The drug "Cosilon" for hair: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

The problem of hair loss often overtakes us at the most inopportune moment. Most often this happens after 30 years. However, heredity, the presence of concomitant diseases and, of course, hormonal failure play a large role in this. The good news is that you can and should fight this process. And one of the remedies is the "Kosilon" for hair. Reviews about this drug and how to use it, we will describe further.

hair kosilon reviews

General information about the drug

The drug, also known as minoxidil, is a solution of a pale yellow or yellow-orange color. Its active substance is minoxidil, and auxiliary substances are ethanol, propylene glycol and purified water. It is intended as a therapeutic and restorative remedy for hair thinning and baldness on the head.

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Why exactly minoxidil?

When looking for remedies that stimulate regeneration ("Kosilon" - one of the options for combating baldness) of damaged areas of the head, many pay attention to minoxidil. What is the reason for its popularity? And the whole point is that this tool has a vasodilator and antihypertensive effect. On the one hand, it stops and slows down the loss of precious curls, and on the other, it affects the growth of new hairs.

It is noteworthy that initially minoxidil was tested as a remedy for the treatment of stomach ulcers. According to the results of tests conducted in 1950 by Upjohn, it was possible to find out that the synthesized substance is not at all suitable for getting rid of peptic ulcer.

It contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which is why it was patented as a drug for the treatment of diseases associated with high blood pressure in patients. However, more surprising results were achieved by one of the professors of the University of California, who was also instructed to test the product. Surprisingly, he managed to make an incredible discovery.

It turned out that the tool causes a small side effect in the form of hair growth. And then it occurred to the customer company to create a drug that would be able to further combat baldness in women and men. As a result, “Kosilon” for hair appeared. Reviews, or rather the first opinions of buyers testing this product, were published in the press and reflected in other media. So for the first time they started talking about the drug.

hair kosilon reviews women

Packaging, release form and dosage

The drug is a tool for external use. It is produced in small glass bottles of dark brown color of 60 ml. On top of the bottle with the composition is an aluminum cap with thread. In addition to the bottle “Kosilon” for hair (reviews about this tool can be read in our article) is protected by lightweight cardboard packaging. Inside it is an instruction and a special syringe (without needle) with a volume of 1.5 ml with a scale. In addition to the form of the solution, the product is available in the form of a spray.

What types are there?

According to the idea of ​​the manufacturers, “Cosilon” is 2% and 5%. At the same time, 2%, according to the manufacturer, is intended exclusively for women, and 5% - for men “Kosilon” (instructions, price, reviews about these two forms of funds are almost identical).

However, many users who were able to test the effect of 2% and 5% solution, are sure that this statement is not true. According to them, women can use both options, just like males. Some of them are even sure that 5% of the remedy acts much faster than 2%.

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"Cosilon 5%": instructions for use, price, reviews

Cosilon (2% and 5%) is a drug sold in a network of pharmacies and dispensed without a prescription. But, despite all the availability of the tool, a detailed study of the instructions is necessary before using it. For example, the annotation to the drug says the following:

  • apply twice a day (in the morning and evening hours) on dry and clean hair;
  • apply with a special syringe with a dispenser directly to places affected by baldness;
  • smear a remedy, starting from the center of the affected area and moving in a circle;
  • at the end of the procedure, thoroughly rinse your hands and do not rinse the “Kosilon” for hair (reviews of women who previously used the drug, confirm this) from the head.

It is noteworthy that the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 2 ml. A course of treatment can take 3-4 or more months.

cosilon instruction price reviews

How much is one bottle?

According to the stories of many female users, one bottle of Kosilon for hair (reviews about this drug are most in demand today) can be used within one month. But this is subject to daily two-time application.

How much is the drug?

Depending on the manufacturer, the release form and dosage, Kosilon Hair (reviews of the drug prove its effectiveness) may have different prices. So, some users claim that they were able to purchase a miracle drug for 1000 rubles. Others confidently talk about the amount of 850 rubles. According to the third, the prices in different pharmacies range from 595-2150 rubles.

cosilon 5 instructions for use price reviews

How effective is Cosilon?

Numerous reviews speak about the effectiveness of the drug. According to one of them, the drug had a positive effect on the hair, prevented baldness and improved hair structure. Based on information in others, “Kosilon” for hair (reviews of this type help to evaluate how effective the remedy is) saved from unattractive bald patches in the parting area and temples.

Others talk about their negative experiences with the drug. According to them, they were among those unlucky people who managed to feel in their own skin all the "charms" of contraindications. In particular, many complain of burning, redness and peeling in the treatment area. Some talk about the appearance of itching and the manifestation of allergies in the form of a rash.

There is an opinion that there is no better medicine than Cosilon for hair (reviews). The price of it, however, does not satisfy everyone. According to many statements, the cost of the drug is somewhat overstated. According to their story, there are many cheaper analogues. That's just about their effectiveness, almost nothing has been written. Although some talk about the trial and error method that they managed to encounter before they tried Cosilon. According to them, the tool completely suited them.

Kosilon regeneration stimulating agents

What contraindications exist?

Based on the instructions, "Cosilon" has a number of contraindications. For example, you should not use the drug for the following persons:

  • under the age of 18;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • over the age of 65;
  • with a revealed violation of the integrity of the skin surface (with dermatoses);
  • with the presence of sensitive and allergic prone skin on the head;
  • with individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

Negative points to use

Some users who have begun to use the baldness remedy often experience panic. It is associated with profuse hair loss 2-3 weeks after the first application of Cosilon. However, according to the manufacturer himself, this is quite normal, since during the action of the drug, old and damaged hair is replaced. After a while (after another couple of weeks), new, healthy curls appear in place of the fallen curls.

Among the side effects of the drug, the following can also be noted:

  • the appearance of itching;
  • the occurrence of complications in the form of dermatitis and urticaria;
  • hair growth in the most unexpected places;
  • the occurrence of allergic rhinitis and shortness of breath;
  • the appearance of headache and dizziness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • swelling of the limbs (arms, legs).

Additional directions for use

You can use the drug together with conventional hair care products (shampoos, gels, balms). However, it should be applied to the hair 3-4 hours after taking a shower with a head wash. Before using other styling tools, you must first wait for the complete drying of "Cosilon".

Before using the drug, you should initially undergo a general medical examination, as a result of which the specialist will be able to give you the necessary recommendations. In particular, the doctor will be able to check how healthy the patient’s scalp is.

Since Kosilon is an alcohol-containing drug, it may well cause an inflammatory reaction, for example, if the drug accidentally enters the mucous membranes. If such contact has occurred, rinse immediately with plenty of running water.

In other words, the drug effectively copes with the tasks assigned to it. But he is far from suitable for everyone, and not everyone can buy it. In addition, the long duration of treatment and daily application of many stops at the initial stages of use.

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