What to do if the husband snores: ways to get rid, tips and tricks

A huge number of women face the problem of snoring in their men. In this case, joint sleep begins to bring a lot of inconvenience. It is almost impossible to get used to such sounds, therefore it is not surprising that a woman begins to look for ways to overcome this scourge. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the problem most likely lies in the state of health of the man. If you do not think about the causes of snoring in advance, some diseases can progress and eliminate them in the future will be much more difficult.

Causes of snoring

Many women often complain that they cannot sleep, the husband snores, what they do not know at the same time. Blaming a man for the fact that in a dream he makes sounds is impossible. After all, snoring can occur for the following reasons:

  • Tonsillitis.
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis.
  • Angina.
  • Respiratory tract deformation due to smoking.
  • Polyposis of the larynx.
  • Adenoids.
  • Obesity.
  • Reduced tone of the soft tissues of the palate, larynx or tongue.
  • Tongue dropping back.
  • Curvature of the nasal septum.

Besides these causes of snoring, there are less serious ones. For example, a man may make sounds due to drinking alcohol at bedtime or from the habit of sleeping on his back. In any case, before you look for ways to save your husband from snoring, you must send him for examination to the doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the course of a latent disease.

husband snores can't sleep what to do

Surgical correction

If a husband snores badly at night, what any woman should know. After all, the reason can lie in both an innocent cold and serious health problems. The operative method of getting rid of snoring is suitable when the pathology is caused by the curvature of the nasal septum. With the help of surgical or orthodontic correction, it is also possible to get rid of neoplasms in the nasal passages, which also cause night snoring. A fairly effective method of treatment with a decrease in the tone of the tissues of the oropharynx is the plastic of the palate.

In modern clinics, with this correction, a laser or cryoapplication is used. During the procedure, microscopic burns are spotted on the sky. After that, an inflammatory process develops on the soft tissues, which reduces them and makes them dense. All this reduces the intensity of snoring, and then completely eliminates it. Surgical correction is done only if the husband snores in any position, and even the doctor does not know what to do. When there are no other methods to fix the problem, you need to refer to the operation.

If the doctor does not reveal serious abnormalities in the examination, then most likely snoring is associated with the retraction of the tongue and lower jaw back. This causes a mechanical obstruction to the air flow. Experts recommend in this case to carry out orthodontic correction.

In addition to it, the soft tissues of the oropharynx can be strengthened with the help of implants, which are attached in the sky. If the cause of snoring lies only in the problem of retraction of the tongue and jaw, surgical correction makes it possible to fully restore normal breathing and restful sleep.

husband strongly snores what to do

The use of special devices

What to do if a husband snores every night, but does not have health problems, not every woman knows. If the spouse constantly makes sounds in a dream because of the habit of sleeping on his back, you can try the method of using special electronic devices. They are programmed to record the onset of snoring. As soon as this happens, electrical signals immediately go through the cutaneous electrodes.

After their activation, the person changes his position and thereby normalizes the tension of the soft tissues of the oropharynx. A clear advantage of this method is the ability to keep the sleeping person asleep. The husband will not worry, and wake up from the effects of cutaneous electrodes.

husband snores at night what to do

CPAP snoring treatment

What to do if a husband snores and at the same time suffers from health problems, every caring wife should know. You can try the latest way to fix this problem. This treatment method is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor and polysomnography. This is the name of the special examination, which is carried out in the clinic during sleep. In some cases, the decision to conduct CPAP therapy is made after the results of a procedure called cardiorespiratory monitoring. If abnormalities in the cardiovascular system are detected, doctors also recommend CPAP therapy.

The apparatus that is being treated is a compressor that provides a constant supply of air to the respiratory tract. This happens with the help of a special tube and a durable airtight mask. Air is guided under the necessary pressure level, which prevents the obstruction of the respiratory system. After CPAP therapy, snoring disappears completely.

