OFP what is it and what is it for.

Exercising is always beneficial for a person. Especially if you deal wisely, correctly distribute the load, draw up an accurate schedule. OFP is also important. What is it - consider in more detail.


It is immediately necessary to decide whether you decided to play sports seriously or only to keep fit. All your further workloads will depend on this. So, if you choose the first option, you can almost forget about work or study. You will have to devote all efforts to training, systematically increasing loads and conducting physical fitness. What does this mean? From now on, your time will be occupied by sports and physical activities. It is recommended to train 2 times a day, not forgetting about small workouts. So, in the morning you can do a run and a set of stretching exercises. In the first half of the day it will be necessary to conduct the main training, then a hitch. After 4-5 hours, you can re-exercise, but with a reduced load.

ofp what is it

Making yourself stronger

Even if you decide to just keep fit, you will need to deal with physical fitness. Exercises that will make the muscles more elastic, stronger, train endurance and strength. General physical fitness, despite the name, is not at all something superficial. The thing is that the exercises are aimed at the uniform development of all muscle groups and physical qualities, but for each sport they will be slightly different. You can tell a lot about the benefits of physical fitness: that it strengthens your body, allows you to achieve certain successes. We will conditionally divide all the exercises into three groups, which we will talk about.


Almost all athletes (and not only them) need to train muscle strength. This allows them to be more effective. There are several exercises that train this characteristic in the framework of general physical fitness. Standards vary by age, gender, and even rank. There are 3 main exercises. For boys, this is a pull-up on a high crossbar, push-ups from the floor and from the bars. There are many ways to carry out these exercises for the development of different muscle complexes. So, you can be pulled back and forward grip, as well as raising the legs. The average standard excluding age and discharge: pull-ups - 6-9 times, bench press - 20-25 times, bench press - 3-7 times. For girls, the exercises change slightly, so they need to perform a bench press on a low bar with an emphasis on the legs, as well as the most common push-ups. The standards are as follows - bench press on a low bar 10 to 15 times, push-ups from the floor 10 to 15 times. The range of exercises for both sexes also includes a press, a standard for boys from 40 times per minute, for girls - from 30.

offp standards


The best endurance exercise is sometimes carried out in separate training sessions, not including in the general physical fitness area. What is it, you all know perfectly well - running. The distance for boys is from 2 to 3 km, for girls - 1 km. This race will be quite enough if you spend it daily. But endurance also increases with any other physical exertion, if performed in a complex and separate way. For example, instead of the usual push-ups from the floor, do 3 sets of 20 times with a break of half a minute. Such training will certainly make the arm muscles much more resilient.


ofp exercises

Also an important characteristic of your body, which is an integral part of the general physical fitness. What is it - everyone probably knows, but how to train it? Of course, the best would be a systematic race with several approaches to a distance of 100 m. Acceleration must be worked out several times. If you want to achieve more significant results, it is better to accelerate, climbing a small hill, or in the area where you will inevitably run up the hill. The standard of running for a 100-meter distance has been known to many since school: for boys - no more than 15 s, for girls - no more than 17 s.

Once again, we note that all the standards given here are general, without taking into account age and achievements in sports.

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