Acne on the forehead and the cause of their occurrence

Acne on the forehead often appears at the most unexpected moment and bring its owner discomfort and a feeling of self-doubt. Of course, at first glance it might seem that this problem is solved very quickly, it’s enough to just do a hairstyle with a bang and hide sore spots, but sometimes this visual effect is not enough. Like it or not, but acne on the forehead and temples must be treated in a timely manner.

To begin with, it should be noted that acne is a cosmetic defect, and not a serious disease, but reflect only the weakened work of certain internal organs. Most often, this anomaly manifests itself in adolescence , when hormonal changes predominate in the body of adolescents. Everyone sooner or later faces this problem.

With the appearance of characteristic skin defects, it is necessary to reliably find out why acne appears on the forehead. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the T-zone of the face contains a huge amount of sweat and sebaceous glands, and with increased sebaceous secretion, the ducts are often clogged, thereby developing the inflammatory process. The penetration of microbes only complicates this anomaly, increasing the number of red dots on the forehead dozens of times. Their appearance in these areas of the face also indicates a malfunction of the pancreas, stomach, gall bladder and intestines.

In addition, acne on the forehead is often the result of malnutrition. So, the abuse of fatty, canned, sweet and smoked foods can lead to intoxication of the body, which will subsequently affect the condition of the skin. Also, do not forget that carbonated drinks can provoke gastrointestinal disorders, which can cause the appearance of red sore spots on the forehead.

However, there are other reasons why acne occurs on the forehead. Here we are talking about the use of characteristic medicines, in particular, antibiotics, hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives in large quantities. Why is this happening? As you know, tablets treat one organ and the other cripple, and a similar internal imbalance leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which sebum begins to be produced intensively, speaking on the forehead, as a result of which inflammatory processes on the skin are aggravated. In such cases, a detailed clinical examination is required that will reliably determine the prevailing disease.

Acne on the forehead can be superficial and deep, and in the second case we are talking about the process of inflammation. Such acne prevails deep in the skin, and after their disappearance, scars or deformation of the skin can remain in these places. The cause of their occurrence is pathogens that penetrate the skin when the protective layer is damaged.

Every person who wants to get rid of inflamed formations on the skin should radically revise the nutrition system and abandon addictions in the form of alcohol and smoking, since these harmful factors also cause painful red dots.

In addition, it is important to remember that acne on the forehead cannot be squeezed out, because after such a procedure they can become much larger and the possibility of infection of damaged skin increases. In addition, self-extrusion contributes to the appearance of scars in the inflamed area, which will remain for life.

If you have characteristic skin diseases, you should contact a dermatologist in a timely manner, who will tell you why acne on your forehead and how best to eliminate this problem. There are also a number of cosmetic procedures, for example, ozone therapy, which allow not only to get rid of painful acne, but also significantly improve your appearance.

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