Commodity research of non-food products

Such a scientific discipline as commodity science is currently actively developing, more and more specialists appear in this field. Let's talk about the basics of this science.

The theoretical foundations of commodity science include two basic concepts: production and sale, and the practical part directly connects these two words, that is, "sells products." Goods are divided into food and non-food. Commodity research of non-food products (according to experts) is the most difficult topic to study, consider it.

Non-food goods are goods that are united by several common features: by what they are intended for, by the materials from which they are made, and by the functions that they must perform.

There are two classifications of non-food items:

1. In relation to the level of industry:

  • goods related to light industry are shoes, fabrics, knitwear, and fur products;
  • cultural and household goods (this product does not apply to light industry) - these are dishes, household appliances, furniture, tools, toys, cars.

2. According to the presence of common features in the goods:

  • household goods: tools, dishes, glass and ceramics, plastic products, household chemicals;
  • oil and oil products;
  • clothes and shoes: textiles, fur products, knitwear;
  • perfumes and cosmetics: hygienic and decorative;
  • electrical goods: lamps, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators;
  • cultural and domestic: televisions, video equipment, movie cameras, books, toys;
  • jewelry: jewelry made of gold;
  • art goods

Commodity research of non-food products involves various examinations confirming the high quality of products. Consider some of them, the basis for an example will be the examination of furniture products.

So, the people who conduct the examination of furniture, act according to the following instructions:

  1. A study of the documents and visual inspection of the goods for the presence of defects, completeness and so on.
  2. In specialized testing laboratories investigate the physico-chemical parameters of the composition of wood.
  3. If the furniture came into contact with a person’s body, water or food, then sanitary-hygienic procedures are performed.

Commodity research of non-food products also implies an assessment of aesthetic properties, that is, the ability of the product to satisfy the spiritual needs of the buyer. For the examination of this kind, sociological methods are used (products are evaluated by designers).

Product packaging is one of the main topics that again affects the commodity science of non-food products. The task of any packaging is to protect the product from external shocks, moisture and fading.

Fragile products are packed in special boxes with partitions, electronic products - in shock-absorbing pads, for clothes made of expensive fabrics, shoulders are needed. Perfumes and jewelry are packaged in artistically designed cases. Dishes should be packaged in shrink film.

Storage conditions for most products of this group are standard - compliance with a certain humidity and temperature constant, remoteness from heating devices, direct sunlight.

Non-food items are in constant motion. So, a person no longer uses some types of goods , and they are simply removed from production, while others, on the contrary, begin to be in demand, which leads to the expansion of their assortment.

Non-food products are used everywhere, they are quickly distributed throughout the globe.

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