Films about zombies: a list of the best paintings, reviews

The popularity of zombie apocalypse movies is at its peak today. They are filmed all over the world - both venerable directors working on blockbusters with huge budgets, and not too well-known film industry workers who are forced to work with very modest investments. But this does not stop millions of connoisseurs from spending hours on end watching films. It is for them that we will try to make a list of top films about the zombie apocalypse. It looks like this:

  • "28 days later."
  • "28 weeks later."
  • "I'm legend".
  • "Train to Busan."
  • "World War Z".
  • "Welcome to Zombieland."
  • "Dawn of the Dead."
  • "Resident Evil".
  • "A zombie named Sean."
  • "Land of the Dead".

Of course, the tastes of connoisseurs vary greatly. But among the many base crafts with scanty budgets and frankly weak scenarios, all these films look really gorgeous. Therefore, we will talk about each of them in more detail.

"28 days later"

This is really a great movie, deserving the first place in the top of the list of the best films about zombies. Filmed in the UK in 2002, it is still considered one of the most successful in its genre.

28 days later

It all starts with the fact that a group of green activists illegally enter the Cambridge laboratory in order to free the captive animals. They did not know that they were infected with the Rage virus. As a result, the monkey bites one of the activists, infecting a virus that captures her body in a matter of seconds.

But the main character of the film - Jim - did not know about it. He was a simple courier and he was hit by a car, because of which he fell into a coma, in which he spent four whole weeks. Waking up, Jim looked around, but did not see the doctors. And going out into the city, he discovered that London was almost completely extinct. Its streets are inhabited only by zombies seeking to feast on the flesh of the living.

The directors and the audience noted the wonderful atmosphere of hopelessness, which is hard to miss in deserted London.

"28 weeks later"

Continuation of the previous film - surprisingly, it turned out to be no less weak. Therefore, including it in the list of horror films about zombies is also worth it.

The main character - Don - was part of a group of survivors who took refuge from the zombies. Alas, their refuge was found and destroyed by the walking dead. And he is the only one who survived. And for this, he had to leave his wife to be torn to pieces by these creatures.

28 weeks later

A few weeks later, the zombies that invaded Britain began to starve to death. And 28 weeks after the outbreak, the US military came here to clear cities and make them liveable. His children are returned to Don, who survived due to the fact that at the beginning of the epidemic they were not in the country. He says that their mother died before his eyes. But the children do not fully believe in this and as a result find her alive. Although the woman is infected, she did not become a zombie, keeping her mind. What will it bring - healing from a disease or a new round of the epidemic, this time much more terrible?

According to critics, the film turned out to be more depressing and hopeless than the first part.

"I'm legend"

Perhaps, making a list of films about zombies, it is worth mentioning this film. Although the book on which he was shot, spoke about the epidemic of vampires, not zombies. And in general, a movie with a book has very little in common.

When a cure for cancer was found, many people were delighted with salvation. No one could have thought that the vaccine would give a much more terrible effect - soon after taking the medicine, people will turn into zombies. They are afraid of light, but at the same time possess tremendous strength and dexterity. As a result, very soon most of the people in the world were destroyed.

I'm legend

The main character, Robert Neville, was a military doctor, and after a terrible epidemic that claimed the lives of his loved ones, he was trying to develop a cure. During the day, he wanders around completely deserted New York with his dog, and at night hides from zombies who seek to find him.

He almost went crazy when he met the survivors. But what are the consequences of this meeting?

The film was remembered by the audience as a solid horror with an element of drama. Many spectators burst into tears when the hero said goodbye to the only close creature - a dog.

"Train to Busan"

The film was shot in 2016 in South Korea and boasts a wonderful storyline. Therefore, it should definitely be included in the list of top films about zombie apocalypse.

Train to Busan

Most of the film develops on a high-speed train from Seoul to Busan. It is on it that the main character of the film rides - Seok Suk-u together with her daughter Su-en. The girl wants to see her mother, with whom her father divorced several years ago. But, passionate about his career, Seok Sok-u never finds time for his daughter. But on the eve of his daughter’s birthday, he put aside all affairs and decided to fulfill her wish. Together with them, the train turns out to be a variety of people - a pregnant woman with her husband, a wealthy businessman, a homeless tramp, a school baseball team and many others. And also, at the last moment, an infected woman manages to run into the closing door. Where it leads? Who will be able to escape in this train, which turned into hell in a matter of minutes?

The audience noted a great atmosphere and a good story that does not often occur in the genre.

World War Z

Perhaps this blockbuster should be included in the list of films about zombie infection. It is based on the book of the same name, although they have nothing in common except the name. The film boasts gorgeous special effects, excellent directorial work and world-famous actors, but the plot is a little disappointing.

