It is clear that in order for the stomach to be flat and the body to be taut, you need to at least pump up the press and do a number of exercises. Therefore, many go to gyms and spend a lot of money on an impressive number of different simulators. It is believed that it is active training that can bring a really worthwhile result.
Surprisingly, sometimes static exercises give a greater effect, and the "Planck" serves as proof of this. But which muscles are affected by the Planck exercise? How to do it and what types exist?
What is this way of training?
“Plank” is an excellent exercise that has an active effect on the abdominal muscles, strengthens the shoulder girdle and tightens the buttocks. It allows you to significantly increase muscle endurance and make the silhouette more attractive. If you perform the exercise correctly and regularly, you can quickly achieve the result.
For many, the origin of the exercise is a revelation. But often different variations of the bar are used in yoga and Pilates. Some wellness practices at their core also contain the Planck. But for whom is she suitable?
Tightens your stomach?
It is customary that for an ideal tummy, dynamic exercises are necessary. Among them, various twisting, lifting the body and legs. But if you look at the essence, then the key to an ideal press is maintaining posture and tightening the body.
The press does not have to be pumped. The abdominal muscles can simply be tightened, and they themselves will turn into those same sexy cubes.
During the execution of the "Planck" calories do not particularly burn. However, during the classical exercises for the press, this also practically does not happen. Therefore, in order to get rid of body fat, use fat-burning workouts, but to give the stomach a beautiful shape, you can use different types of "Planck". Exercise this will help with respect to the sides.
How much to stand in the bar
As with any other exercise, performing the "Planck", you need to monitor the breathing and technique. Sharp movements and jerks must not be allowed.
Those who download applications with a timer to facilitate the implementation of the exercise "Planck" for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, often do not quite understand how to use them. Perform the exercise in several approaches.
The timer available in applications is usually configured for one approach. What does that mean? If you want the Planck to bring you a really worthwhile result, you need to use the same timer two to three times. Rest between sets is usually 15-20 seconds. This time is enough to relieve stress and even out breathing.
As for the approach itself, it is necessary that it be at least 20 seconds. This time is used in an exercise for beginners. The Planck is an exercise that always needs to be modernized. Therefore, the time must be increased daily by at least 5 seconds.
If you follow these principles, it is believed that in a month the result will be noticeable. Moreover, in "Planck" you can stand much more than the initial 20 seconds. Over time, it will be possible to stand in the Planck for at least 5 minutes.
The basis of any exercise is breathing. If it is incorrect, the result is not achieved so quickly, and standing in the Planck for a long time is simply impossible. But this is not the main thing. Improper breathing seriously injures the body.
Inhalation and exhalation should be done dynamically. At rest, a person makes them an average of about 12 times in 60 seconds. This is enough to enrich the body with oxygen. When the body experiences stress in the form of a load, it needs more air.
It is believed that the most difficult to monitor breathing after the first 20 seconds. You need to exhale air at the most difficult moment.
Although this type of training is very attractive, it has a number of contraindications that need to be considered. So, the exercise "Planck" for women and men is unacceptable in several cases:
- Ligament and tendon injuries.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Injuries to the spine and intervertebral discs (the Planck is especially dangerous for those who have a hernia).
- The postoperative period.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Inflammatory processes in the body.
- High blood pressure.
- Problems with the cardiovascular system.
- Recent cesarean section.
Pregnancy and menstruation are two cases that require special care, and even better - consultation with a specialist.
Classical "Planck" on the elbows
Some people call this exercise the Board. And such a name fully describes the essence of the exercise. In order to do it right, lie on your stomach on the floor. This is the starting position.
Now fix your shoulders and bend your elbows. A feeling should appear, as if the body was compressed, and the chest came forward. You need to do this so that your shoulders become completely perpendicular to the floor, and the rest of your body is like a string on a guitar - smooth and tense. Head down.
No body part should sag when performing this type of Planck exercise. And all the muscles must be tense. Otherwise, exercise brings much less benefit.
As for the legs, it is important to ensure that the feet are closed. The buttocks strained at the same time will help to increase pressure on the press and accelerate the appearance of the obvious result.
Some people forget not only to keep a straight lower back, but also to retract their stomach. It is curious that the latter should be done not only during the execution of the Planck. Many trainers note that constant retraction of the abdomen accustoms the muscles to stay in that position.
If we talk about time, then it does not play the most important role. The main thing in the bar is the technique. Trying to survive the classic two minutes is necessary only if your body is accustomed to stand exactly with the rules.
The weight should be distributed so that it is focused on the socks and elbows. Begin to become in the "Planck" you need with the tension of the muscles of the press and buttocks. The tailbone should always aim back.
"Plank" on fastened hands
This is ideal for beginners. Those who decide to use the Planck exercise to lose weight on their abdomen and sides can try doing it for the first weeks.
The difference between this and the above exercises is only in the position of the hands. If earlier the parts of the hand from the elbow to the hand should have been parallel to each other, now it’s worth bringing them together. The tailbone should look strictly back. The head, as before, should be lowered down in front of you.
