with a great deal of stretch. This model was not exported.

Is the flock big?

Before proceeding directly to the characteristics of flight, weapons and capabilities, it should be noted that, unlike other non-serial models, a different situation developed here. If you are interested in the question of how many White Swan aircraft Russia has, it can be recalled that the car began to be assembled in the days of the Union and, perhaps, would have been assembled to this day if there had been a Union. But with the collapse of all production facilities of the Union scale, the assembly stopped here. Therefore, only 35 cars were assembled that could be understood into the air among them - an order of magnitude less. But according to some media reports, the Russian Defense Ministry plans to bring the fleet of “swans” to 50 units. Along with this is the modernization of old cars, as well as developing new ones.

white swan aircraft speed

Having examined the situation of today, let's move on to the history of creation, development of weapons and other details, without which the White Swan military plane simply could not exist, or would be completely different. After all, at first the role of the main developer was not offered to Tupolev at all. But first things first.

The story of the White Swan

In the mid-70s of the last century, the Union had powerful capabilities for a nuclear attack, and at the same time a clear lag in the strategic aviation class. This class of those years was represented only by subsonic bombers, not capable of passing through the air defense of alleged opponents. Therefore, in 1967, the USSR government issued a decree on the creation of a “new, multi-mode strategic aircraft.” The development of the project begins in the Sukhoi and Myasishchev bureaus. Tupolevites at that moment had other orders, so they did not deal with this aircraft. It is noteworthy that while developing completely different planes, both bureaus agreed on one thing - in both projects the wing of variable sweep was featured.

New aircraft projects

At the same time, Sukhoi Design Bureau was repelled by the T-4 version that they had created earlier, but Myasishchev went the other way - a multi-mode M-20 bomber-bomber was developed at the bureau. It can also be noted that both versions were planned and other modifications - anti-submarine aircraft or high-altitude reconnaissance.

Tupolev Design Bureau is connected in 1969, after the Air Force revises plans and sets specific dates. It should be noted that Tupolevites had an advantage over competitors - TU-144, a supersonic passenger liner. Its development allowed us to solve the main problems of pre- and supersonic flight. You can also mention the Tu-22M, during the development of which new weapon systems and flight equipment were tested. The project they released was most reminiscent of the improved TU-144 and did not pull on the White Swan plane. Its characteristics to a large extent repeated the characteristics of the 144th, but had some new parts, run-in during the production of the TU-22M.

Russian white swan plane

The decision in favor of the White Swan

It should be noted that the Air Force recognized the best version of Sukhoi - the new T-4M bomber, but the Sukhovites at that moment began the development of the T-10 (better known as the SU-27), and the transition to heavy aircraft would delay its development for an indefinite period. Therefore, the military made a "Solomon decision." The Sukhovites will continue to work on the fighter, but all materials on T-4M are transferred to Tupolev, who brings the aircraft to serial production.

military aircraft white swan

Perhaps the projects would have ended on this, and the new White Swan aircraft would have been renamed the T-4M, but Tupolev decided differently. He refused documentation and decided to continue developing a new aircraft with variable wing sweep. Fixed wing arrangements no longer lifted. It should be noted that the Air Force called two main requirements - transonic flights at low altitude or subsonic at significant altitude. It was in response to these opposite conditions that the aircraft appeared, which later received the code name Tu-160M. “M” in this context meant a modernized version using new technologies and materials. Then began the development of new power plants, chassis, engines and other components. In total, the White Swan aircraft received parts from more than 500 organizations of various profiles.

Swan and modifications

Despite the rather complicated fate of the Tu-160, in addition to the main model, 4 varieties of the 160th were also developed, differing by different indices and intended for different purposes, as well as the Tu-161 model, which has a wider fuselage due to the use of liquid hydrogen engines.

So, the Tu-160PP model was developed - an electronic interception aircraft. In addition to a full-size layout and determination of the necessary equipment, no further action was taken. Tu-160P, in addition to missiles, could have the capabilities of a heavy fighter. The NK-74 (Tu-160) model would receive special, more powerful power plants, which would have a positive effect on the flight range. And finally, the Tu-160K was left only on paper - a missile system project.

Flight data and speed

According to reviews on the Internet, this is the most powerful, heaviest, and best White Swan aircraft. Characteristics of flight data: wingspan 35–55 m. In this case, the wing area remains unchanged at 232 sq. m. Practical ceiling - 21 km (for comparison: a passenger airliner can rise to 11.5). The flight duration can be more than 15 hours, while flying without refueling it will be 12 500 km. The combat radius of 5000 km.

The aircraft is controlled by a team of 4 people, and crew members have the opportunity to stand up and stretch themselves. The length of the aircraft is 50 m, height - 13. A small kitchen and a bathroom are provided on board. 4 engines are pressed to the fuselage, a pair on each side are able to develop thrust up to 18,000 kgf, afterburner is able to squeeze up to 25,000.

white swan aircraft armament

Considering that the Air Force instructed to assemble an aircraft capable of squeezing out supersonic speed (and only the TU-144 could squeeze out such an earlier in the Union) - a supersonic airliner, the speed of the White Swan aircraft has been a subject of debate for quite some time. Nevertheless, the cruising speed is 920 km / h, and the maximum reaches 2300 km / h. Climbing speed 4,000 m / min. For take-off, a car needs a strip with a length of at least 800 m, you can sit on a strip with a length of at least 2 km.


It remains for us to describe one more detail that is always mentioned when talking about military equipment, which is the “White Swan”. A plane, the armament of which requires to be located over the territory of the enemy, - this can be said of a bomber. But the “swan” does not have to appear above the territory of the enemy.

how many white swan aircraft in Russia

As a strategic bomber, the Tu-160 also got the opportunity to use cruise missiles. You can use 2 of their types. This is the X-55CM, used to hit targets that have given coordinates (the coordinates of the targets are entered in the memory blocks of the rocket before the plane takes off). In flight, you can use up to 12 missiles. Or the X-15C, designed to destroy nearby targets - you can take on board 24 missiles of this type.

Interestingly, after modernization, missile weapons became the main - for the use of bombs, launchers may have to be removed. Instead of bombs, you can use sea ​​mines, nuclear bombs or bomb cartridges. Further modernization of existing machines will allow the use of the X-101 and X-555 - the latest missiles designed for increased range and destruction of targets of almost all classes, regardless of whether they are land or sea.


According to most experts, the White Swan aircraft is several times ahead of its main rivals, the American B-1 and the English Typhoon fighter. The flight range of the Tu-160M ​​(upgraded) is 4 times higher than the British, the number of bombs is also several times higher. Engine efficiency is better than the English version. Airspeed is 1.5 times that of an American, flight range and combat radius are 1.5 times higher. The engine thrust is almost 2 times stronger. If to compare with V-2 (modernization of V-1), the characteristics of which are cut down wherever possible, then the Tu-160 will be better in any parameter.

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