For women who devote a lot of time to self-care and monitor skin conditions, it is no secret that benefits can be found in everything that is nearby. Vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, berries, cereals, vegetable oils, honey and many other products that are usually found in every home can be an excellent basis for creating cosmetics. And from some you can even create decorative cosmetics with your own hands. And the prepared formulations will not just replace the funds from the pharmacy or the store - they will become its full, better and natural alternative. After all, the chemical composition of the products used will give the epidermis everything that is needed, and even more.
One of the popular products for making homemade masks is coffee. Natural powder is used or grains are bought, which are subsequently ground. A mask made of coffee for the face is very useful and is able to significantly transform the skin in a short period of time.
The healing composition of the product and its positive properties
Coffee, namely the ground coffee left after drinking a natural drink, has a very rich composition, which gives it healing properties. This product contains such important components:
- Antioxidants. They are very important for the whole body, as they protect against adverse environmental factors, and also to some extent hamper the development of cancer. Antioxidants do an excellent job of aging, reversing the aging process.
- Carotenoids. These substances are able to rid the skin of rashes of various etiologies, including acne. They refresh the complexion, restoring the skin's natural tone.
- Polyphenols Like antioxidants, these substances slow down the aging process. Polyphenols return skin elasticity, firmness, and also give ready-made face masks made of coffee with a lifting effect.
- Chlorogenic acid. It is also similar in action to antioxidants, as it helps protect cells from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals.
In addition, caffeine contains vitamins and various elements. For example, nicotinic acid (PP) and riboflavin (B2), as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus. The list goes on and on, because the chemical composition of the product is actually very rich. Thanks to them, the following effect can be expected from ready-made masks:
- skin toning;
- stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin by the skin cells and, as a result, smoothing of wrinkles;
- even tone of the face;
- hydration and nutrition;
- reduced likelihood of developing skin cancer;
- rejuvenation;
- protection against negative environmental effects;
- purification and restoration (regeneration);
- improvement of blood microcirculation.
If you regularly use face masks made of coffee for the face, after a few procedures a positive effect will be noticeable. Not for nothing that this product is widely used in official cosmetology. But why spend money on salon treatments, if you can make an excellent tool at home ?!
Also, the regular use of such formulations will help to get rid of all existing problems and those that may arise in the future. In other words, the use of coffee as the basis for home masks at a young age will help preserve the beauty of the dermis for a long time.
The compositions that will be described below are suitable for different skin types. They will help to cope with many problems if you combine the main product with other ingredients.
Negative effects of face coffee masks
An allergic reaction may occur. And it can be not only because of coffee - it is important to monitor other components in the mask. If one of them is allergic, you should exclude it or choose another recipe.
Caution should be used for sensitive skin. Its use is excluded in the presence of serious pathologies of the skin, open wounds and signs of inflammation of unknown etiology.
Useful Tips
A few important notes to help you make masks:
- Used roasted black coffee finely ground, natural, without impurities such as flavors and harmful chemicals.
- To prepare face masks with coffee at home, in no case should you use instant coffee.
- The coffee grounds should be cold, that is, you should not make a mask out of it immediately after the drink has been drunk.
- An allergy test is recommended first.
- Masks are applied to pre-cleansed skin.
- If the dermis is sensitive, a coffee-based cosmetic product is used no more than once a week.
- It is advisable to steam the face before applying the mask so that the pores are open.
- It is important to choose the composition of the mask depending on the type of skin. For example, with increased fat content, the use of oils is not a very good option, as is lemon juice with excessive dryness.
- The average duration of the mask is 10-25 minutes.
- The frequency of use of the compounds is 2-3 times a week.
Anti-aging mask with face coffee at home
In combination with other components in the composition, this tool will quickly achieve the desired effect. Most often, eggs and honey are also added to rejuvenation masks. The finished mass promotes a facelift, makes the oval more expressive, whitens and relieves inflammation. Cooking method:
- In a bowl, mix the coffee grounds and honey in equal proportions.
- Shuffle the components.
- Beat the egg in a separate cup until foamy.
- Mix all products together until smooth.
- Steam the skin or do self-massage to increase the flow of blood to the surface of the dermis.
- Apply the composition, rinse after 10-15 minutes.
It is recommended to use the mask twice a week.
If there is no time for independent preparation of such a composition, you can try the rejuvenating face mask "Silk Coffee" from Organic Shop. This is a natural cosmetic product from which you can expect at least a good result.
