How much marijuana is held in urine and blood?

The results of a blood or urine test during a physical examination for entry to work can easily reveal traces of recent consumption of narcotic substances, in particular marijuana. The active substance is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is contained in the leaves of this plant, forms stable bonds with fat cells, gradually being washed out of the body. Based on this, the question arises about how much marijuana is held in the urine.

How does cannabinol accumulate in the body?

If a special test for the content of narcotic substances in the body showed a positive result, this does not mean that, shortly before visiting the laboratory, a person consumed marijuana.

how much marijuana is held in urine

How many days does marijuana stay in urine? Smoking this herb leads to some changes in the biochemistry of the human body. After the active substances get inside, the processes of exchange of chemical components are immediately activated, as a result of which new molecules arise, the so-called metabolites. The removal of these molecules is extremely slow and depends mainly on the metabolic rate in the body of each individual.

It is metabolites that are detected as a result of an analysis of the content of narcotic substances in the body. If even marijuana was taken for a long time and only once, the test can still show the presence of its components in urine, blood, hair.

How long does marijuana stay in blood and urine?

The duration of traces of marijuana depends on numerous factors. The individual characteristics of the human body come first.

how many days does marijuana stay in urine

How much marijuana is held in urine is affected by the following:

  • metabolic rate and metabolic processes;
  • the percentage of body fat in the human body;
  • frequency and amount of marijuana consumed;
  • strength and saturation of marijuana with active substances.

Trace analysis for marijuana

Before taking an analysis for the content of marijuana components, it is important to determine how saturated the body is with such substances.

how long does marijuana stay in urine

The following testing methods are available for cannabinol in the body:

  1. Saliva analysis is the simplest test. Often, preference is given to carrying out just this analysis, due to the possibility of random, random checks.
  2. Determination of marijuana in the urine indicates the presence of metabolic degradation products. Allows you to record cases of marijuana consumption for a period of three weeks ago or more.
  3. A blood test is the most popular, common test. It is used when necessary to obtain fast results.
  4. Hair follicle test - analysis of a high degree of reliability. It can show the presence of cannabinol metabolites in the body six months after the last use of marijuana.

Complete body cleansing

How long does it take for the traces of marijuana in the urine to completely disappear? There is no single answer to this question . The active substance of marijuana - cannabinol - has the property of being deposited in the body's fat cells. Gradually, this component is excreted in the urine during the breakdown of body fat.

how much marijuana is kept in blood and urine

After a single dose of the drug, the detection of marijuana in the urine is possible for another week. In the case of testing the body of a heavy weed smoker, positive results can occur after a month or even a year has passed since the last use.

How to remove toxins from the body?

If the exact date of the analysis for traces of marijuana in the body is known, then it is better to prepare for such a test in advance. Abundant fluid intake will speed up the process of removing cannabinol from body fat with urine. Drinking water can also slightly dilute the content of the active substances of marijuana in the urine, which will reduce the likelihood of obtaining positive test results.

detection of marijuana in the urine

How long is marijuana in urine? To accelerate the process of removing its components from the body will allow active sports, as well as bathing procedures. This approach makes it possible to significantly accelerate metabolic processes and accelerate metabolism, which helps to cleanse the body.

If necessary, you can resort to a mobile cleansing of the body from traces of cannabinol. It is about detoxification of the body by specialists with the use of certain medications. However, this method of eliminating toxins should be used only as a last resort, since there is the likelihood of serious harm to your own body.

How to get around marijuana analysis?

Given how much marijuana is held in the urine, getting around the body cannabinol test will not be easy. Long before the start of the analysis, you should begin to follow the rules of a healthy diet. The use of marijuana leads to a violation of the acid-base balance in the body. To restore the alkaline component, it is recommended to saturate your own diet with fresh vegetables, while at the same time eliminating dairy, flour, meat products.

determination of marijuana in urine

Despite how long the marijuana stays in the urine, before starting the analysis, it can be given a natural look, which will cause absolutely no suspicion of dilution. A few days before the start of the test, it is recommended to start taking food supplements or vitamin complexes containing creatinine. Immediately before taking the tests, you need to consume up to 100 g of B vitamins, then drink at least a liter of water.

When passing urine for analysis, the first trickles should be shed past the collecting cup. This will reduce the percentage of metabolites in the urine, since concentrated substances are excreted from the body in the first place.

Useful Tips

  1. Having learned about the need to pass a test for the content of marijuana components in the body, you should immediately begin to refrain from consuming weed in any form, otherwise all efforts to get negative test results will go down the drain.
  2. If possible, you should try to delay the date of the test, postponing it to a later date, which will increase the time required to reduce the number of metabolites in the body.
  3. If you have to take tests for the content of marijuana components in the hair, in this case it is better to completely shave your head or use a special shampoo, the active substances of which are cleaned with tetrahydrocannabinol from the hair.

Interesting facts about the removal of cannabinol from the body

There are many cases where cannabinol is extremely slowly excreted from the body of certain individuals. There are stories when this substance was found in the urine of people who started smoking weed more than three months ago.

There are results of special studies aimed at determining the duration of the content of marijuana components in the body of former smokers. Tests were conducted on two dozen patients after a recent and weekly abstinence from the use of weed.

traces of marijuana in the urine

As the results of the analyzes showed, the concentration of cannabinol in the form of metabolites in the body of each smoker was different. About half of the study participants after taking the tests the very next day after using marijuana received a negative result. The rest, on the contrary, showed a high concentration of toxins, even after a week.

Such studies once again confirm: how much marijuana is held in the urine depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the characteristics of metabolism and metabolic rate.

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