Traffic Signs Area: Responsibilities and Rights of Drivers

The name and coverage of the road signs is the basis on which all other knowledge of car drivers is based. Without them, it is impossible to make a single maneuver without fear for your life. So how to remember and understand the names and areas of action?

This question is especially acute for novice drivers. Due to the lack of practical, and sometimes theoretical knowledge, beginners often have accidents. But this can be avoided by understanding once and for all, for example, what is the coverage area of ​​road signs.

About road signs

Everything that should and must be known and, of course, fulfilled is described in the SDA. Traffic signs, coverage of each group are contained in the Rules. Without knowing these basics, the driver will immediately get into an accident, as soon as he leaves the road.

Each road sign has its own name. And the duty of any driver is to study them. The person driving the vehicle must first remember the name of the sign. This is the basis. Then it will be easier to determine what it means and where it acts.

range of prohibitory traffic signs

Important knowledge is their area of ​​action. Each group of signs has its own. This is the name of the distance at which the driver, without fail, must obey one or another technical element of the organization of movement. Without this knowledge, he will never know whether he can minimize, slow down or increase speed, turn around and so on.

Let's look at some signs.


These technical means of traffic organization inform in advance about the impending danger.

The area of ​​operation of traffic signs indicating the approach to a section of the road where the driver will have to take measures appropriate to the situation is not defined. After all, the main property of these road elements is a warning. They are installed outside the city for 150-300 m from the danger zone, and in it - for 50-100 m. Some are repeated to attract the attention of drivers.

range of temporary traffic signs

The duty of the vehicle manager is the timely recognition of warning technical means of traffic management and the adoption of appropriate measures.

Priority signs

One of the few groups. However, they do not lose importance from this. With the help of priority signs, the passage of intersections is regulated, the order of passage in narrow sections of the road and other places where there are no traffic lights or traffic controller is determined. That is, this group indicates who should drive first and who should give in.

traffic sign stop prohibited coverage area

The coverage of priority road signs extends to the intersection in front of which they are installed. It is worth noting that if at the intersection there are both a traffic light and these means of traffic control, then the order of travel is decided first. Signs lose their power and are simply not taken into account.

They are located either directly in front of the intersection, or for 50-100 m in the city, and outside it - for 150-300 m. The exception is the sign "Main road". It is repeated. The first sign outside the city is located 100-150 meters, and the second - immediately in front of the intersection.

This rule only applies if the main road changes direction, that is, it does not continue directly. Then a sign is placed under it, which indicates where it turns.

Sign Coverage

This group of technical means of organizing traffic, indicating the mandatory direction for specific sections of the carriageway, compliance with the speed limit, designating parts of the road intended for the passage of certain types of vehicles. Their violation threatens a considerable fine for the driver.

The coverage of traffic signs that belong to this group is to the intersection in front of which they are directly installed. Separate attention is required when crossing with a dividing strip or zone.

Prescriptive signs indicating the direction of travel for vehicles have an effect on the entire intersection and until the next signposted. That is, if there is a “Straight ahead” sign, then car drivers must not turn anywhere before and after the dividing strip (or zone). A designated intersection is a road intersection on which one or more priority signs are installed.

traffic sign coverage

The coverage area may be limited by additional information signs. These labels are located below. They have the form - the numbers indicated between the two vertical arrows (the tip is directed upwards) on a white rectangle. Located under the sign, they mean the extent to which the driver is obliged to move in the indicated direction (at a certain speed and so on).

Thus, the coverage does not end after the designated intersection. So, for example, under the sign "Maximum speed limit" a plate is installed indicating the length of 500 m. So, the coverage area is 500 m. And the countdown is carried out immediately from the sign in the forward direction.

When a sign is located in front of intersections between which the distance is less than 50 m, its effect extends to both.

It is the driver’s responsibility to follow directions, speeds, and other things that signs require. Non-compliance will result in a fine or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles.

Service Signs

A group of these driving arrangements is aimed at informing drivers about the location of services or services in the direction of travel.

The coverage area of ​​the service road signs is similar to the warning ones.

The duty of the driver is the ability to recognize this group of technical means of organizing traffic. And the right is the ability to use the service objects located in accordance with the signs.

Coverage Area

This group of technical means of organizing traffic introduces or cancels driving modes, reports on the location of settlements and other objects. As such, they have no coverage. Traffic signs of this group are located along the roadway, and are canceled by the same, but with a diagonal red line.

The latter report termination. For example, a blue rectangle with a white arrow, the tip of which is directed upwards, indicates that there is no oncoming lane on this roadway. The action area ends after the sign "End of the one-way road." Visually, this is the same rectangle with a white arrow, but already on which it is crossed out by a diagonal red line from right to left.

traffic signs

However, some may be installed with a sign of additional information. It indicates the extent of the information-indicating devices of the organization of travel. The combination data are installed and “read” similarly to warning signs plus a plate.

It is the responsibility of drivers to comply with the driving modes that this group enters or cancels. And also take into account the information that is indicated on these technical means of organizing travel.

Prohibition Road Signs

This group of means of traffic organization introduces or vice versa removes certain restrictions in some places on the roadway.

The driver is obliged to comply with them, because the fine is the smallest that he can get for the violation. Human lives are much more expensive than a couple of minutes saved, do not forget about it.

range of prohibitory traffic signs

The range of prohibitory traffic signs is to the nearest designated intersection, if they are not installed in combination with signs. The latter lengthen or shorten it. If an additional information sign is installed under it, the coverage area corresponds to the value indicated on it. Therefore, it is very important to know how this or that tablet is “read”.

It is worth paying attention to the road sign “Stop is prohibited”, the coverage of which extends exclusively to the side of the road where it is installed. The same rule applies to the sign "Parking is prohibited."

Temporary signs

The main goal of this type of traffic management devices is the abolition of permanent ones, in connection with repair or other events. Temporary signs are outwardly similar to the main ones, but on a yellow background. In the SDA there are several means of organizing traffic that never become permanent. Despite this, they are also depicted on a yellow background.

traffic sign coverage

The coverage of temporary road signs depends on which group they belong to:

  • Warning - do not have a coverage area.
  • Priority - only one sign can be temporary “Advantage of oncoming traffic”. The coverage area ends beyond the bridge, a narrow section of the road and other places where simultaneous two-way passage is difficult.
  • Prohibitory - several signs are exclusively temporary. The rest are canceled by the same device for organizing movement, but on a yellow background and with four thin black diagonal lines from right to left.
  • Information and indicative - the group has several temporary signs that do not have similar constants. They either recommend a detour, or depict its outline.
  • Service - are not temporary.

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