Side "Planck" on the elbow
This type of Planck exercise has proven to be a great way to tighten your sides and stomach. The hips at the same time also become noticeably slimmer and fit. But to carry out a lateral “Planck” is contraindicated for beginners. Why?
Before you perform the “Plank” exercise on your side, you need to get the muscles that will allow you to do it without harming the body. This can be done by performing a classic exercise for a month.
As for the lateral "Planck", for its correct implementation it is necessary to lean on a hand bent at the elbow. Feet either put one in front of the other, or put one on top. In order to become in the "Planck" and not fall, use the muscles of the press.
The hardest part of this Planck exercise is controlling your buttocks. They take the body back, and the balance disappears. And this despite the fact that raising the body to the side bar and lowering it must be slowly and smoothly.
Let's complicate the task - a lateral "Planck" on an outstretched arm
This is an even more complicated exercise. All weight should be evenly distributed in the palm of your hand. Many say that this exercise is intended for men.
In order to take the right position, you must first put your feet. Here, as in the variant on the elbow, there are two options - to place them one on the other or next to each other. Now lean on your elbow and only then rise on the palm of your hand. Some complicate the task and raise their second hand up.
Two points
If it seemed to you that the Planck exercise for weight loss of a stomach and sides described above is difficult, then you are mistaken. Here is a really difficult option - a side “Planck” on one arm and leg. Like this?
The second arm and leg raised up will allow the body to achieve maximum tension. Moreover, the middle gluteus maximus, the outer thigh will be worked out in this way. Is it worth mentioning the inside and outside of the abdomen?
"Planck" on the contrary
If we talk about other really complex static exercises, then you can not remain silent about the "Reverse Bar". Keeping the body in this position is very difficult, but most effective.
The starting position is to take your hands back and lean on them, sitting on your buttocks. The legs should be extended in front of you.
Now you need to lift the buttocks, transferring body weight to the hands. The body should become even and tense, like a string. The neck cannot be strained, but it must remain straight. Therefore, it is necessary to control so that the gaze is directed upwards.
The "back bar" tightens the calves and buttocks well. For the exercise to bear fruit, make sure that the hands are strictly under the shoulders, and the socks are always elongated, like a ballerina.
Pivot points reduction
The unconditional benefit of the Planck exercise is its versatility. So, if you raise one leg on your elbows during the Planck, you can increase the tension of the oblique muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and back. Alternately changing the legs, you can make the waist thinner, and the butt - tightened.
Interestingly, the leg can not only be lifted up. It can be taken to the side. It is believed that this is one of the few exercises that can tighten the inner side of the thigh.
Hands are raised or removed. Some even take small dumbbells or bottles filled with water or sand. Not only the appearance of the legs and abdomen, but also how much the chest will tighten depends on how much the Planck exercise is done with the abduction of the arm.
Non-Static Plank
When we talked about how to do the Planck exercise correctly, the emphasis was on the static and tension of the body. But this was more likely for beginners. Those who have long been following the figure and playing sports can diversify their "Planck":
- Pulling the knees diagonally. The muscles of the legs, buttocks, side press are pumped.
- Jumping in the "Planck" on outstretched arms. In this exercise, legs need to be reduced, then with a jump to breed. A great way to work out the abdominal muscles.
- Circular movements of the foot in the air. Tighten the gluteal muscles.
- Leaving the legs in the opposite direction. It will work the muscles of the legs.
These exercises will be influenced by physical fitness.
Two-minute exercise complexes
All types of Planck exercises in this complex are designed for beginners. The most important thing in it is to withstand in one or another bar two minutes a day.
For beginners, it is recommended to divide the bar into two runs - morning and evening. First you need to stand a minute in the classic "Planck" on the elbows. You do not need to do this daily. Better to alternate - a day of rest and a day of training. Over time, it’s better to complicate the exercises, trying to become a different type of “Planck”.
For five minutes
All Planck exercises for men are the same as for women. The main thing is to control the load. For example, the most popular set of exercises for five minutes is:
- One minute in the classic Planck with outstretched arms.
- 30 seconds - on the elbows.
- For 30 seconds in the "Planck" with a raised leg on each side.
- Again for 30 seconds, but already on the side “Planck” with the establishment of a free hand behind his head.
- 30 seconds of the classic "Planck" on outstretched arms.
- One minute on the elbows.
Training time can be adjusted depending on your capabilities.
Complex for ten minutes
If you want to diversify your sporting life, the answer to the question of how much to do the Planck exercise is simple - 10 minutes. But what types of exercises to use?
It is believed that five favorite variations are chosen. Here is a simple workout example:
- 2 minutes on straight arms.
- 1 minute on the elbows.
- 1 minute with a raised leg on each side.
- 1 minute rest.
- 2 minutes lateral "Planck".
- 1 minute with a raised hand on each side.
To simplify the task, you can download the application with a timer and training options. By the way, there is usually a schedule for the whole month.
Thus, the usefulness of the Planck exercise is confirmed not only by a large number of different variations, but also by photographs of those who have already tried this technique on themselves. If you are still not sure that this really works, try to get into the Planck for at least half a minute.