Oleg Vidov. The biography of an outstanding person

Oleg Vidov, whose biography will be considered below, is not only a talented actor. Soviet spectators recognized him as one of the most handsome men on the screen. Today, he bears the title of a real sex symbol of Soviet cinema.

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Actor Oleg Vidov. Biography. Childhood

Born 06/11/1943 in the Moscow region (the city of Vidnoe). He grew up in an intelligent family. Barbara's mother worked as a teacher, and father Boris was an economist. In childhood, Vidov had to change his place of residence more than once. The family moved from the USSR to Mongolia, from Mongolia to Germany.

Regardless of the place of residence, from early childhood, Oleg devoted most of his free time to listening to classical music, reading books and watching movies. Even then, he dreamed of connecting his life with art.

Oleg Vidov. Biography. Youth

After the young man received a school certificate, he decided to get a job, becoming an electrician. At one time he worked on the construction of the Ostankino tower.

And in 1960, something happened that determined his future fate and career. Oleg Vidov played a small role in the film "My Friend, Kolka!" Then he finally realized that he wanted to become an actor. However, he entered the VGIK only two years later.

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During his studies, he also managed to appear in some films. For example, in the 2nd year, Vidov starred in two classic film adaptations: Snowstorm and Ordinary Miracle. Then the novice actor got the main roles. And so successfully he played them, that very soon (a little less than a year later) the director Ptushko invited him to play in β€œThe Tale of Tsar Saltan”. Oleg Vidov reincarnated this time as Prince Gvidon. This film was the beginning of his great cinematic journey. The actor fell in love with both the audience and the directors.

Oleg Vidov. Biography. Career heyday

In 1966, Vidova was noticed by Danish director G. Axel. He was looking for a blonde actor for the role of Hagbard (Scandinavian version of Romeo). Not approving several hundred applicants, Axel approved Vidov for the main role after the first film screenings. When the film "The Red Robe" began to be shown in films, the Soviet actor became famous throughout the world.

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After that, Oleg Vidov began to act a lot not only in domestic films, but also in foreign ones, mainly in Yugoslav ones. And in 1971, the actors claim the main role in the film "Headless Horseman". It is on this tape that many people know and love Oleg Vidov.

After 2 years, the man decides himself in a new hypostasis and enters VGIK again, but already in the directing department. After that, Oleg Vidov, whose biography is very curious, was shot less and less. "Tops" were unhappy with his collaboration with foreign directors. In the early 80s, the actor, miraculously received a ticket to Yugoslavia, went there, then to move to Austria. A friend helped him, and Vidov secretly, without any documents, managed to cross the border. After that, he went to Italy, and then to the USA. There he continued his acting career, and also took place as a director.

Since then, he lives in America with his family, and comes to Russia very rarely.

Vidov Oleg Borisovich is married for the second time. The first wife is Natalya Fedorova. The second is Joan Borsten. He also has two sons - Vyacheslav and Sergey.

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