Drug treatment

Thinking about what to do if the husband snores, each woman will first of all remember the existence of pharmacy drugs that are specifically designed to eliminate this pathology. The above methods of getting rid of the problem are extremely radical, so it is not surprising that many are looking for an easier way to restore a calm, joint sleep. Your doctor or pharmacist may recommend one of the following medicines:

  • "Sonnex."
  • Sleepex.
  • "Snoring."
  • "Asonor."
  • "Doctor Snoring Ex."
  • "A quiet dream."

Such drugs are effective due to menthol and essential oils in the composition, as well as other similar components. The main objective of such drugs is the removal of inflammation in the soft tissues of the oropharynx. Essential oils have not only anti-inflammatory effects, but also the ability to soften the mucous membranes, while eliminating their dryness, which can cause snoring.

husband snores very much what to do

Mechanical devices

What to do if the husband snores and how to deal with it is a difficult task. You can only use mechanical devices when the husband does not have health problems, which are often the causes of such problems. They give a short-term effect, so they can not be used constantly. But if a man rarely snores, such devices are one of the best ways to have a restful sleep.

The simplest and most effective device is a nipple or clip, which reduces the intensity and volume of the sound. When a husband snores heavily, not every woman knows what to do about it. Therefore, having a special device on hand will not hurt. With it, you can survive the night, and in the morning begin to search for the cause.

If the use of mechanical devices or drugs does not give the proper result, it is necessary to send the man to an extensive examination of the whole organism. Only by finding out the true cause of snoring, you can get rid of it forever, and at the same time cure the hidden pathology.

husband snores much at night what to do

Folk remedies

When a husband snores at night, not every wife knows what to do to alleviate his condition. To relieve the head of the family from snoring, a woman can use alternative methods of treatment. Perfectly strengthens the soft tissues of the nasopharynx by washing with an aqueous solution. For its preparation you will need only natural sea salt. Two teaspoons need to be stirred in one glass of boiled water at room temperature. A man must draw in the received fluid with his nostrils and blow his nose. And it is also useful to rinse this solution and throat.

Such a procedure will be especially appropriate during the off-season, when the risk of a possible infection with a viral infection increases. In addition to a water-salt solution, it is possible to treat snoring with infusions of medicinal herbs. The best are considered chamomile, yarrow, nettle and wormwood.

husband snores in any position what to do

Breathing exercises and orthopedic pillows

There is a special set of exercises with which you can increase the muscle tone of the soft tissues of the palate and larynx. Such exercises should be done daily and before bedtime. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks. The main advantage of respiratory gymnastics is that it is absolutely harmless and has no contraindications.

Another safest remedy for snoring is the use of orthopedic pillows. If the husband is very snoring, each wife can guess what to do with the treatment, but the fact that the wrong pillows can be the cause of snoring is quite difficult to realize. You can choose the perfect option for sleeping, going to a specialized salon.

Buying it yourself is not recommended, since it is selected directly in the supine position under the bend of the neck. Pillow for snoring will give the neck an advantageous anatomical position, which will help align the airways. Air will enter the lungs quickly and unhindered.

husband is very snoring what to do

Tips and tricks for the prevention of snoring

When a husband snores very strongly, not every wife knows what to do. Even if she is extremely caring and attentive. Therefore, having been tormented with the elimination of this problem, everything must be done so that it never returns. After saving her husband from snoring, preventive measures should be taken. To do this, try to instill a man with a love for a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Keep track of weight. Extra pounds contribute to the appearance of snoring.
  • Refuse bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes).
  • Sleep on a comfortable bed and orthopedic pillow.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the bedroom. Dry air adversely affects the state of the respiratory tract.
  • Moderately exercise and do not overwork.
  • Do not be nervous.
  • Strengthen immunity and protect yourself from colds.

To prevent snoring, viral infections must be avoided. Infection with a cold leads to a dry throat. Because of this, mucus begins to accumulate in the nasopharynx. This is what provokes snoring at night.

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