Face lotions at home: recipes, application

Facial skin care always consists of using good creams and masks. However, to maintain good condition of the face and neck, it is necessary to regularly clean the skin and refresh it. For this, special tools are designed that carefully remove impurities, remove fat and contribute to the narrowing of pores. In addition to those sold in stores, they prepare face lotions at home. Some of them will even help get rid of blackheads, refresh fading skin and give it more elasticity.

face lotions at home

Home Facial Lotions

There are different types of these tools. Some of them are more aimed at cleansing the skin, others serve to disinfect, others refresh the face and so on. In the morning, their use will help get rid of irritation, swelling and bruising. Lotion with a matting effect, slightly tones the skin. With him, the face will always be clean, and the work of the sebaceous glands will return to normal.

Before you learn how to make a lotion, consider their types in composition and purpose.
Most often, alcohol-based products are used. They effectively fight acne. This composition is especially recommended for owners of oily skin. After it is advisable to apply a moisturizer.

Alkaline types are also suitable for oily skin. They quickly eliminate acne and inflammation.

The most harmless are water lotions suitable for any type of skin. They can be used four and five times a day.

home cosmetics
Sour funds are also universal. If the composition includes lactic or citric acid, then they help lighten the skin, narrow pores, increase blood flow. However, these types of lotions cannot be called the most effective in terms of cleansing. Therefore, the best use of such products is after washing and cleaning procedures.

Oily skin type

For most home remedies, use the components that are at hand. But you should consider your skin type. For oily skin, it is mandatory to use face lotions in the mornings and evenings. At home, it is quite acceptable to cook a decent option. Here are some recipes.

In a small glass jar, pour a teaspoon of vinegar, 50 g of cologne and add a tablespoon of honey. The contents are poured into a glass of water and mixed. Shake before application.

on grass

Another composition, perfect for oily skin, is prepared from cucumber juice, white cabbage and lemon. It is ready for use immediately after preparation.

Take an orange and grate it directly with the skin, add ¾ cup of vodka and mix with an orange, adding a tablespoon of honey. The tool is insisted for at least two weeks, after which it becomes the most effective.

Easy recipe consists of only bay leaf. A few leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist for several hours and use.

Cranberry juice diluted half with water has an excellent pore-tightening effect.

Dry type

Other products are suitable for this skin type.

For example, you can take birch sap and hold on fire. Bringing to a boil, turn off the burner, add a teaspoon of honey. After mixing and cooling, the finished skin lotion can be applied to the face.

Peach juice has a good effect, which is mixed with the yolk of the egg and a small spoonful of cream is added.

Another great skin remedy is melon juice mixed with milk.

Linden flowers have an unrivaled effect on dry skin . A tablespoon is poured with 200 milliliters of hot water, a small spoonful of honey is added and mixed.

facial skin care at home

Problem type

In adolescence, acne often pops up on the face, which is the cause of the development of the inferiority complex in boys and girls. But they can and should be fought. If this is not done, then the problems may remain and even worsen at a more conscious age. There are beauty recipes for this type of skin, many of which are based on herbs.

Celandine has a disinfecting effect, perfectly cleansing the skin. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of grass, chop it, pour 400 milliliters of boiling water and leave for several hours to infuse. After this, the remedy on herbs is considered ready.

Also, rose petals will cope with problem skin, one part of which is mixed with two parts of apple cider vinegar and insisted in a closed glass jar for three days.

Normal type

Owners of healthy skin can boast of it to everyone. But for her, careful care is equally important to maintain a beautiful and well-groomed condition. Home cosmetics, as with other skin types, really helps with this.

If you have time and patience, then you can prepare, for example, strawberries, mixing them with two parts of vodka. The lotion is insisted for a month in a dark, cool place, after which it is filtered and left for another half a month.

Instant lotion is made from strawberries. Squeeze a glass of juice, add a little salt and alcohol or vodka. After mixing all the ingredients, add another quarter glass of milk.

Combined type

If the skin on the cheeks is normal, and even more dry, while on the forehead, nose and chin, for example, is oily, then it requires special care. Universal funds should be selected so that, on the one hand, the skin does not dry out, and on the other hand, it does not make it even more oily. In this case, the following face lotions are recommended - at home they are easy to prepare.

A bunch of parsley is crushed, brought to a boil in a glass of water and boiled for a quarter hour. Then add a small spoonful of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Take a tablespoon of dry mint, chopped and boiled in a glass of water for five minutes. After cooling the liquid, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, tincture of calendula (it can be purchased at the pharmacy) and vodka or alcohol.

Withering type

skin lotion
With a lack of moisture on the skin, more and more wrinkles are formed. In the fight against this phenomenon should be used well moisturizing home cosmetics.
This can be apple cider vinegar and olive oil. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1: 1 and wiped with a mixture of the face after washing.

Another lotion is also prepared on the basis of vinegar (a teaspoon), to which 50 grams of cologne is added. The mixture is poured with a glass of water and shaken before application.
Aloe juice is another unique remedy. Juice is squeezed from a freshly cut leaf and applied to the face. Do not worry if you feel a slight tingling sensation. Facial skin care at home using aloe in a short time will make the skin healthy and shiny.

Another unique plant that helps smooth wrinkles and has a refreshing effect is rosemary. Take a tablespoon of chopped herbs and mix with a glass of vodka or wine. The tool should be infused for a month and a half. Before use, it should be shaken.

how to make lotion

Application Rules

In addition to cooking, facial skin care at home involves proper application. To do this, moisten a cotton pad and wipe the face. Be sure to adhere to massage lines, where the skin is stretched the least. After one time, the lotion is reapplied and done until the skin is completely cleansed. Usually it is used twice a day. But if a girl stays at home more time, then you can use it five times a day or more.

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