We begin to think about the work of our joints only when we feel a sudden pain or restriction of movement in any part of the body. But this disease is many-sided and insidious. Arthritis and arthrosis begin with pain, and can end with complete immobility of the joints. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to treat joints with folk remedies.
Often, traditional medicine treats only the symptoms in such diseases. Alternative medicine approaches the treatment of joints in a comprehensive manner and is aimed at preventing relapse of the disease in the future. A guarantee of a positive result is a comprehensive treatment with traditional medicine and treatment of arthrosis of the joints with folk remedies. It is very useful to use folk remedies for preventive purposes.
The guarantee of a good joint treatment is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and above all in physical activity and proper nutrition. You should follow a diet and use only natural products without preservatives, exclude sugar and food additives, try to consume less coffee or drink decaffeinated coffee.
We offer several effective means with which you can produce joint treatment with folk remedies.
Mix a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a quarter of a teaspoon of garlic juice squeezed. You can take corn instead of olive oil, but then you need to squeeze one clove of garlic. This remedy helps with pain and brings relief, you need to drink it before breakfast.
If the pain in the joints is felt when the weather changes, then you can treat with cabbage juice. It is necessary to moisten the natural wool fabric in it, apply it to the diseased joint and bandage it. Such a compress will bring relief in a short time.
A good treatment of joints with folk remedies can be done with a mixture of equal parts of flower honey, glycerin, alcohol and iodine. With this mixture, you should rub your legs towards the heart and then the pain will go away. For the same purpose and in the same way, rubbing with fruit vinegar can be performed.
The treatment of joints with folk remedies with the help of essential oils also has a positive effect. Extracts of eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender, rosemary and hyssop, camphor can be used for these purposes. To massage the whole body, it is good to use such an aromatic combination: taking vegetable oil as a basis, add 8% chamomile and 4% eucalyptus, pine and hyssop. A significant positive effect on the condition of the joints is inhaled by the vapor of aromatic oils.
Particular attention should be paid to alternative treatment of the hip joint, since the consequences of such a disease can be much more serious than with the disease of other joints. Therefore, it is impossible to engage in self-diagnosis and only a doctor can determine the methods of treatment with folk remedies. This may be a state of inflammation and a state of remission. In such cases, treatment approaches will be different. In addition, it must be recognized that in the case of a hip joint disease, folk recipes, however, like traditional medicine, are not yet able to achieve a complete cure.
In addition, folk recipes help against such an unpleasant phenomenon, a crunch when the joints work. For this, compresses and lotions with various natural remedies are recommended. First of all, it is salt and citric, as well as acetic acid. Soda lotions help. Simple physical exercises also help. In the morning lying on your back, twist your bike with your feet, then gently pull each leg to your chest. During the day, massage your knees from time to time.