Spelling vigilance is ... Definition of a concept, methods of formation and development, typical exercises

The formation of literate writing is one of the most difficult tasks at the initial stage of teaching children in school. Teachers of the Russian language annually face the need to prepare schoolchildren and are well aware of the value of the first steps in this direction. The development of spelling vigilance skills is a systematic work that teachers begin to conduct with children in elementary grades. The whole process of further training largely depends on how skillfully the material was submitted for mastering the necessary skills in the Russian language lessons.

Definition of concepts

To understand the essence of the issue should refer to the basic terms. At the heart of everything lies the word spelling, without which hardly even one lesson of the Russian language at school can do. This concept may mean a difficult place in a word or an erroneous place in a letter. However, such a definition does not reveal the meaning of the term, and therefore often misleads students. One of the most common false generalizations can be called when the student perceives the spelling as a specific place in the word where the sound is not heard clearly or where it is spelled in a different way than it is heard. Definitions from methodological scientists also do not fully reveal the essence of this concept. They only say that the spelling can be considered those letters, words or parts of the text in which there is a danger of error, and therefore requires verification and application of the relevant rules of the language.

Students should understand that the right choice is provided solely by the availability of the necessary knowledge. Spelling vigilance is the ability to detect spelling. If we consider this term from the side of the phonetic concept, then it represents the ability to evaluate each sound in a word, the possibility of determining a weak and strong position. The process of perceiving spelling for a writing person in this case is of two types - visual and auditory. High literacy implies both options. As a rule, exercise complexes are specially created for the development of visual perception, however auditory spelling vigilance is the basis for correct oral and written speech.

Spelling Vigilance Exercises

Description of the processes of perception

In the course of various studies, the effectiveness of the application of various techniques was established. In particular, it was possible to discover the fact that at the initial stage of the development of spelling vigilance, schoolchildren should pay special attention to speech kinesthesia, that is, ordinary pronunciation. With this action, children in the course of learning began to perceive speech more accurately. The visual component in this case is designed to attract the attention of students to the distinctive features and unique features of spelling. Also, with the help of visual perception, exercises are conducted in comparison and analysis.

It is worth noting that any graphic and spelling spelling is possible only if these spellings are constantly compared with the pronunciation of language units. Letters, syllables and words are continuously subjected to phonetic analysis and phonological assessment. If with strong positions the spelling is simple and unambiguous, then with weak positions everything is somewhat more complicated. It is here that the formation of spelling vigilance of students begins to play an important role. The developed phonetic ear makes it possible to quickly find such weak spots and correctly solve problems that arose during the writing process.

Trotsky’s methodology and its rationale

Not so long ago, modern schools adopted a new method, the author of which is considered to be a Russian language teacher with a great experience in pedagogical work of P. S. Trotsky. The basis of the applied method is quite simple: you should combine spelling reading with articulatory memory. The method allows you to memorize complex words by repeatedly repeating these words out loud, while the pronunciation should repeat the correct spelling exactly. However, experts recognize that this option cannot be considered universal for the full formation of spelling vigilance. The fact is that in this way children do not carry out a theoretical understanding of the material studied, although the method itself clearly positively affects the overall literacy level of students.

KD Ushinsky, being a teacher of the Russian language in the 19th century, came to the conclusion that the combination of visual, auditory and kinesthetic perception in a young child is the main sensory basis for spelling skills. Impressions are much better stored in the memory if a large number of sensory organs took part in their formation. More modern studies on the subject of putting information in human memory indicate that without reliance on any mental activity and understanding of events, processes and phenomena, it is completely impossible to assimilate material or obtain the necessary knowledge. In turn, fragmentary and superficial information, which does not make it possible to fully examine all the nuances, require repeated repetition of what was seen or heard with a view to subsequent consolidation. The development of spelling vigilance in the lessons of the Russian language can reduce the time required for the assimilation of the material and its correct reproduction.

Self-education development of spelling vigilance

Identification signs

First of all, the child must develop a conscious attitude towards his own letter, as well as form a motivation for addressing the rules and dictionaries. Competent spelling begins with the initial ability to see spelling. The student needs not only to perceive and be aware of his actions. An equally important point is the ability to classify the found spelling, correctly determining their type. At the very beginning, it is necessary to use a consistent check of all the previously studied signs. When we develop spelling vigilance at the proper level, such a fixation of properties is no longer required, and the spelling is instantly recognized. Correct finding is caused by the knowledge of identifying signs and the formed skill of their determination.

