Falsification of documents is a criminal offense. Counterfeiting can be carried out by selecting (replacing) all or any specific elements of the paper. Let us further consider how the falsification of documents is carried out.
General information
In the Criminal Code, falsification of documents is characterized by a description of individual actions. However, the specific meaning of the term "fake" is not disclosed in the Code. The falsification of documents by experts is defined as the manufacture of fictitious paper using duplicating, copying equipment, illegally seized forms, fake stamps, signatures, and seals. The forgery can be carried out by making corrections or by completely changing the original, destroying part of the existing text (cutting, washing off, etching, cleaning), adding new records (pasting, pasting, adding).
Falsification of documents: UK
Counterfeiting can be an independent crime or an element of another. In the first case, for example, falsification of election documents or referendum forms may take place. For the purpose of profit, securities and money can be forged and then sold. The manufacture of fake medical papers is described in article 233 of the Criminal Code. Falsification of medical documents, prescriptions, certificates and so on allows you to receive psychotropic or narcotic drugs in pharmacies. Counterfeiting and marketing of payment or credit cards and other payment securities is an independent crime. These are not all the ways in which falsification of documents is carried out. Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation prescribes punishment for falsification, production or sale of fictitious state awards, seals, stamps, letterheads, papers. Service forgery is described in Art. 292.
Types of falsification of documents
In accordance with various characteristics of the compositions, the forgery may be general or special. When analyzing a fake, experts identify which falsification of documents was carried out. Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of features that determine, for example, intellectual forgery. In this case, the paper contains all the necessary details, has the correct form, but the data that is set out in it does not correspond to reality. There is also material falsification of documents. An article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation describing one or another corpus delicti may provide for full or partial falsification. There is also a category such as fictitious papers. They are drawn up from companies that have ceased to exist or fictitious persons, are certified by the wrong organization or the wrong specialist, which they should.
There are different methods by which documents are falsified. A cleanup is a mechanical deletion of parts of a text. As a rule, they are erased with an eraser or scraped out with a knife, blade, strokes, letters, numbers. When cleaning, the top layer of paper is broken, part of it is removed along with text elements. Signs of this procedure are gloss changes, ruffling of fibers, thinning of paper, blurry ink on top of text, and so on. In some cases, the cleaned area is masked, smoothed or varnished with something solid. Also, to hide the erase can be a continuous stroke of the text.
This procedure is a flushing or discoloration with chemical reagents: oxidizing agents, alkalis, acids. Substances affect not only deleted text, but also directly on paper, background mesh, and so on. When using chemical etching, shades of the document will be noticeable. As a rule, yellow spots appear on paper. Ink smears will also be visible when applying text on top, dimming the strokes. The latter is a consequence of the continued exposure to a chemical reagent left in the paper.
It is an addition to graphic elements of individual words, characters, letters, paragraphs. Supplementation is carried out, as a rule, in ink, the same color with the existing text. The main features of such a fake are differences in the features of handwriting in the compared parts. Letters can have different sizes, thickness. In addition, elements of the same name can have different styles, gaps of different sizes, signs of stops in writing, blurry strokes, line offsets, the presence of text strokes, and so on can be detected in a document.
It is the inclusion of typewritten characters, paragraphs, words, various characters. As a rule, such changes are made in a small amount. However, they can significantly affect the content. So, by printing individual numbers, letters, you can change the amounts in invoices, statements, receipts. The distinguishing features of such a fake are the mismatch of the horizontal character, the differences in the sizes and patterns of the same characters, the colors of the dyes of the ribbons.
Replace Items
As a rule, identity cards are faked in this way . In passports, passes and other documents, photos are most often replaced. Technically, this procedure can be carried out in various ways. For example, a photo can be completely replaced, leaving a fragment with a print imprint, etc. Re-sticking is visible by peeling off the top layer of the form below and around the picture, discrepancy in the content, letter size of the text of the print on the photo card and paper, and so on. In the case of replacing sheets of a multi-page document, the elements may differ in size, cut line, color cast. Also discrepancies of puncture and staple places are visible, in numbering, number, series of pages.
Fake signatures
Falsification in this case is also carried out in different ways. In particular, it can be imitation (imitation) of a genuine sample, copying using technical tools. Visually, a fake signature can be identified by the open strokes located next to the stroke, by signs of slowness in movements (stops, painting, blunt line endings).
Fake Impressions
Many documents must be certified by stamps and seals in which certain text and signs are present. The prints are falsified by drawing, making cliches on rubber and other materials, wet copying from the original, and so on. If the drawing was used, then in the center of the round seal the trace from the leg of the compass will be visible. Also, the heterogeneity of the pattern and size of letters of the same name, their asymmetric arrangement relative to the separation elements will be noticeable. Often, experts find semantic and grammatical errors in the text of the print. When using a cliche, mirroring of letters is revealed, the absence of certain elements. To avoid this defect, the method of copying is used. For example, the print is first removed by some sticky material or egg white, and then applied to the blank.
The legislation establishes liability for falsification of documents. In particular, for the forgery of certificates, other official papers that grant rights or relieve oneself of duties, production for sale for the purpose of gaining state awards, stamps, seals, forms provides:
- Restriction of freedom up to 2 or 3 years.
- Arrest for 6 months.
In case of repeated commission of crimes, the law provides for up to 4 years in prison. If a citizen knew that the document was false, and used it, they can appoint him:
- A fine of up to 200 minimum wages or equal to a salary or other income for a period of 1 to 2 months.
- Mandatory or remedial work. In the first case, their duration is up to 240 hours, in the second - up to 2 years.
- Six months arrest.