How to lose weight in 3 days? Diet and tips.

Before starting my story, I would like to tell readers one story that actually happened to one of the winners of the Miss World contest. True, I will not give any authentic names and surnames over the past years, but this does not change the essence. Events developed in this way. The beauty, after she got the queen's crown, relaxed and managed to gain 10 extra pounds in a short time on the throne. A strict jury made a decision - to deprive the winner of the title and transfer the crown to another applicant. The girl had an unrealistic task - to lose 10 kilograms in one day or say goodbye to the crown. Apparently, the incentive was powerful. The surprised paparazzi could only track how the young lady bought several packs of diuretic and laxative from the pharmacy, then bought a bottle of vodka in the bar and locked herself in her room. Exactly one day later, the scales under the beauty queen showed the desired figure. Personally, it still remains a mystery to me, for which the girl needed a bottle of vodka. With the rest of the ingredients of the "weight loss system" everything is clear.

Actually, the topic of the article prompted me to start with this curious story: "How can I lose weight in 3 days." I wanted to demonstrate to readers that there is a significant difference between the concepts of "lose weight" and "reduce weight". If we talk about whether it is possible to lose weight in such a short time, the answer will be unequivocal - no. During this time, you can reduce the volume of the waist and hips in order to fit into your favorite dress or wedding outfit. The arrow of the scales, of course, also deviates downward, but everything will return to normal within a couple of days.

The difficult task of losing weight in 3 days often faces athletes for whom weight is important. Take for example wrestlers or boxers. It is known that for them to fall into another weight category, at times, is tantamount to losing. Therefore, immediately before the competition, many lose weight. Fluctuations in body weight during the day is from 1 to 3 kilograms. This means that if on the eve of an important event, eat and drink as little as possible, and even visit the sauna, the arrow on the scales will show the desired result. There is another way - a two-hour cross in warm clothing. I sweated and lost a kilogram with water - one and a half. You can lose weight in 3 days thanks to the jockey diet. It consists of 400 g of lean meat (chicken, veal, beef) and the same amount of vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers). Of course, no oil and salt. From drinks allowed water, coffee and green tea.

There is a tougher version of this diet. It proposes to exclude vegetables, and on the third day only coffee will be limited.

The program is complemented by massage and sauna daily. Such a diet for 3 days 5 kg allows you to lose. Please note that it is designed for absolutely healthy people.

If you prefer fruits to vegetables, try the "Pre-Holiday" diet. You can spend it from 1 to 3 days, how much willpower is enough. Divide a piece of lean meat weighing 500 g into 5 servings. This is your main diet for the day. Add lemon, 4 apples and 3 crackers. Tea and coffee are not forbidden in any quantity, but without milk and sugar.

The TV presenter and simply beautiful Tina Kandelaki, opens her secret how to lose weight in 3 days , in her book "Beauty Designer". She suggests limiting the daily diet to green tea with lemon and a spoonful of honey. Tina assures that she resorts to such a diet quite often and she helps her to stay in great shape.

I must say that a fasting day menu can easily be turned into a diet for express weight loss . Cheese-kefir, fish and meat menus are quite suitable. If you want to enhance the effect, use the Turboslim capsules from the “three days weight loss” program.

Of course, in our life there are times when you need to lose weight urgently, but think about whether bruises under the eyes and half-fainting pallor will decorate you? If your circumstances are connected with a romantic date or a celebration, it may be easier to leave it as it is. Indeed, in this case, the main thing is not centimeters at the waist, but a good mood.

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