Eyes can swell for various reasons. It could be:
- manifestation of allergies;
- a consequence of a cold or general viral disease;
- symptom of eye disease ;
- a consequence of the large amount of fluid drunk the day before.
The choice of method for eliminating edema depends on the cause that caused it. In any case, a visit to the doctor is desirable: only he can correctly determine the cause and prescribe a course of treatment. And before going to the clinic, you can try to remove the tumor using simple means. The most effective of them in most cases is massage.
How to remove swelling from the eyes with massage?
The easiest and most effective way is a morning and evening massage. On a pre-cleaned skin around the eyes, apply a cream (preferably with decongestants). Then do the massage:
- We place our fingers on the eyelids: index on the outer corner of the eye, nameless on the inner, middle - in the middle. With light movements we make several circles (10-15). At the same time, the fingers gently hold the eyelids, which seem to “roll” over the eyeball.
- Starting from the outside of the eyes, we use the ring fingers to massage the eye muscles. To do this, set them to the outer corner and with gentle movements, moving along the lower edge of the eye cavity, stretch the muscles. Similarly, knead the upper arch of the eye cavity.
- With ring fingers several times (10-15) we press slightly at the inner corners of the eyes. You can move your fingers a little while massaging adjacent tissues.
Morning puffiness can be removed by doing these techniques several times. But remember to avoid pain. The pressure is light, the movements are smooth. And yet: in the presence of eye diseases, massage can be carried out only after obtaining the permission of the attending physician.
How to remove swelling from the eyes with herbs?
Good remove swelling infusions of herbs. For these purposes, you can use mint, sage, chamomile, etc. Pour grass (about a tablespoon fresh or dry) with a glass of boiling water, let stand for a quarter of an hour. Drain, in a warm infusion, moisten a cotton pad, put on eyes for a few minutes.
How to remove a tumor from the eyes with cucumber and potatoes?
In some cases, the usual “inhabitants” of the kitchen are very effective: potatoes and cucumbers. They need to be cut into very thin circles and put on forever. You can make a mask: grate potatoes on the smallest grater, mix with crushed parsley. The resulting slurry is put on forever. Juice - potato and cucumber will also help reduce eye swelling. In freshly squeezed juice, moisten cotton pads, put on eyes. Each of these procedures takes 20-30 minutes. You can combine them or choose one that is most effective for you.
How to quickly remove the swelling from the eyes?
The fastest way to reduce swelling is to wipe with ice. It requires some preparation. For this, mineral water or decoctions of herbs are poured into molds and frozen. When edema appears, the eyelids are wiped with ice.
We hope you understand how to remove the tumor from the eyes. But if this problem is persistent, expert advice is advisable. Often, eye swelling is just a sign of more serious problems.