Hair cream "Sensilk": composition, description with photo

Any woman knows that her image can be improved due to well-groomed hair. But constant washing, drying, styling and staining takes their vitality, and they look unattractive. Young ladies, in order to be attractive, are forced to select additional means of care for curls. For this, “Sensilk” hair cream is suitable, which increases softness and obedience, as well as gives shine and makes them healthy.

Varieties of cream structures for hair care

Depending on the type of hair available, women want to even it out, add splendor, accuracy and beauty. Everyone likes radiant health, shiny curls. “Sansilk” cream, which does not need to be washed off, will help to realize your dreams. Immediately after drying, the hair becomes shiny, obedient, well-groomed and increased in volume. All these properties depend on the type of tool selected. And “Sensilk” hair cream for hair effects is used for:

  • smoothing curls;
  • giving volume;
  • restoration after damage by perms and staining;
  • split ends warnings;
  • straightening highly curly hair;
  • styling accuracy;
  • brilliance revival;
  • UV protection.
Hair Care Product

Daily using a cream with different effects, you can change the hairstyle and style. The desires of women are easily translated into reality. In this case, any type of cream products restores and nourishes the hair.

Some features of the cream "Sansilk"

The cream, due to its composition, is able to eliminate the effects of hair damage in a short period of time. It solves several problems at once:

  • Moisturizes - with the loss of moisture, the hair dulls. The composition of the cream revives them, giving them elasticity.
  • Restores - hair damaged after dyeing and heat treatment is revitalized by nourishing oils, which also give strength to brittle strands and accelerate their growth.
  • Smoothing - Sensilk hair cream (photo in the article) is suitable for any type of hair. and is able to turn curly hair into soft waves.
  • Volume - favorably affects styling. Raises the hair from the root itself and gives the hairstyle splendor and expressiveness.
Hair drying

After use, the product does not need to be washed off. During the day, it takes care of the structure of the hair, nourishing and moisturizing them from the inside.

Application rules

Proper use of the cream allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Apply immediately after shampooing on wet hair.
  • Spread evenly over the entire length of the strands using a comb.
  • Do not use large portions of Sansilk hair cream, as gluing is possible, which will give the curls a dirty look.
  • Use regularly - only in this case the hair will recover, and they will be protected from daily irons.
  • The product is preferably used in combination with other therapeutic agents to enhance the effect.
Washing head

If these simple rules are not followed, the promised result may not be achieved.

Care for curls at home

The type of cream must be selected depending on the desired effect. Therefore, for:

  • giving perfect smoothness, a cream for straightening is suitable;
  • hot styling methods - apply thermal protection from high temperatures;
  • brittle and split ends moisturizing and regenerating creams are recommended.

To facilitate the care of curly curls, manufacturers created Sunsilk cream for curly hair, which not only smoothes them, but also moisturizes, nourishes and restores the structure. This product has the following characteristics:

  • eliminates damaged areas in the hair structure;
  • feeds with necessary substances;
  • enhances silkiness and softness;
  • provides ease of locks;
  • gives smoothness and gloss;
  • smoothes curls, making hair obedient;
  • protects from ultraviolet radiation.
Curly hair

When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to the lightness of consistency and aroma.

The most popular creams for hair care for women reviews

There are many hair care products on the market. The main difficulty lies in their choice. According to the ladies, the places in the ranking are as follows:

  • L'oreal Elsev - the manufacturer has developed a series of creams with different effects: smoothing, anti-brittle hair, full recovery. Means are endowed with a pleasant smell, protect and give strength, softness and silkiness. Sold at any cosmetic store. Their cost is from 250 to 360 rubles.
  • Sunsilk Co-Creations - in the rating “Sansilk” hair cream “Lush volume” rightfully takes an honorable second place. It gives even fine hair a good volume. It is used on dry and wet curls, which acquire a healthy and shiny appearance. The average price of products is about 100 rubles.
  • Gliss Kur - for the restoration of hair, the company produces several types of creams that are in demand among ladies. They can be used for any type of hair. The product is easily distributed, nourishes and restores, giving shine to curls. Products are easy to find on the shelves of the distribution network, prices start at 340 rubles.
  • Curl Cream Keune - used for styling curly hair. The cream firmly fixes curls in the right position, gives shine and lightness, contains vitamins and organic oils. Used by professionals, ordered via the Internet, costs from 1200 rubles.

DIY homemade hair cream

On the Internet there are many reports about the search for analogues of Sensilk hair cream. For those who could not find anything suitable, to give their hair smoothness, grooming and shine, you need to prepare a tool at home. To do this, take the following oils (unit of measure is a teaspoon):

  • coconut - 1.5;
  • olive - 3;
  • shi - 2;
  • jojoba - 3.

And also inlang-ylang in the amount of fifteen drops.

Different oils

Melt the solid oils in a water bath by adding one teaspoon of beeswax. Cool the mass and pour in the ylang-ylang essential oil, you get a thick mixture of yellow. Apply to clean, immediately after washing, hair, applying a lot to their ends. Homemade cream is suitable for all types of hair, while nutrition is restored, split ends disappear. It is especially valuable that the product does not contain synthetic components and is economical to use. Store it in the refrigerator.

Hair cream "Sensilk", consumer reviews

Women leave the following reviews:

  • Cream “Sansilk” became a salvation from all troubles. The hair is well laid, have a shine. It smells good, is well applied and distributed throughout the hair.
  • Sansilk Lightweight Lipid Recovery Agent. Only positive feedback. The hair is easy to comb, soft, silky, with prolonged use it noticeably gets better. It has a very pleasant smell.
Applying cream to hair
  • Those who have long been using the Sansilk indelible hair cream claim that it improves the hair structure well. In addition, many use it for styling after perming. The result is pleasing, the hairstyle looks neat, the hair looks well-groomed, there is no dryness or greasy, curls look beautiful.
  • Negative reviews - cream for thin hair restoration did not give positive results. Split ends did not stick together. Too much time is spent on drying the hair, from which they become even thinner. Fortunately, there are only a few such comments.

To summarize

All Sunsilk creams are indelible, which is very convenient to use. They are applied to dry and wet strands. The female half of the population is in demand for multifunctionality - nutrition and restoration of hair structure, protection from adverse environmental conditions, the ability to give curls a natural, lively look.

Smooth hair

You can use the Sensilk hair cream daily or for special occasions. Hairstyle lasts a day. When choosing a product, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition, the presence of silicones and synthetic components that damage the hair.

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