Mask for cleansing and regeneration
The composition is most suitable for the fatty type. If the skin is dry, you should be careful, as a large amount of drying substances can adversely affect the state of the dermis. In an extreme case, you can add some vegetable oil, for example, jojoba, grape seed, peach or olive.
A mask for cleansing the skin and starting the regeneration process is prepared from the following products:
- 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
- chopped zest of one orange;
- 1 teaspoon of cosmetic clay (blue, green or black);
- 5 drops of apple cider vinegar;
- purified water.
How to make a face mask from coffee? It is necessary to put all the ingredients in a dish (not metal), mix, and then dilute the composition with water so that a mass suitable for use is obtained. It should not be liquid or too thick to be conveniently applied to the face.
A nourishing, moisturizing and protective coffee mask
This composition, on the contrary, is better suited for thin and dry skin. The mask will perfectly nourish, protect and restore the vitality of the dermis in the autumn-winter period. With this tool, you can get rid of the negative effects of exposure to strong cold winds, frost and high humidity. The main components of this face mask are coffee, sour cream and olive oil. They are mixed in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, respectively. After cooking, the mask must be immediately applied to the face. To make it more convenient to use the composition, you can apply it with a cotton pad.
A mask that helps get rid of wrinkles and signs of wilting
We present two compounds that are best suited to solve such problems. It is believed that rye flour helps to get rid of wrinkles. It (in the amount of 1 tablespoon) must be diluted with strongly brewed, already cooled coffee so that a thick mass is obtained. Then an egg yolk is added to the container, everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin.
A particularly good effect for aging skin can be achieved by applying a face mask with coffee and honey. It is prepared very simply:
- 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds;
- 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream.
Mix all ingredients until smooth. This composition nourishes, moisturizes, restores the skin's natural tone and improves elasticity. Thanks to this, the dermis becomes more toned and radiant.
Coffee mask for oily skin
For this type, you need a composition that will contribute to the drying, cleansing and narrowing of the pores. Therefore, to prepare the mask, it is recommended to mix in equal proportions low fat cottage cheese and coffee grounds. The healing effect is achieved in 25 minutes. If there is no cottage cheese at home, you can replace it with citrus juice, kefir or other sour-milk products. Even such a simple mask will be invaluable in regulating the production of sebum.
Mask for all skin types
There is a very simple recipe that will suit absolutely everyone. This is a face mask with coffee and honey that helps moisturize, nourish, even out skin tone and relieve inflammation. In general, it gives all those positive qualities about which quite a lot has been written above. The mask is prepared very simply - the two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, after which the mass is applied to the face. Depending on personal wishes and skin characteristics, other ingredients can be added. For example, oatmeal, powdered in a coffee grinder. This is also a very useful product that has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. After applying the masks using oatmeal, the dermis becomes younger and more beautiful every time, it looks rested. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to use it every other day. It is enough to take a teaspoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey and coffee.
Coffee nourishing mask for dry skin
It is best to use oils as additional components for this type. For example, you can make a mask of ground coffee for the face with cocoa bean extract and regular cream. Suitable tool that is used for daily care, or baby cosmetics. You need to grind 10 coffee beans, pour the powder into a bowl, add 4 teaspoons of cocoa butter and 1 tablespoon of cream to it. Mix the mixture and apply to the face, evenly distributing with a thin layer. This mask can even be applied to the area around the eyes and lips to give nourishment to every part of the face.
Peeling mask
Scrubs cannot be used if there is damage to the skin. It is not recommended to use them too often - a maximum of 2 times a week. And after the procedure, you need to soften the skin with cream.
A face scrub mask made from coffee is easy to prepare. For all skin types, a composition in which thick and cottage cheese are mixed in equal proportions is suitable. The mass must be applied to the skin with massaging movements for a minute. After that, leave the mask for another 10 minutes, and then rinse.
For the fatty type, a mixture of natural yogurt and coffee, which, as in the previous recipe, are mixed in half, is perfect. The principle of use is the same. And if the skin is dry, the yogurt is replaced with sour cream. It should be taken in equal parts with coffee grounds (1 tablespoon each), then add the crushed oatmeal to the mixture in about the same amount or more.
Reviews on the effectiveness of coffee masks
The use of thickening in home cosmetology can not but like, nor can it be ineffective. Reading reviews of masks with coffee for the face, it immediately becomes clear that this product is unique in its properties and speed of action. Sometimes one application is enough to notice significant improvements in the condition of the skin. Moreover, such procedures are pleasant not only for the face, but also for the soul. Perhaps the magical smell of coffee promotes relaxation, acting like aromatherapy.