Uterine Amputation

Uterine amputation is one of the most common operations in gynecological practice. This operation scares women, causing many unreasonable fears and doubts. Also, some experts say that amputation is deadly for the body. Let's clarify this question.

According to statistics, in Western countries, uterine amputation is practiced quite widely. Women, of their own free will, remove the uterus after fifty years, which sufficiently reduces the risk of benign or malignant tumors. In the east, some doctors believe that uterine amputation should be performed only when necessary. The operation is recommended to be done when there are tumors, bleeding or prolapse of the uterus.

A woman who has an amputation of the uterus needs to know about all the consequences of this operation. Depending on the diagnosis, the operation may have several directions: excision of the uterus, excision of the lymph nodes, excision of the upper part of the vagina and part of the pelvic fiber. With some indications, the uterus and cervix are removed, with others, the cervix is ​​preserved.

The most common method of surgery of the last century was the method in which the abdominal cavity was opened. However, this method is really very dangerous: there is a high probability of contracting an infection, in addition, such an operation requires a long recovery period. Also, a cavity invasion of the abdominal cavity can cause a violation of fat metabolism and the integrity of other organs.

Currently, a more gentle method for uterine amputation has been developed - vaginal. After vaginal surgery, the recovery period is very easy, in the complete absence of pain. Aesthetically, this method is also more acceptable - after surgery on the abdomen there is no scar.

Vaginal intervention is supported by such an important fact as mortality. After abdominal surgery, there are many cases of death, with the vaginal method, there is no mortality.

Uterine amputation is carried out by introducing special tools into the upper part of the vagina, which is previously dissected. Then the doctor arranges the genitals conveniently for himself with the uterine manipulator.

The next step is to separate and withdraw the uterus. After removal of the uterus, there is a removal of other inflamed genital organs. The duration of such an operation is up to three hours.

The difficulty with amputation is that there are a large number of large blood vessels in the cavity. Sometimes, due to the large size of the uterus, it is necessary to remove it in parts.

After the operation, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for at least four days. Rehabilitation takes place within a month and a half, with a course of antibiotics and abstinence from sexual activity.

The main issue that worries women is the restoration of sexual life after removal of the uterus and ovaries. Fortunately, we can say for sure: sex life after removal of the uterus is fully restored after a month and a half.

To strengthen her sexual health, a woman needs to take into account some nuances. Naturally, after such an operation, hormone production is disrupted. This factor leads to increased fatigue, can cause depression, menopausal symptoms. But the latest developments of scientists allow eliminating these symptoms with the help of hormone therapy.

Hormone-independent symptoms may also appear, such as vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive. In this case, you need to contact a specialist who will help resolve these issues.

The third millennium is in the yard, and science has gone far ahead. Thousands of research centers and laboratories work on women's health issues. With a competent and timely approach to impaired health, all problems are resolved quickly and painlessly.

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