Longboard: how to choose? How to ride a longboard?

A few years ago, only a few knew about longboards in our country. But today, perhaps, almost everyone saw these “long skateboards”: young people ride them on the streets, they appear in commercials on television. In this regard, we suggest today to learn about what a longboard is, how to choose it and how to learn to ride it.

longboard how to choose

The story of the appearance and differences of the “long skateboard”

For the first time, longboards became known in the 60s of the last century. Interestingly, they appeared earlier than the skateboards we knew from childhood. By the way, these shells have significant differences among themselves. They differ not only in the width of the suspension, but also in the features of the deck, size and wheelbase. In addition, the technique of skiing on a longboard is completely different than on a standard skateboard.

So, skateboards are intended for use in the city and in specially constructed parks. Riding them is an aggressive stunt. Skateboarders can do a variety of slides on parapets, sides and rails, jump, performing various combinations of rotation of both the rider and the board. Longboarding can be compared with surfing, but not on waves and water, but on ordinary asphalt. Therefore, its dynamics and technique are not much different from surfing. How to ride a longboard? You can use this projectile in skateparks, or you can race on it in a straight city street, overtaking not only pedestrians and cyclists, but also cars. In addition, the longboard makes it possible to write clear arcs of carving, only for this there is no need to go to the mountains, as in the case of a snowboard. The projectile can be placed on the rear or front wheels, perform cross-steps, ride slalom. Longboard allows you to reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour and make extreme downhill slopes. At the same time, thanks to the special design of the projectile, it moves gently, which allows the rider not to feel the small roughness of the asphalt.

penny longboard

Longboard: how to choose? Tips for beginners

If you are interested in this unique projectile and decide to try your hand at riding it, then you should not headlong run to the store and buy the first board you get. In order to make the right choice, thereby saving both your time and your money, check out some of the recommendations of specialists on this topic. So, you decided to buy a longboard. How to choose the most suitable board for you?

Determine the style and form

First of all, you must answer your question about how and where you plan to use the longboard. After all, each style of riding implies the presence of a certain type of board. So, we offer to understand the varieties of longboards and find out why each of them is used.

longboard dusters


The vast majority of manufacturers of this type of boards do exactly cruisers (for example, longboards Dusters). They are ideal for comfortable driving around the city. The wheels of these longs are soft or medium hard, and also have a larger width than other types of boards. It is safe to say that the cruiser will be the perfect option for a beginner.


A board with such a cute name is a shorter version of the cruiser and in most cases is equipped with a kicktail. Shells of this type are also produced by many world famous manufacturers (for example, Penny). This type of longboard is very compact and maneuverable, but it is less stable (in other words, it is easier to fall off such a board). This must be borne in mind by beginners who do not have experience in skiing. Beginners can recommend a medium-sized fish. It will be very convenient and manageable in an urban environment, and also quite stable.

longboard photo

Downhill Longboards

These boards are characterized by the presence of a rigid deck and strong lateral bending (concave). Quite often, the deck is made low relative to the pendants. Pendants have a small angle of rotation. Downhill longboards, as a rule, have an impressive weight, which gives them stability and stability when driving at high speed. Also, boards of this type are great for traveling long distances.

Freeride Longboards

Boards of this type are very similar to longs designed for downhill. However, they allow the rider to perform such an integral element of freeride as slide, that is, sliding, controlled skidding on the road.

like Katya on a longboard

Freestyle Longboards

Boards of this type have a symmetrical shape, they are with bent tails and noses (kicktails) and a coarser skin. In shape, they can resemble skateboards, but the feeling of riding here is completely different. The most famous companies producing such boards are Loaded and Sector9.

So, you have decided on the style of skiing and figured out what type you need a longboard. How to choose the right shoes for buying boards?

Shopping trip

When shopping for a longboard, be sure to put on the right shoes. After all, you will need not only to choose a board that you like, but also to try it at least a little (as a rule, most shops provide this opportunity). And to do this, being shod in narrow leather shoes or stiletto sandals, is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, to buy a long should go exclusively in sneakers or at worst sneakers. This will help you feel the projectile and decide whether you like it, whether it is good to listen to, etc.

Material selection

As a rule, beginners are wondering whether to choose a board made of plastic or wood. So, if you plan to move around the city, then the most optimal will be a plastic long. It is more durable than wood, and is not afraid of water. However, you still should not get involved in driving through puddles, as this will ruin the bearings. Wooden longboard (photos are presented in the article) is lighter and, as a rule, comes immediately with the skin. In the case of plastic, if you want to feel more control, the skin will have to be bought separately.

We hope that our tips will help you choose the right longboard for you and enjoy riding this amazing and unique board.

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