There is another definition of spelling vigilance. As a rule, it is given in various applied literature on psychology. Summarized in such sources, spelling vigilance is the ability of students to use a purposefully identifying process to detect and further classify spelling as a result of evaluating their characteristics based on sequential fixation. Such a method is allowed to be used only at the initial stage, and in the future, the simultaneous finding of an integral landmark image is put at the forefront. From the above definition, one can make one rather important conclusion that the starting teaching methodology involves the mandatory familiarization of schoolchildren with the identifying signs of spelling and their subsequent memorization.

Work with primary school students

In total, there are six basic rules that should be demonstrated. The following necessary and sufficient identification signs for spelling are usually used in work with students in grades 1-4.

  1. Paying attention to the syllabic and morphemic composition of the word when transferring to a new line.
  2. Phonetic signs. For the formation of spelling vigilance at the lessons of the Russian language, it is necessary to look for such positions in words that cannot be verified by pronunciation. For vowels, this situation is characteristic when they are in an unstressed position, and for paired consonants - when they are located at the absolute end of the word or in front of other paired consonants. The ability to recognize spelling on the phonetic level perfectly develops intuition, linguistic feeling and verbal hearing among students.
  3. Semantic attributes. Assimilation occurs when studying and comparing proper and common nouns.
  4. Morphemic signs. The sound position and the letter to which it is presented in the letter are recorded. The latter is determined with respect to the morpheme, and mistakes are most often made when found in the ending, prefix, suffix or root of the word.
  5. Letters, sound combinations and individual sounds that imply the likelihood of different spellings. These include vowels (a, o, e, and, i), combinations (stn or sn, zdn or zn, as well as similar), deaf consonants and paired voiced (b, p, c, f, d, k, d , t, f, w, s, s).
  6. Morphological signs. Designed to show the position of a letter or sound in any particular part of speech. The assimilation takes place during the period when students study the main grammatical categories. An example is the unstressed case ending in a noun.
The formation of spelling vigilance in primary school students

Psychology of the formation of spelling vigilance

The work of a number of specialists made it possible to systematize and classify the structure of this process. In the writings of A.R. Luria, P.I. Zinchenko and M.S.Shekhter it is customary to distinguish three main components of spelling vigilance: motivational, operational and controlling. The first of them for writing is mainly communicative. Students should be aware of the importance of spelling tasks and the need for good writing. In this case, the teacher conducts a motivating lecture on why written and spoken language needs to comply with language rules and norms.

From the point of view of psychology, the development of spelling vigilance in elementary school students is also inextricably linked with the operational component, which is based on the active participation of students' phonetic hearing during work. The speaking process allows for sound analysis, and at an already formed level, focused visual perception is used in the future. The controlling component offers the children to conduct self-analysis of the written text and compare the result with the visual images that were deposited in the memory obtained during the training.

All of the above leads to the fact that there are four nuances that actively influence the formation of spelling vigilance in younger students:

  • voluntary and involuntary attention to establish self-control and self-test directly in the process and after completion of work;
  • visual and auditory perception, which implies the use of a focused analysis of the written text;
  • carrying out a number of logical operations in the course of work, including classification, concretization, systematization and comparison;
  • the formation of visual memory, which makes it possible to remember and in the future to reproduce visual images of any specific spelling.
Spelling Vigilance

Use of the auditory factor

It is widely known that the writing person primarily relies on the audible. A qualified teacher will definitely give priority to the early development of phonemic hearing in his students. The child should be able to listen and hear well both his own speech and instruction in the lessons. Work begins in the first grade of the school. As an example of exercises for the formation of spelling vigilance at the lessons of the Russian language, the following options can be proposed.

  1. Dictation with underline. The teacher can deliberately tap the table with a pointer at the moment when he pronounces a word with an orthogram. The meaning of the action is that the student activates mental activity, begins to think over what is written and is looking for the right option in various ways known to him.
  2. Search for a "dangerous place." The teacher says a word out loud. Pupils should clap their hands exactly when they hear and recognize the spelling. In this way, children will learn to identify sounds that cannot be trusted in writing. You should alternate words with the absence of "dangerous places", with one or more spelling.
  3. Ignition of a beacon. The procedure includes conducting sound analysis and subsequent charting. You can use the red circles that students will put under the "dangerous places" in the word. The teacher must provide letters cut from the alphabet for laying out. Instead of “dangerous” places, red circles should be used. Such a process usually causes a keen interest in children and serves as the first step for self-control during the writing of the text.
  4. Traffic light. In this exercise game you can use the same red circles. As soon as students see the spelling, they should immediately signal them to the teacher.
Develop spelling vigilance through hearing

Visual factor application

The methods of spelling vigilance are largely based on the visual perception of the considered language structures. The visual factor works if the child remembers some unverifiable spelling. According to research by a group of scientists, children can only spell any word incorrectly once, and the resulting graphic image will be firmly deposited in their memory. To eliminate such a deliberate error, you will have to write correctly at least 100 times. Experts advise initially to teach schoolchildren to question “dangerous places” and prevent mistakes. To do this, there are a number of methods and exercises listed below.

