Mannheim education system: principles, advantages and disadvantages

The training system is the organization of the activities of teachers and students according to a certain standard. The correct organization of the lesson will help to improve academic performance, give an incentive to children to learn and develop, and will raise their spirits daily. A boring and outdated form of education often makes students sad, making the whole learning process burdensome and long. The Mannheim education system is designed specifically to increase children's interest in learning.

The emergence of the Mannheim system

Proper organization of lessons

The 19th century was marked by a thorough revision of the methods of approach to students. There was then one general form of organization of education, an intelligent child or children of average ability - all were in the same class. And everyone got the same tasks. Classes for disabled students were not provided. Such students could not work at the same pace with those who have more knowledge, so they did not show much interest in learning.

Teachers tried to somehow solve this problem in order to increase the interest of children. For this, it was necessary to focus on the average student and his abilities. The organization of the educational process of that time did not give a wide variety, only two forms were possible: Mannheim and Batavian.

The Mannheim training system originated in Germany, in the city of Mannheim of the same name. The creator was Joseph Zikkinger, who believed that it was necessary to divide elementary school students by ability, and not just by age.

It was to solve such a serious problem that Joseph suggested that it would be best to divide children into different classes or groups. Four classes were needed: classes for children with intermediate abilities, classes for the mentally retarded, for the disabled, and classes designed for a high level of education.

And in separate classes the system was already built according to the usual plan, and each student got the opportunity to prove himself, because the program was designed specifically for his level of knowledge.

Why is this necessary?

The founder of this form of organization of the educational process was a good teacher who saw a problem in working with students in many schools in Germany. He believed that training would be effective only when the child was offered tasks according to his degree of understanding and development. In classes for capable children there will be difficult tasks and foreign languages, for disabled people there will be easy work and basic rules of the mother tongue. It makes no sense to give everyone the same thing, because not all children can do this work, so interest in learning disappears. The child believes that he is not good enough, so he finds something to do in another area. Moreover, this may not always be positive.

Batavian form of organization of study

Batavian organization

In the United States in the small town of Batavia, a serious problem appeared - the lack of places in schools were overcrowded. In the classes were students not only of different abilities and knowledge, but also of different views, ethnic groups, religions. It was in Batavia that John Kennedy first proposed his training system. He described the principles perfectly in his book "The Batavian system of individual instruction."

The essence of such an organization was that the educational process consisted of two main parts: lessons when the teacher works with the whole class, and individual lessons. The latter were carried out with the aim of speedy rehabilitation of students, clarification of obscure topics, work with the most successful students.

Work with lagging children could be entrusted to specially invited teachers from other cities. It was necessary to take into account that it is impossible to give new knowledge until the teacher understands that the topics covered are well mastered by everyone without exception. Instead of students, it was forbidden to perform their homework or class tasks, so that they themselves understood how to do everything. The only thing a teacher could in this case was to explain incomprehensible moments. The material should have been submitted by the teacher in a timely and phased manner.

Advantages of the Mannheim Learning System

classes for children with average abilities

The advantages of this form of training were presented only for capable students who immediately fell into specialized classes. All tasks were designed for their abilities, such children had the opportunity to receive new knowledge constantly. For them, a higher class was not provided, so teachers constantly complicated tasks, gave more difficult tasks. The child worked at full strength and was always interested in learning.

Medium and poor students could not advance, as they received tasks designed only for their level, but not higher.

Cons of this form of training

mannheim learning system advantages and disadvantages

Many teachers, studying in detail the principles of the Mannheim training system, could not help but note serious shortcomings.

First of all, the distribution of students in classes was carried out biased. The teacher himself decided who succeeds and who does not. The exams determined whether the student was worthy of studying in the classroom for capable ones, but this is fundamentally wrong. The exam is a lot of stress for the child, so he can get excited and make a mistake, even if he really knows everything. Psychometric assessments of the development of the child were also considered an optimal indicator, but at that time they were extremely imperfect.

Secondly, the student could, until the end of his studies, have the status of "poorly performing," "incapable." The process of transferring a child to a different level of education has not been fully developed, therefore, as a rule, in which class the student got into the selection, in that he remained until the completion of the training. This could not but affect mental abilities. The initial understanding that you were a weak student or mediocrity subsequently remained for life.

Is this form of training applied today?

school mannheim education system

Today, in many schools, the classroom-lesson form of instruction remains the leading one. The Mannheim system has lost popularity due to imperfection.

Many teachers still apply it, but only indirectly. In some secondary schools, separate classes are created according to the type of lyceum or gymnasium, in which the level of training of students is much higher.

Such an organization of the educational process is used in some lessons or classroom events when students are divided into teams. As a rule, distribution occurs precisely according to ability.

Is it possible to arrange the work differently?

Group work

It is possible to work with students without using this form. The advantages and disadvantages of training with the Mannheim system show that there are many more.

In any case, it is not recommended to leave it at all, because capable students should receive more knowledge, otherwise such work will bore them. It is enough to separate them from the rest of the class and give work according to skills and knowledge, and work with the rest of the class personally. The main rule is not to ignore the children, because even capable students can sometimes not fully understand. And constantly separate them is also not recommended, because it will cause a protest and a wave of negativity from the rest of the students.

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