World War Z

The main character of the film - Gerald Lane - was driving about his business with his family around the city. Suddenly, a simple day turned into a blood bath - out of nowhere a few zombies appeared. Biting people and turning them to their own kind, the walking dead created a panic that cost the lives of many thousands of ordinary people. Thanks only to luck, Gerald managed to save and save the family. Soon he, as a former UN investigator, was sent to Korea, where, apparently, a terrible epidemic began. Alas, he finds no answers there and is forced to visit other places - Israel and Scotland. In the original version, Gerald also visited Russia, but as a result, the film was changed a lot, removing some key scenes.

Critics noted the excellent direction, gorgeous special effects and good music.

"Zombie named Sean"

But this picture will please fans of comedies and films about zombies. A list without it would simply not be complete.

Sean is not the smartest and most successful guy. He works, despite a decent age, as a small consultant in the department of electrical engineering. He spends most of his free time with his friend Ed - a swatter and a loafer - pumping up cheap beer at the Winchester Pub. Relations with the girl are deteriorating every day - she does not like that Sean devotes little time to her. And you won’t call him a romantic - the maximum that he can offer a girl is gatherings all in the same Winchester pub.

How is the life of an ordinary gouging in a world where zombies suddenly appear, striving to bite all people in order to convert them like themselves? Will he be one of the victims first or will he be fully deployed, proving to others that he is not at all hopeless?

According to critics, the film was not scary, but rather very positive.

"Dawn of the Dead"

The film was shot in 2004, but in general is a remake of the picture of the same name, released in 1978 and shot by George Romero. So, the very name of the director, which has become a direct association with the walking dead, deserves to be included in the list of films about zombies.

Dawn of the dead

The history is not given much attention - nothing is known about the causes of the spread of the epidemic. But the whole territory of the USA was swept by a wave of zombies. A small group of survivors managed to barricade themselves in the mall. It is safe enough, enough food and even entertainment, so for many months the group is provided with everything necessary. But living here is endlessly impossible. Therefore, over time, the heroes understand that they must get out of here at any cost and find a more suitable place.

The atmosphere of hopelessness and cornered became, according to critics, the main features of the film.

"Resident Evil"

Compiling a top list of the best films about zombie apocalypse, you can not miss this movie. Still, it turned out to be really creepy and quite popular - it is no coincidence that many sequels were filmed subsequently, which, alas, can no longer boast of such advantages.

Alice - the main character of the film - comes to life in a mansion in the suburbs of Raccoon City. She does not remember who she is, how she got here. Fortunately, a special forces detachment soon arrived at the house. It turns out that in the city, in a huge laboratory that worked with various viruses, there was a leak of the most dangerous breed. All employees, according to the emergency protocol, were destroyed. The military must arrive at the laboratory and turn off the artificial intelligence that controls the huge building where Umbrella is located. True, they do not even know what danger they will face. Few can survive it.

The film received excellent reviews from viewers and experts, resulting in the beginning of a series.

"Welcome to Zombieland"

Another movie that fans of comedy films about zombies will like - it should also be included in the list because of popularity.

The plot does not talk about the appearance of the disease and its spread. But a few months after the first outbreak, the entire territory of the United States was inhabited mainly by zombies - there are very few survivors. It is in such a hell that the main character - Columbus - makes his way through half the country to visit the house of his parents. Trying to survive in hell, the guy came up with a fairly extensive list of rules - he includes more than fifty points. One of the rules says - survive alone.

However, he soon had to break his own rules. On the way, he meets a strong, determined and well-armed man named Tallahassee. Now they will travel together. The satellite’s plans are even stranger than that of Columbus - he travels around the country, hoping to find Twinky cakes. Well, in such a company, in any case, more fun and safer than being alone.

But a lot changes when a couple of travelers meet two survivors - the girl Wichita and her little sister Little Rock. How will this meeting affect both groups?

Critics agreed that the film shows how people can remain themselves even in the most inhuman conditions.

"Land of the Dead"

Really gorgeous movie created by George Romero himself in 2005. Continues the plot of his three previous films, released from 1968 to 1985. So, you can not help but include him in the list of films about the zombie apocalypse.

Land of the dead

The future is pretty bleak. The whole world belongs to zombies. Only a few large living enclaves are fighting for existence. One of them is the city of Pittsburgh in the state of Pennsylvania. It has reliable walls and military patrols on the one hand, and on the other hand is protected by a river, from which zombies try to stay away.

In the city it is easy to notice the inequality - rich people live in a chic skyscraper and enjoy all the benefits, as the elite should. And most of the population huddles in shacks. But can such a shaky balance last long? Especially if you bring such an unknown change into it as a crowd of hungry zombies?

Critics noted the existence of social stratification that even the zombie apocalypse survived and continues to flourish in a society that almost completely destroyed humanity.


This is where our list of zombie movies comes to an end. In it, we tried to select the best pictures, among which even the most picky viewers will find those that they like.

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