  1. Work with signal cards. Provides a high level of feedback with the teacher. Conducting an oral vocabulary dictation with the help of signal cards for the development of spelling vigilance at the lessons of the Russian language is quite simple. Pupils should give the teacher a signal and indicate the spelling found during the writing of the text. After that, the child makes a decision about what letter he wants to write, but does this only after the approval of the teacher.
  2. Words with "holes". A difficult place must be noted somehow or simply skip the letter. Before writing, you should inquire about the correct choice of the teacher or independently find the correct spelling in the dictionary.
  3. Dictation with rationale. It differs from the ordinary version of the exercise in that the student is required not only to write the word dictated by the teacher with an unstressed vowel, but also to write a test in front of him. Spelling justification will form the child’s ability to “hear dangerous places” and fully engage in the thought process to select the correct letter.
  4. Independent dictation. The teacher should provide some suggestion for writing. As an example, “Winter has come.” Next, the teacher starts arguing aloud that the word “came” has the prefix “when”, and the word “winter” has an unstressed vowel “and”, which can easily be verified by stress in the word “winter”. After this, a new proposal is dictated, but this time the children themselves must begin a similar analysis. At the same time, students should not be rushed, because the speed of the actions corresponds to the current level of development of spelling vigilance in the Russian language lessons.
  5. Preparation for dictation, composition or presentation. To conduct the exercise, you must first write out all the words with difficult spelling. Students should read them aloud in chorus and individually. After that it is allowed to listen to the explanations of the children about why a particular spelling is correct. Students should also make a few sentences with the words given. The repetition of this method will contribute not only to increase the spelling vigilance of elementary school students, but also to obtain the best results of various written works, which will give children additional motivation for learning.
  6. Building a reference circuit. For first graders, the option of writing a short text of three sentences is suitable. At the same time, a reference scheme is built before writing directly. To do this, students slam the number of words in each sentence.
  7. Comprehension in writing. . « ». . , . , .
  8. . . . .
  9. . , . . , , .

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No less important is the pronunciation. The words are pronounced in exactly the same way as they should be written. Teachers note that this technique is one of the most effective when working with students of various ages. The child will need to clearly pronounce each recorded word in syllables. Thus, pronunciation aloud is combined with articulations in writing. This method shows particular effectiveness for spelling vigilance of students with the most difficult words to remember. Saying the same problem areas is carried out in the framework of several classes, until the child completely fixes the correct spelling in memory.

Literacy Commenting

The above method is good in that the student is able to seriously increase the level of self-control when working with text. The meaning of the exercise is to voice the child in the process of writing explanatory reasoning, which would give a clear answer to why in one case or another a solution was chosen. First of all, the student determines and comments on the found spelling. At the same time, the rules from the textbooks should not be quoted in full in accuracy. It is enough just to cite individual comments that could reflect the train of thought of the child. A similar method has also proved itself in self-education in the development of spelling vigilance. Among the advantages of regular use of this exercise, one can note an increase in the general level of thinking, attention, memory and speech among students. Conscious application of the rules perfectly contributes to the timely prevention of errors in writing.

Thanks to commenting, the child learns to express his thoughts clearly, clearly and fairly succinctly, but at the same time reasonably and to the extent necessary. For the teacher, the current level of development of spelling vigilance among younger students is thus perfectly revealed. With this method, teachers often conduct a systematic test of knowledge and, if necessary, focus on the most problematic material. In itself, commenting is also manifested in writing by highlighting the spelling itself and the conditions on which its correct spelling depends. Usually used single and double underline. The first is the spelling, and the second is the previous or next letters that affect the choice.

The development of spelling vigilance in the lessons of the Russian language


To instill a love of the Russian language and correct writing should start from the very young age of schoolchildren. We can say that spelling vigilance is a systematic and focused work that helps children develop skills in spelling recognition and instilling in students literate and spoken and written speech. In this case, well-formed abilities in any case have a positive effect on the general level of development of children, helping them discover new opportunities in various areas of life.

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